Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1982, p. 5

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TheChurch Speaks, Sponsored by the' WIIITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By THE REV. G.A. HUNT -Whitby Baptist Church Hallelujahi where's the handout To re'vive us again? "CÇan you spare a quarter?"l used to be. the street- corner. request.. In 'these days of, disappearing dollars and jobs eve'na.,handout of $25 doesn't go far. Witb toughening tiines and, increasing requests for charity, a fresh look at this area oflilfe is in order' We express admiration and thanks to the Salva- tion Army for a persistent andý unswerving, devotion to theneedy and for, the redemptive motive in their >work. Turning, to clergy and churches, needy people assume they wiil meet a "Christian- attitude"' but are sometimes refused. In the Bible does John not >say clearly "If a rich'person sees bis brother in need, yet closes bis heart against him, how can he claimn that he loves God?"? Wbat is Christian love? First, it recognizes Jesus Christ as the source of loving action. John's ques- tion assumes this, and he talks about a "brother."l This triangular relationship - Christ, 1, my brother (in Christ), - is missing in many charity situations. While Christian love is unconditional, it seeks what is best and wisest for the needy person, and that is mucb more difficuit to decide wben the relationship is missing. 0f course we should help people in emergencies 1 We. are committed to include the stranger and bis need (as in Deuteronomny). The Deuteronomic idea of kindness, like pioneer Canadian hospitality, goes back well before the era of welfare, programs, tra- vellers' aid and bank boans, whentravel was diffi- cuIt and security'almost nil. But even with ail our belp today misfortunes strike, leaving people help- less. So strangers in trouble have a dlaim on our help, even tbougb we may have a hard time check- ing through their tale of woe. The Good Samaritan needed only to glance at, the bloody figure in the dit- ch to read tbe story of bis need. It is a difficuit story, bowever, ffsomneone living near a church for years suddenlytuns up on the doorstep and expects help without any intention of relationship. There are professional panhandlers witb their polisbed spiel of misfortune. Perhaps they have tre- mendous needs, but they operate by hanging heavy gufit trips, locating the soft-hearted and becoming pests. More honorable are those wbo wiil work for a meal. Giving money is often the poorest help, but that is ail some want to satisfy che mical habits. Ourgreat concern is to find true cbarity cases - people who wiil level and give a story that can be checked. A stranger who is well enougb related and known in another church or eommunity can give the name 0f a, persen or agency wbich, on the phone, can establish identity and character as well as need. It seems 'fisby' for a clergyman to get a, request for help after banks and stores are closed (but not the Itavernsl) and'he bas questions ike "Are> there no relatives or friends? I or " Why 15 she travelling with no cash?" Probably churches could spend more time follow- lng Up people. Jesus dld. T he word.to bard luc k vie- tins, is' to relate themselves to a chuich 'group, becom e known and then expeet more in 'thie way of loving support and kindness.'To get help in time 0f need there should be a willingness to be related,> to surrender some aloofness, to get "Ibrothers and, sisters"l in a covenant of faitb that will go to work in good times and bad. Looking further, there are two shlning purposes in a relationship with a congregation, first to cornie to know and believe personaily in Christ, the source of Christianlove, and second to become a belper. The redemfption of the inner life and being set on'our feet makes u s able to share joyfully with other "wrest- lers on a troubled sea".. Q1.07's homegrown rock on On September il there wiil be an outdoor rock concert, featuring Q107's third place Homegrown eontest winners, the "Daniel Band." mn Ajax The concert wil begin. at 6 p.m. at the nortb- east parking area 0f the Hai-wood Place Mail in Ajax.. There wil be no charge for admnission and everyone is invited. The County Town Singers -are on 'tbe look- out for some fresh voices. Auditions Wii be held in -tbe library of tbe Wbitby Senior Public Scbool, Garden Street,, at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 15, 22 and 29. According to Catby Bevis, publie relations officer for tbe interna- tîonally - renowned choral group, there are- opemings'in ail sections "'but it sbould be stress- ed that we need maie voices.' "We are a' mixed choir of approximately 70 voices and our pri- mary goal is to sing, en- tertain and raise money for cbarity wbile wel do -so," she said. "Týhe County Town Singers bave been. responsible for raising ovrer $100,000 for charity over the past 15 years. ". Those auditionlng should be prepared to sing something of their choice. "Wbat we are looking for are people wbo enjoy singlng and arewilling to work entbusiastlcaily within our group."I For more information on bow to audition, con- tact Angela Willis at 66&- 5629.' k1 Ontario Proerty DixGrntAppicios Ontario Tax Granf s for Seniors is a program designed tb help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes and home heating costs for Ontarlo, residents 65 and over. The Property Tax Grant portion, of up to $500 per household, is provided in two instal- ments annualiy. The first instaiment of, the 1982 grant, based on 1981, applications, was mailed in the spring-. The Ministry of Revenue has justcompleted the mailing'of Property Tax Grant applications which seniors must complete In order to qualify for the final instaIment of this grant. If you received a 1982 Interim Grant, you wil. receive an application., S po ints s * smmbe *If you have not receîved an application within 14 days and believe you are eligible for the Property Tax Grant, please contact the Ministry. e Those seniors who reach the age of 65 between July and December wi]1 receive their application early in 1983. *Those seniors who reach -the age of 65 in 1982 will receive a grant for the full year once they return the application' to the Ministry. a If you moved permanently into Ontario during 1982, your grant is based on the time you resided in Ontario. If you have not received an application, please contact the Ministry. *Seniors who are not eligible for federal Old Age Scrt but who have previ-< ously estabise eigibility for the ýProperty Tax Grant will also receive an application., If you reside in a tax- exempt. property'such as.a chronic care facllity; a homne for the ageëd or a similar institution, you are not eigible for the graýnt.* However, if you move into a tax- exempt property during 1982, you are eligible for a'P perty Tax Grant based on your rent or property taxes prior to your move. On December 3, the Ministry of Revenue will mail a $,50 Sales Tax Grant cheque to ail Ontario seniors. No application is necessary for this grant. FOR -MORE INFORMAITON CALL THE NIýSTRY'S MULILINGUAL INFORMATION CENTRE: *In Metro Toronto, dial 965-8470 e In Area Code 807, ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 e Irî ail other areas, dial 1-800-268-7121 Or write to: Ontario Tax Grants'for Seniors, Ministry of Revenue, Guaranteed Income and Tax Credit Branch, Queen's Park, ýToronto, Ontario M7A 2B3.* Ontario Ministry Of Revenue George Ashe- Minister T.M. Russell Deputy Minister WHITBY FREE-PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPEMBER 8,1982, PAGE 5 County, Town Singeirs audition new. voices, TAoE CARE TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION ACCURATELX Take a few extra minutes to f111 out your application and then check it again for accuracy. This makes it miuch easier for the Ministry to process your form and get your cheque to you. In particular, you should remember the following: *FilI -in your taxes or rent for the entire year; e Sign your application. Spouses 65 or over should also sign; a If your marital status or address has changed, f111 out the appropriate section on the application. The Ministry will begin mailing Property Tax Grant cheques in early November and continue to do so on a regular basis. GET "OPPOIL calMoTeague Eleotric, ask about a c141ROMAALL OXA EIectric Furnaces $800 Gov. Rebate COMPACT-QUIET-100% EFFICIENT A Chromalox Eiectrlc Forced Warm Air Furnace us the ideal replacement for your oil furnace. Instal- lation !ze simple, using existlng ductwork, 'centrai air conditloning available.. For more information cali:- McTEAGUE ELECTRIC 185 BROOK ST. N. .668-4278 WHITBY 218 HARV'.IOOD AVE S AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 1 TELEPHONE 683 1968 1

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