PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Readýý OALL A PROFESSION&L The Dlettersen Rug Bug LANDSCAPING Professonal ýCONTRACÇTOR upholstery Cleanlng -Resoddlng s hrubs, 25ears' fie perlce' Iniretalning walis, clealngfinefabicapatios, înterîockîng 9~dIf7,tslffd ricks." 3 SIETER SOFA & CHAIR ...60-00 >728-1319 SaIisftti~w ~- or - Picerlg ~ T1579 -8254 83121 2J~dJ WHIT13YFREEÎÎRÊSS -6&1-6111 A COMPLE CARPNTRYSERVICE ON HOME REPAtRS TRANSMISSION, & DIFFERENTIAL & IMPROVEMENTSDRVLNE METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TII- Ing, Drywell, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks ED CERANOWICZ and-Patio Doors. . PHONE 668-0737 FREE ESTIMATES 132_1BROCK ST. N., CALL668-686 WHITBY, ONTARIO CENTURY RESTORATION & RENG VATION Home Improvement Big or small themr ail. CALL 655-4027 F.-ALAN LAWSONC.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY RECEl VER AND MANAGER lnsolvency Consultlng s -ervices include: Reorganizatian of insaivent businesses inciuding proposais. Assistance ta secured credtors in realization aI coilaterai. Other receivership and trustee services. ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pidduck Rama Dobby T. R. Canden, C.A. - Trustee 221 KIng Shreet East Oshawa, Ontarlo Telephone (416) 4332186 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, aId guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, cracks, ail paint- ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA 725-9783 435 George Sreet Norh Peterborough, Ontario Tlephane 705745-2741 high quality. photocopying while-you-wait. Drap in mnd check aur raies butors you go elsewhere. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N. Whitby - 668-6111l s'LINGS KOLOUR KORALINC.I 135 Brock Street South *Whitby 666-1231 * INVITES YOU-tO I oe- SAV E5.0 PAVIIN.J Off A Galion 0f I 1Benjamin Moore Paint 1 p Coupon Expires Sept. 30182,M PRESIONAL domuiERIZEj BOOKKEEPINGI 0TOFII More Ecalnamicai, Faster, INeaterAccuratel CALL SUSAN]NE' The polid L palierpeople Safeway Plaza Midiown Mal 1150'Simcoe N. 200 John Stl Oshawa 576-9971 576-2431j FOR CEDAR DECKS,' [FENCES, ADDITIONS, RENOVATIONS, NEW WINDOWS, ETC. CALÉ PETER SIMONSEN 683.7403,AFTER 6 P.M. S3E!ICE!I WMITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers & Drapes EXPERT ALTERATIONS AL&) CLELkARA N.E <OF SIIMMER FARRILS 215 Dundas St. E., <Whîtby 66ê'-4821 BOOKKEEPING AND TYPING in my home, reasonable rates, exper- ienced, wiii pick-up and deliver in WhitbylOshawa area. Phone 668- 4957. HELP la on the. way for firms whose printer has recentiy gone out of business. Lou Dlckson has the cosi cutting ideas you need ai a lime Ilke this, 683-1968. WAKE-UP SERVICE Send $4.00 per wk. or $1500 par mo. wiih tl. no. and limne of wake-up desired to: wUS, 137 PIN E STREET WHITBY, ONT. Li N 3X3 CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcomling marriage. Please vlew our samples of engraved weddlng Invitations aI your lelsure in our Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Off Ice Supplies 683-1968. EDUTATINAL USESERVICE~ "1GRAMMAR for people who hale grammar' sa the ideai pockel reference book for business peo- pie. $395 per copy and avallable ai Dickson Printing & Office Sup- plies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries invited 683-1968. I AM TRYING TO LOCATE descen- danta of Jahn & Maria Conger for NOTICES NOTICE TO, CREDITORS AND OTHERS !N THE ESTATE OF RICHARD CHARLES MATTHEWS ALL pe rsons having dlaims against ýthe ES- TATE 0F, RICHARD CHARLES MATTHEWS, late of the Town of Whlt- by, ln the Regional Muni- cipality of Durham, who died on or about the 2th day 0f October, 1981, are hereby notIied 'to send particulars of same to the undersigned oh or before the l3th day of October, 1982, after whîch date the Estate will be distributed wlth regard only ta the dlaims of whlch the un- dersigned shaîl then have notice, and the under- signed will not be hiable ta any person-of whose dlaim he shaîl not. then have notice. DATED et Oakvile, this, l3th 1day of Septemb'er, 1982. WARREN DURHAM, 18 Knightsbrîdge Road, Suite 1504, Bramalea, Ontario, <Administrator, by his'solicitar William B. Kerr Barrister and Solicitor 292 Lakeshore Road, East. Oakville,' Ontario L6J 1J2 NOTICIE TO CREDITORS/ HEORS AND OTHERS in theestate of Tony, Yustinich, retired, labour- er, deceas 'ed. AIl persans having dlaims as credit- ors and heirs against the estate of the above men- tioned, late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Municipaliy of Durham, wha died at the seid Town of Whltby, an the l4th day of August 1977, are re- quired to file proaf of- same wIth the undersign- ed an or before the 3lst day of October, 1982. Af- ter that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the dlaims of which he then shaîl have had notice. DATED et Toronto this l6th day of August, 1982. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR SOCIL] NOTICS FISHER The children'0f Sam and Muriel Fisher are honour- ing their parents on thelr Fourtieth Wedding Anni- versary on Sunday, 'Sep- tember 26th, 1982. Fien- ds and relatives are invit- ed ta a reception at the home of. Ross and Diane Batten of, Ashburn f rom 2:00 tili 4:00 ln the after- noon and -from 7:00 tMI 9:00 ln the evenlng. Best wishes only. ANTIQUES, furniture, glass, china and collectabies. cash. Phane 655-3526. WANTED - Used -12 foot aiumi- num boat. Cali 571-2847. CASH FOR GOLO AIl Gold and Silver items, rings, watches, earrings, chaîns,ý me- daIs, and. dental gold. Damaged or broken items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian and 'American silver coi-ns, any condition. Also buyîng, any for- eign slver coinis. SHORT'S- STORE 121 Brock St.N Whîtby, Exclusive Agent ln Whitby for. Northland Gold &Sîlver Inc. DRY, FIREW09D for sale. Cul, aplit.and delivered. $150 full cord. Ail hardwood. Cali 705) 324-0197», VISIT our used furnhlure ware- house by appoinimeni. Big savings on desks, chairs. fling cabinets. etc, Calil ickson Print- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appoinimeni 10 vew. 683-1968. CHILD CARr1 S~ECS BABYSITTING ln my home, rea- sonable rates, east end Whitby, HELP WANTED Compiance Clerk:' $331-.00 - $375.00 per week The MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, corporations tax branch, seeks an individual to colleot delinquent corporation tax accounts.- You will revlew case histories 0f delinquent accounIts; contact appro- priate officiais to seek payment; explain proce- dures and requirements of legisiation ta tex- payers; analyse financial statements to determnIne appropriate collection action; recommend appro- r .a1p ite collection activity for uncoilectable accou.n- ts. Locatioin: Currently T'oronto;. however,, this position will be avaliabie only to, those candidates who are willing ta work ln Oshawa when the min istry relocates later this year. Qualifications: Sound collection .experience; ability ta Interpret and analyse financial state- ments and -interpret and' understand applicable statutes, policies, procedures and corporate tax returns; knowiedge 0if lien and land titles proce- dures; excellent communication and Interpersonîal skills. Please submit application quoting file RE-174 by Oct. 18, 1982, to: Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1X8. Equality of Opportun ity for Employment ~ Ontarlo Ontario'!Public. Service CHILD.CARE WORKERS The Chlldren's Aid Society of Durham 'Region Is seeking chiid care, workers (with a diploma andior extensive -reiated experience) ta provide short term intensive assessment and treatment ln their own home ta emotionally disturbed childreri. Qualifications include: - a strong famiiy structure - excellent communications skills - experienced-in the treatment of disturbed child- ren - a good sense 0f h umor and commitment ta the care of children within a family structure - residence in Durham Reglon - a wiiingness ta work as a teamn with other pro- fessionals ta meet the needs of special children Remuneration is a daily rate of $28.00 plus other aliowances. Send written resumes only ta: Child Placement'Resources, Family & Chldren's Servic- es of Durham Region, Box 321, 200 John St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, 1H 7L3. Competition closes October 4, 1982. BABYSITTER WANTED -. Rellable person far 2 month aid baby. Mini- mum two haif-days psi week ln my home, Otter Creek, Phase i. Phone 668-5925. ExECuTIVE seeka assistance from empioyed, but hungry, management type. 723-0471. CLEANING HELP required for Whilby home. Leava message at 668-1251.' AUBREY CREATIONS, officiai jeweiers bo Miss U.S.A. and Miss Universe, need mature sales- people seiiing through the home party plan. Car essentiel. Cali coileot aller 6 p.m. 705-426-9949. PIANIST required for Whltby ballet schaol. Leave message at 6e&- 1251., SIGN PAINTER with experience. Phone 666-1464. CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUE ON PAGE 18 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSI FIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The WhItby Free Press will not be hiable for faîlure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up' ta a maximum cost of the fIrst Insertion. The Whitby Free, Press reserves the rlght ta classify or reject aIl advertlse- monts. Ads must appear ln the paper one day bofore they cen be changed or cancel led. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words if billed; 12o each additional word. Pre-peid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words lil; each. YouJ May charge your Cîassifled Ad ta your Chergex or Visa Account and receive the discournt on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when caling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12c eachi addîtional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32ç per Uine. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additiona[« charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wil make every en- deavour to forward replies ta box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or darmage alleged ta arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon priar ta publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 1