WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1982, PAGE 15 pAUGu82AUG'82 THERE'S A NEW DENIM FORMULATION that helps children's jeans last an extra long time. lt's a blend of 50 percent cotton, 50 percent Dacron polyester which fades and looks like ail cotton indigo denim. Thats very important to kids Who want to look like their friends.. Health-tex is the only company to have it s0 far. lt's called Double 50 Denim and is made by Cone Milîs. Health-tex is styling the denim in western straight leg jeans. They are available in stores throughout the country this summer and are being offered in both the company's Kid Proof, sizes 4-7, and Our Gang, sizes 8-14.t - Expeeta--return to, the 3 R's Studies indicate that sc hools are making the tum" around to more tradi- tional education with zeal! The "revolution" of the 1 960s and '70s is all but gone in public education, with the elimination of much of the flexible sched- ules, team teaching, elec- tive courses and general pseudo-educational gad- getry that had prevailed in recent years. Many educators have become concerned with the decline of American educational "standards and are now promnoting a return to the basics: English, math, history, science, etc. Students, too, are begin- ning to reahize the value of old-fashioned, hard-core éducation. They want highe r academic standards and a more solid curricu- lum. Experts say that in the next fewi years we can ex- pect the 3 R's to be back in style!1 Learn to prepare e corne'tax returns Income tax season has long since been over. The April 30 dead- line was met, but, only because you dashed around like a madman tryrng to find someone competent enough .to prepare a tax return that. you yourself could not handie. Income tax la the last thing in the world you'd want to think of now. It shouldn't bel1 Now is the best time to start guard- ing againat the pro- blems you were forced to face last year by enrolling in an incomne tax course as soon as possible. If you are like most people you probably start off every season with the intention of pre- paring your own tax return. As you becomne increasingly confused by the jargon used in the government supplied handbooks you ponder over the ideaof having someone else prepare your return. After two or three stabs at it you give up and take it to someone who you think ia more competent than yourself. Whether that person la a friend, rela- tive, or professional you can neyer vest absolute confidence in his or her expertise because you may flot have provided ail of the information necessary to, complete Take a walk, Leh? J your tax return proper- ly. If you are not amare of all of your eligible deductions, you may overlook them -and flot inform the preparer. Taking an income tax course will at the very leaSt make you aware of these deductiona. Who is to say that the person you've entrusted with your tax return is better versed in taxa- tion than yourself. You may flot know the differ- ence and. sadly enough you may end up paying dearly-for inept servic-, es. Preparing your own tax return will rid y0U of this insecurity. Tà king - an income. tax course will prepare you to complete your income tax return. You can be sure it's done correctly if you do it yourself., There are many co»mres in income tax preparation offered in September through community colleges and private institutions. One of the best is H & R Block's. They wouldn't be called "the Income, Tax Speciallats" if they hadn't earned this title. The majority of their tax preparers are re- cruited from these classes. They know that if they don't do a good job training their stu- dents they stand to lose valuable potential em- ployees. Coznmunity coileges on the other hand have little' to lose if a student doesn't graduate or grasp the- full meaning and content of the cour- se. Block has a business investment in the people attending. They want, and waht is more im- portant' need people to excel In their course. You'l probably benefit far more from this cour- se simply because of this attitude, Your ful comprehension of' the subjec t matter ia just as important to them as it is to you. If you're tired of second guesaing on your tax return and if you're wary of seeking out competent tax pre- parera, stop relying on others and start becom- ing more seif-sufficient. Taking an income tax course could save you time, it will save you headaches and probably a lot of money in years to come. As a matter of fact you could end up on the other side of the fen- ce. You could be pre- paring income tax returns for others and making money. H.- & R Block offers job Inter- views to their top gra- duates, however, there is no obligation foryou to accept employment. Their four-month course could conceivably cure that once-a-year 'dis- ease, «"income tax fever'.", but, you muat prepare yourself now January will be too late, HandlngHomeworkI The purpose of home- work is to train -students to work independently and to review and master skills taught during classtime. Homneýyork should flot be casually disregarded by.c hild or parent', but at the same time, it should flot be a stress-provoking, situation that exhausts the child's enthusiasm for school the following day. For many parents, strik- ing an appropriate balance between indifference and overconce'rn with home- work can be difficuit. Par- ents often wondcr how much supervision they should impose on the child's homework activi- ties and whether or flot the teaching process will be affected oby their interfer- ence. 1Experts in the field of education have offered specifie suggestions as to the best degree of' involve- ment parents should have' in their children's home studies. 1Parents should provide'a suitable work space with the proper equipment. The child w'll need a desk or table, adequa te lighting and appropriate reference materials suchas a dictio- nary, atlas or encyclope- Outside distractions should be minimal, but the student- need not be re- moved rrom, tue family's evening, activ 'ities, if he prefers the, closeness of the family envirofiment. Parents should not initi- ate "helping" students by supplying answers or, cor- recting erors. Mistakes, enable the teacher to accu- rately determine the child's educational needs,. *If homework is not represent- ative of the child's abili- ties, that' student loses out when the' teacher is deter- mining follow-up studies. If the child requests that you "check" his or her work, the parent may do so by pointing out where the mistakes are. But, be sure that the child attemipts to correct the ý rrors through his own efforts, and is flot simply coming to 'you for easy answers. If the child seems'truly stumped on a particular as- signment, the parent can ask leading questions in or- der to encourage. the stu- dent's thought processes, or suggest to the child how or where the answer might' be found. Finally, be sympathetic to your child's complaints about excessive homework or boring' assignments. If your child seem particu- lryoverloaded with schoolwork, temporarily excuse hier' from a regular family chore to allow, the student some relief froni excessive pressure. '. Middle ton' 1sý Stutaonery Ltd. HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS Schooi & office supplies CANNON & TOSHIBA Calculators il 3A Dundas St. W., Whltby Phono 668-2492 TONY,: HAI RSTYLUUG SPECIAL Every Tuesday & Tbursday »., 1Evory week. Perm-s 1½2Price ASK FOR CARÃ"L AND BRING A FRIEN D FOR A ½/ PRICE CUTj ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 6-9 OR SATU RDAY. 668m5441I 106 Lupin Drive Blair Park Plaza Whitby Long Lasting Style for Kictç 1%L S'HAWA Q -DRIVING 0 SCHOOL 8*WEEK DRIVER-ED COURSE Starts September 9, 1982 -7p.m. Certlficate for insurance. 728M0091 $115 The Sh^oe-Works Ltd,. 115 Brock St.N. Whitby. SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE $ Nike Allcourts >~ Children's Shoes Tuf-Mac Boots IW Ladies' Shoes Ladi es' Hand-Bags Open 9 a.m:ýDaily MênIs' Shoes - mmmý