P.A W comiteechirmn...WHITBY FREE IRS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1982, PAGE 3 O.H.S. "clearly breached" contract, Parish says, The Ontario Humane Society 1"clearly breach- ed" its contract for an- mal control services with, the towns of Whit- by, jax and Pickering, accordlng to Ajax Coun- cilorSteveParish. Parish, the chairman Of the Witby, Ajax, Pickering animal con- trol committee (or P.A.W. comnxittee), made the statement last ,week. He told the Whitby Free Press on Friday that the breach occurr- ed either in the staffing levels or in the reports submitted by the society to the committee. However, Parish said A 16-year-old Whitby' youth bas been arrested and charged in connec-: tion with an act of van- dalism at the Jeffery Sýtreet park. According to a spokes- man for, the Durham Regional Police Force, someone broke a goal post at the park causing about $125 damage sometime on August 12. Gary Bourke, 16, of 36 Renfield Crescent, Whitby bas beén charg- ed wtib mischief over $50. He wiil appear, in Whitby Provincial Court that the committee is prepared to accept the arguments that the O.H.S. met the staffing requirements but did not file accurate repor- ts. "lWe're prepared to accept that," he said addlng he was.speaking not only for himnself but for P.A.W. committee nmembers Ross Batten (Whitby) and Norah Stoner (Pickering). Parish said that reports f iled' by Carol Lang, the superývisor of the Thickson Road Nor- th animal shelter, mndi- c-ated that there was not a warden on duty during on August 27. According te Mayor Bob Attersley, the,,ar- ret was the resuit of in-ý formation given to police by a private citi- zen. As a resuit, upon conviction, the Town of Wbitby will pay its first $200 reward. IEarlier this year, Whitby Town, Coundil de cided to offer a $200 reward for, information leading to. the arrestand, conviction of ýtbose per-_ sons who -do wilful dam- age to" town parks and other property. Woman raped three tim <es A 33-year-old Bow- manville man bas been arrested in connection with. the rape of a Whit- by woman in the early hours of last Tbursday morning. According to a spokes- man for the Durham Regional Police Force, the, 29-year-old woman accepted a ride home St amp thief got away- A patrolling Durham Regional Police Force constable could not cat- ch a person suspected of breaking into the Dun- das Street West Radio Shack outlet. According to a spokes- man for- the force, P.C. Joe Kapuscinski noticed someone in the store at about 1:45 a.m. last Thursday, however, he lef t the building through the rear door before he could be caugbt. The spokesman added that there was no sign of forced entry. Stolen was 50 cents ini change and $4 worth of stamps. from a man who attend- ed the same bouse par- ty. The spokesman added that at about 5 a.m. last Thursday she was taken to the industrial park area on Hopkins Street where she was raped three times. Allons Carl DeSmedt, 33, of Loscombe Drive, Bowmanville was cbarged with râpe at bis residence when arrest- ed at about 9:30 p.m. last Thursday. He was held for a hall hearing at which time a court date was to be set. one shift of the tlee fuI- time and onepart-time shift that are called for in the contract. Hie added that she in- formed Pickering clerk Bruce Taylor that the shift was, indeed, cover- ed, and tbat the error was ini reporting. "She bas ,assured Bruce Taylor it was in fact a- clerical error," Parish said. "We're pre- pared to accept that. " One of the commit- tee's immediate con- cerns the chairman con- tinued- was to, ensure that contracted staffing levels are maintained. ".We want to, make sure there are no staff deficiencies now or in the future. " Parish also announe- ed that the. next meeting between the, P.A.W. committee and the On- tario Humane, Society wilI be held in public on September 22 at 3 p.m. in the Whitby Municipal Building., 1At this time,' the ,committee will decide whether or flot to close the shelter's cat -board- ing bouse. A few weeks' ago, O.H.S. executive vice- president Tom Hughes accused Whitby veterin- arian -Dr. Claytoný Mac- Kay, the committee's technical advisor, of having a conflict of in- terest in making this recommendation -be- cause he' boards animais7 at bis 'animal clinie on Dundas Street East. Parish',bas dismissed this charge calling it "a red herring, pure and simple," "Dr., MacKay based bis recomimendation on'o what are safe conditions for, animals at. this facility," he said. The ýcouncillor also stressed that the com- mittee "lhas complete confidence in tbe ability Of Dr. Clayton MacKay. " "We totally support bis contributions to the committee."' Parish is alsôo0f the opinion that the board- ing shelter is "1not safe or in a proper 'condi- tion." Hughes recently claimed that the opera- tion of tbe shelter will incur a deficit tbis year. However,' Parish said that tbis deficit is totally the society's concern and bas nothing to do witb the 'committee or the municipalities it represents. "The huniane society"s déficit is -the humane society's défi- cit," he said adding that, the" society receives about $128,000- from- the, municipalities to provide anm«Îal control- services. "We don't.,have tbe deficit, he:MIght bave a deficit but it is not our deficit, "he added.. Parish also expressed confidence that the con- tract can .provide adequate animal control service. " ' The contract is capa- ble of working," he said adding, it provides "tbe .es possible' an*mal control service at the best possi ble price. " "We're, prepared to get, on with the job," lie continued. Whitby North Ward Councillor Ross Batten TYPE WRITER*S ADDING MACHINES @ CALCIJLATORS. SALES o. SERVICE * RENTALS FGOAM ReltrdContractor on UFFI Remedial Measuros Reg'. No. 1029-8. For a detalled estimate on the removal of UREA FORMALDEHYDE FOAM INSULATION ftrom your home... CALL ASHBURNHAM CONTRACTINO OSHAWA PETERBOROUG 571-266.1 743-1168 "lYour Complote Home Renovation Specialists" H has> echoed Parlsb's statemen ts. "dWe are going to try toý get rid of the personi- ality conflicts, " be said. "Our responsibility, as I see'it, is not to get into (these conficts)," Batten added, ý"it is 'to provide the best animal control service* for Wbtby, Ajax and Pick- ering at thebest possiý- ble price for the tax- payers. Ift is up to us to make the thing work.", YOU CAN BEýA PROFESSIONAL -~ HAIRSTYLIST ART & TECHNIQUE ENROLI NOW FOR NEXT MONTH'S CLASSES 7 Gomerment Llcensed Instructors 27 uucc.suful ygo f hulruyhg .x"dmSc l4Ontarlo St.- 22 1 PItt St. Oshawa Cornwall 57&"079 938-9313 Thank you for.. helping our students today to be pro esioalharstlitstomorrow. BACK- To- SCHOOL MNEANMS EYECAR E TOO! <Your child's vision, can change oVer a summer and a vision, check now could point out problems now that might affect his or her ability to meet the challenges of a anewyear. And should your doctor recomfmend eyeglasses, the eyecare specialists et Revere will, help you, choose the best combination of comfort, fit,& appearance. REV/ERE, 571-1321, OshaWa'Ce'ntre, -JMcAlister's AnnualI .En d 0f Summer Sale"l Savings 0f 10-'60% E E verything in our store has, been discounted for thiWou tstanding sale. These are -just a few examp les. Upholstery A Beautiful Wing Chair 3 Occasional Chairs Blue Wing Chair Chippendale Sofa from Barrymore Case.Goods Hekman End Table Thomasvilleé Nest of Table Lamps Roxton Floor Lamp 2 Ceramilc Lamps .REG. 720.00 885.00 ea. 854.00 2260.00 820.00 620.00 250.00 135.00 SALE 299.00 379.00 683ROO 1 499.00 499 a00 399000 150-00 68.00 10% Off All 0f Our Beautiful Stiffel'Lamps Whero discemsÀng peopi. make an invaslment on beauty 70 ROSSLAND RID. W. OSHAWA 576-6465 Mon., Tues., Wed. -'10-6.6 Thur s.,Fri.-10-9Sat. - 1-5 Man charged with miïs cliief F ----y