WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1982, PAGE il w SPORTS WEEK AndrewÀAntenna peewees wm zone champi onship By TOM FRANK Andrew Antenna pee- wees have won the Zone 6 Playoff Championship held Saturday, August 21 at Iroquois Park Arena. The format of this playoff was a round- robin between ail the peewee lacrosse teains in Zone 6of the OMLA. The first game lwas the* hardest for 'the Witby-Garrard Road entry as they were mat- ched up with Beaches. By S. PORTER Whitby >Iroquois Minor Mosquitos requir- ed a win over Oshawa Rangers on Monday, August 16'to completely 'sew-up' the league championship but they could only manage a 1 to A tie and as it is, at the present -turne, ,have .17 points froin il games with an 8 win, 2 loss and one tie record. Rangers have il poin- ts from »2 gaines and matheinatically could still tie Whitby on points but this would require the Oshawa club to win' its three remaining games and for the Iro- quois side to lose its one remaiming gaine to the Oshawa Soccer Club. Also, at this Urne Whit- by bas a much superior goal average with 44 goals. for and 16 goals against, while Rangers have 23 for and. 15 against. The gaine on August 16, played at Iroquois Park, was one that Whitby should have won as territorially they had 90 per cent of the play, particularly ini the first 15 minutes of the gaine when good teain work and accurate passing produced many chan- ces, but -it was Rangers that got'on the score- board first when a long bail through the middle caught the home de- fense napping and the Iroquois had to start the second half one goal down. Mark Bateman tied Up the gaine after only two minutes of that second hall but despite continuous pressure on the Rangers goal, the Whitby squad could not produce the goal that would have won the gaine and removed al doubt as to who wWl pick Up the league trophy. The league standing is as foilows: Whitby has 17 points froin il gaines; Bowinanviile 13 points froin il gaines; rown of Pickering and Keith Prineau came through with a big gaine as he scored the first and last goals of the game, and assisted on the gaine winner by Dave' Clarke. Other goals were by Chris Tucker, Adam Foote and Todd Wilson to win the gaine 6 to 3 for Whit- by. Their second gaine was a 13 to 4 win over Scarborough Saints. Clarke scored -the gaine winner again on a pass Turul each ..12 points froin 10 gaines; Rangers il points froin 9 gaines; Ajax 3 points froin 9 gaines; and, Oshawa Soccer Club 0 points froin 8 gaines. The first round draw for the play-offs. is as follows: Whitby (bye); Turul vs. Oshawa Soc- cer Club; Bowmanviile vs. Ajax; and, Town of Pickering vs., Rangers. These gaines are to be. played on Tuesday, September 7. Whitby Iroquois wii play the winner of, the Bowmanville - Ajax gaine in the semni-final on Saturday, September Il at Whitby. The Durham' Region Youth Soccer. play-off finals will be held at Scugog on Saturday, September 18. frorn Andrew Vander- Linde.' Clarke and Foote had 3 goals each, Derek Jones had 2 goals and 4 assists,»singles by Mark *Smith, Tucker, Wilson,ý Pruneau and Mike Husted. Andrew Antenna caught Peterborough relaxing too much as they down- ed the visitors 13 to 1. Jones had 4 goals, Foote had 2 goals and 4 assists, 2 each by Wilson and Husted with singles by Tucker, Vander- Linde and Mike Wil- lians., Goaltenders Shawn Emmerton and Dan McWhirter allowed a total of only 8 goals for the - day while they collected 2 assists each. The bench duties for the "A" champs were ably hanAdled by Mike Prim- eau and manager Gord Tucker. Beaches won the "B" Championship with a 14- 10 win over Peter- borough and a 17 to 5 win over Scarborough. "Manager Eric Pitters and coach Mike Thomp- son were busy on the telephone again as they arranged another mini- tournament at Iroquois Arena for the, novice blue teain, sponsored by the Optimists. The Opti- nists defeated'& Scar- borough novices by 4 to 2. 'Later in the day, in a game that went frorn te score to tie score, Etobi- coke eventually downed the locals 4 to 3. The Zone 6 Bantam A Whitby man won the bronze medal in the javelin durinig the Mas- ter's Track and Field Meet that was held at the Terry- Fox Athletic Facility in Ottawa on August 14 and 15. Tony Jones, 63, won the medal in the 60 to 64 age bracket. A member of the Oshawa Legion Track, and Field Club. Joneps Playoffs was a 2 out of 3 series between Whitby's Peacock Sports team and Peterborough. Both teains were hindered by players on. vacation. Peterborough won the first gaine in the final seconds of the third per- iod'by'a, 9 to 8 score, In Kinsmen Arena. Whitby lost the second gaine in Brooklin Arena 3 to 12 to the Ontario cham pions, Peterborough. That completes an ex- cellent year for the ban- tains; their only pro- blein was that Peter- borough was just a bit better this year. WISC 'acceptmg members By ANN GOULDING w.I.s.C. The Whitby Iroquois Swim Club wil be açý- cepting registrations for the 1982/82 season at Iroquois Pool on Tues- day, September 8, froin 6 to 9 p.m., and Satur- day, September il, froin 9 to il a.m. The first swim practice begins on Monday, September 20, at5 p.m. The club is offering, three levels of mhember- ship registration, con- sisting of a six-day training schedule for 11'2 hours daily, a three-day schedule for 11'2 hours each, and, a three-day 45-minute session for the very young begin- ning competitor. For further informa-. tion and registration forùis contact Yvonne Donneily, membership, at 668-8062. also competed in the shotput, discus, 100- metre sprint and 200- metre sprint events., Over 247 coipetitors fromn Canada, the United States, Mexico and Great )Britain took part in the event. This was Jones' third appearance 'at the gaines. BROOKL.IN WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATrION Wed., Sept. 8th, 6-9 p.m., Iroquois Park Arena only Sat., Sept. 1llth 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Brooklln Communlty Centre and Iroquols; Park Arena One registration - $ 90.00 Two reglIstrations,-$140.00 More than two - $180.00 Late regfistrations are ýsubjeot to $25 penalty.. Reg%ïstrations ac- cepted up to and i-ncl udl ng Sept. il; after that date, late regist- rants will not be guaranteed a place. For furttler Information, contact: Mr. Rein Verrydt, Presldent 655-3028 Mr. Alex Bell, Reglotrar 668-9947 REPRESENTATIVE TEAM TRYOUTS' IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Price: $3.00 per player per tryout NOVICE: Ages.7,8 Sept. 13 - 6-7 p.m. Sept. 16 -6-7 p.m. Sept. 18 - 3-4 p.m. MINOR ATOM: Age 9 Sept. 13 -7-8 p. m., Sept. 15 -6-7 p.m. Sept. 18 - 11-12 a.m. MAJOR ATOM: AgelO Sept. 13 -8-9 p.m. Sept. 15 - 7-8p. Sept. 18 - 12-1 p.m. MINOR PEEWEE: Age il Sept. 14 -6-7 p.m. Sept. 16 - 7- P .m. Sept. 18 -1-2 p.m. MAJOR PEEWEE: Age 12 Sept. 14 - 7-8 p.m. Sept. 16 -8-9 p.m. Sept. 18 - 2-3 p.m. MINOR BANTAM: Age 13 Sept. 14 -8-9 p.m. Sept. 17 -6-7 p.m. Sept. 19- 111-12 a.m. MAJOR BANTAM: Age 14 Sept. 14 - 9-10 p.m. Sept. 17 -7-8 p.m. Sept. 19 - 12-1 p.m. MINOR MIDGET: Age 15 Sept. 15 -8-9 p.m. Sept. 17 -8-9 p.m. Sept. 19 - 1-2 p.m. MAJOR MIDGET: Agel16 Sept. 15 - 9-10 p. m. Sept. 17 - 9-10 p.m. Sept. 19 -2-3 p.m. JUVENILE: Ages 17, 18 Sept. 13 -9-10 p. m. Sept. 16-9-10 p.m. Sept. 19 -3-4 p.m. No. 2 team players wlIl be selected from No. 1 team cuts only. There wiiI be no No. 2 team tryouts. A player must skate in No. i tryouts to be eligibie to play wlth-No. 2 team. A Rep team fee of $35.00 wil be charged to those players who make the No. 1 and No. 2 teams. This fee will help cover the cost of additional equipment-supplled and-facilitles. Whitbyclub- "4sews Up" 9top soccer spot Whitby man wiins Masters' medal