WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18,1982, PAGE 17 CALL,668*611. Emporium Ads w1.11 only bo accepted'subjeact to the ýfollowing conditions. -PLEASE READ - ARTICLES ARTICLES When th. advertlsed Item la aoid, dls'posed of, or unavalibIe for whatever reason, the Item wiii b. ~rCYOTCLE"' FORSAL FR S LEdeerned to have been soid and acommrission wIli be charged btsed on THE A. DVERTSED PRICIE as DI» SALM/RNTAS If the Item la MOT SOLO, or dispossd of, tho ad wIii b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE B1 ITNAMF rai-8tac A 12 plus 5W gai. aquarium and ail POOL - 15 ft. x 3 ft. Sand fltar, of $6.00 wIil appiy payable In advance of publication of the firat ad. Othsrwiae a $7.W. charge wîî IBIL-N MFMrai -8trc 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asking $M5. accessorles $275. Wine equip- akîmmer, repair kit, 2 lb. chiorIne, piy If biiied which muet b. paid upon receipt of bil The aboya minimum charges will be applled JIO record player, excellent condition, Phono 68-315. ment $75. -Premier drum $700. If iadder. Just needa Waterl Asklng the final commission due butiln any case the higher amount willi be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 $12i5. Cheet of drawers $4. _____________ interested cail 723-9618. $120, or best. offer. Phone Barry pre-paid; $7650 bIled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertiaements muet be piaced on an ex- Dresser $50. Chesterfield and ______________ 668-8455. clueive basie wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleaat one month If not sold. chei, anytm 68076 xcellent condition, $10,17 ODXL7.AsnÉ5000kio ALUMINUM combînation door, RATES QIf article la soi«._______________ moIres, haen't seen diii much. brown, 79" x 36" x 11&', frame and REFRIGERATOR, 10 cu. ft., Frigi. 6 fadetedprc pt $400.00 2% of balance over S40.00 -CLIII after 6 p.m. 668-803. grill Included. Excellant condition daire, $65. Two G60-15 wide track VeadrtdprcUpo COUCH, pull-ouf, Sealy Posture- _____________ - brand new. Aeking $125 cash. Dunlop tires wth rally wheeis, $8 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for 8120.00. Commission due $86.00 (minimum charge la $8.00). pedic mattrees with rattan frsme, 1781HNA OL Iun Phone 576-1283. for pair. 0 h.p. Mercury outboard Prîvate advertlelng onlyl Please notîfy the Whîîby Free Presse1 ,mmediately when Item ls eoîd 50 that $485; Freezer, 22 eu. f t., white, 19ifed 76,ODA QLD WN, $2 un-fr ________________ mtor $295 wlth tank. 25 h.p. Evin- we ma eeeI rfitheli ingssue. Alli d t fittin the Emporium guidelines wlll be treated $250. RefrIgerator, white, 21"' certofed6,62770mle,$00.m rude motor $175. Reel-to-reel tape mydlt lfot h on sn gwîde x,22" deep ,x 5' Phne 66$297. ANTIQUE .DESK, good condition,. rec order $40. Phone 57".769. and charged per week as regular claselfied ada on a pre-paid basis euch as: services, help wanted, Stove, 24" wide, white, $100. Bar, $125. Ladies' sire 9110 brown clothing, roui otate, and pereonal message type ada, or adia not quoting prico or quantity. Privatewantodgriadbacfn- 1760YA HA1400rgnl suede coat, excellent condition, ciassified ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriaie headinga. eh, 5' woo id n.Tw and untbml esfin 1 windeAMhle, 1backrgtad tresh5ly drycle5.ned, $100. Phone. mRUes, TIREsCHANGER, Bieshman 666-2772. ma, 10. hoe RUKIECANoER ih aul,17 ALL ADS WILLGO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTH-ERWISE SPECIFIED. walnut melamine finish, 30" wide, carrier, ln etorage for the lest 2 _______________ rms and up, adapter avaleable for- MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO: x 6' hlgh, $150 for both. Coffee & years, excellent condition. Asking two end tables, French Provincial, $1,1W. Phone 668-7167. BICYCLES, ladies' and men's, In tîmle. rimta,69. sk ng 82,800. FREPREBox EMPO66IU61131 Bock S.N. dark wood finish, $100. Calieven -_____________ good condition, $85 each. Port- Pe Mierrme4 se9n95evr. RE RESEMOIU l tby, Ont.581ings 728-1748 or days 364-3234, 1974 T50 SUZUKI, oniy 6,000 ori- able typewriter $35. Electric fan Phn 5-95 hlbLN51 TE EDIEFR1PO IMA S~I< ask for Ken Hilder. ginal miles, excellent condition. $17. Cal1 683-863. T EDA LN O MP RU D ST EAeking $1 ,00. Phone 263425. _______________ TWO Wilson J ack Kramer pro FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO.PUBLICATION AT NOON. GE UOAI staff's tennis rackets with covers G..ATMTCWAS HER, good DELUXE Sameonite card table set, $100. Raleigh Record,10 speed cni'lo,$15 lo l ulr new, $110. Binoculars, 7 x 50, field bike, spyder blue, excellent condi- secretary desk, vory Unique, $550. 700, $35. Walnut 'end table $6. tion, $110. Cali after 5 p.m. 6WB- Phono 728-4849. Phone 668-1328. 3447.A T M BLs ~" MUSICAL FOR SALE BABY NEEDSI KITCHEN TABLE, ovai, 47" x 36" INSTRUMENTS DRUMS $270. Excellent condition. WO ATE$5.Lhe f __SU_________PPLIES with il W' leaf. Green and yellow Ail measonable offers considered. WOOD"" ven aborte.1n5xcelen cadi- GUoARiamhamodl-C818 drawors, brown, 4 drawers, goodvanabrt.I.xeln od- GTAYmh oe C8, Mlase oeil 576-1911 aler 5p.m. condition, $39. Boys' junior ton- 1973 LEMANS, two door, 400 BABY CARRIAGE, ln good condi- 14' FIBERGLASS FISHIIMG 8OAT, tion. Aekîng $40 or neareet offer. aimoat new condition. Asking epeed, good condition, $60. Phono cuble Inch American (blue block) tlon, new mattrees, $25. Phone 40 horse eiectric Mercury, battery, PhoneoM8563. $5 with case.. Phone,723-0931 FOR SALE - One pair -0f rouler e3e3 motor, four speed floor ahift, 655-4858, aek for Maureen. tank, lights, centrai stooring, In- afier 6 p.m. skates, good condition, $35 or _______________ mage, excellent mechanicai con- ______________ cludos new boat trailer. Asking MO VING - MUST SELL- Teak- boat offer. One pool cue, 20 oun- dition, needa body work. AakIng $ 1,850. Phone 668-7092. wood diningroom set, table, 4 CALL 668-6111 to place your ad- ce, 2 plece, $20 or beet of fer. One $995 or beat offer. Phono 683- chai rs and buffet, 1 year old, $425. vertisement In the Whitby Free aluminum tennis racket, siightiy ' " "' 0927. 16' MASON' mahogany boat with Moffat fridge, excellent condition, Presa. used, $20 or beat offer. Contact -AUTOMOBILES BO T tralior, 40 h.p. Johnson eiectric $250. Four-poster water b.d, ex- Mike or Annette ai 66848404. FOR SALE 1968 METEOR MONTCALM, con- SUPPL-IES ] atarI motor, $850. Phone 668-7235. collent condition, $800. Phone vertiblo, power steering, power - 668-9016. KODAK CAROUSEL projector, 1960 CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto- brakes and top, stored- winters, ________boa,_12_fot,_w____4_____ model no. 5200, Carousei stack matlc, excellent condition. $4 0Z0. asking $1,500. Phono 66&.7007. hALUMIU oat 126. foo wth41a ________________________ E/REN loader, 3 lide trays and 3 color Caeil 723-967. amp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand iawn- <Ii U E-O D dryor $190. 24" alr-tlght woodSLERN lilde films, $350. Mahogany-look mower $10. One mag tire, sire * -I stove $200. Free standingacorn, 8 foot. table with metal foldlng legs 196 PNAC ARSE EATMTV G60-14,$20. Phono 668-1063.V W GOODS I firepiace- $50. Gas dryer $85. -DUNE BUGGY, off road, shortoned $10._______________cais_978 POTIAPRIIENE,____OIV Commercial rofrigoratlng unit V.W. trame and drive train, heador $10 o o dnstcigc ar o woeto ring, peowou r aknes rl * -CO VEPTIBLPBOATSvANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, $400. Automatc waher $35.' xhaust system, 15 Inch ail $100. Rah.>y-O-Vac sportsmenare tu- hoe 55428.Terrene tires and'chromo wheols. flourescent lantern $20. Cali 668n- tonlg, veour ineorCOVETIBE ,9A wîh 5. buftadale$20Lrgsur Phn65-3. a poke wheeis, new radiai tire, I. h 1è, 0w ýdtale.E 8178.miagakn 8550 Phe RADIAL-.TIRES with rima (white Ch1irmtr n rieE- dy work bench $40. Smail Duncan ______________ T-bar Inciudod. R~une weil, muet b. ___8_7007.________________ collentecondition1 0w hors Fyfe table $55., Old wlckor chair 7-PIECE solid pins bedroom suite seen.- Asking $500.,,Phono 666- ONE PAIR Dominion men'e rouler 66-71.3a0s. Two DR78-15Gootereu e- original owner. Asking $3,300 or $45 Small air comrpressor $35. from Pioneer interiors. 'Perfect 1195. skates, sele7, $20. Lange ie ,$1.tom o DR78-1 ( onermodly ca b$to1o.0hno68-.0.Wooden telephono table $30. OId condition. Queen size, Iight stain. ekatea, aize 7, $20. Ueed one sa- 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power Phono 668-9855. rocking c hafr$33. Oid echool deak Asking 83,000. Phono 723-5749. son. Ladies' 44 iength Imitation steering, power brakes, power <______________ and chair $20. Truck and trailer ______________ fur, dark colon, $10. Cali 668-2995, windows, many new parts. Recent 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan C P *I mirrors $15. Boy's and girlsa bicy- o- anytime.pen& body. 66,000 mules,.Ima parts. F oend, -grill, tenders A T N-E DEDI s 3 ac.Cmp stove $15. i e TaRiDK/VANS _____________________ culato. $4,100 certified. Phono $200. Air conditioning unit« $5. IC Phono 683«638. ' 'FRSL ONýWSIGOS ul-n 571-1704. Drums and rotors, almoot new, $20 1976 LARSON hard top 'deep *Vvee dishwasher, avocado green, throe each. Dfferential $80. Wind- blue water express cruiser, 23' WHITBY FREE PRESS 661181 93FR idwVn oe year aid excilen conitio, 194 LICOLNTowncarin god hieids $100. Master cylinder and plus, sieepa four, teak c'abin and .- 193FR WndwVpwr year ol, ecellnt ondtion 194 LNCOL Ton cr, l god vcuum$25 AMFM adio$90 swm pNtfst, tandngeadandwetr-stbrakespwer 302,a,30 V V, $200. One Electrolux shampooen/ condition, needa minor body worîc. vcum$2. MFMrai $0 simpatorstndu h and elcromtr W standard, needa some body work. f loor polisher, used oniy once, Ilke Asking $1,500 as le. Phono 655- Do idw n lcrcmtr galley, hydrauiic trim taba, dopth APPLIANCES - Washer, hoavy ~$800 as la. Phono 668-8227. new, theo year aid, $50. Ono16 ~ooe$10. Phono 655-3006. soundor, otc. Leas than 50 hours duty, Kenmoro, white. Dryer,______________ ncw hr hilarbike $50. One 6 c 317 ORN 4do.pre.32 running time. Muet be seen ta be Inglia, heavy duty, white. Rofri- 17 OIO4dopat.32 appnociated. Privato deal. $20,000. gerator, Inglia Normandy, white. k> ONE %4 TON TRUCK complets gir'ebik $5. ne20 nc moo- 1973 FORD COURIER, 84,000 engins $200. Transmission $85. New price now over $35,000. Wiii Stovà , McLaroy, seif-cleaning S . ihlw paigadto n crssbke$6.Phno58-99. miles, has had rocont valve job,, Air conditioning rad $50. Front consider run-about or houso tralier oven, white. Ail appliances'thre ahrub epraying equipment. Eveuy- good engine, needa body work. end fondera and grill $200. Bump- as partial payment. Phono (416) years aid. Asking $300 each. SRR YOUR DOCT)R CMONT thing ready ta go. AskIng $6,300. CALL 666-611 la place your ad. Aaking $750. Phono 655-8062. ors $45 each. Phono 655-3006. 264-4692 or 416) 431-5631. Phono 668-5016. W Phono 655-3932. ________________________Lune Aau.cIatiIee723-3191 CLASSIFIED- AD.-S YOU KNOW THE Cail us for bsiness -machine and b9ave message for Katlmavik tions, 'Photos, $200 *U.S. wkiy. 668-3338e hatlaorfle repaire 683-968. 579-0411. 683-5503 i......V.îî H î îh î h place, olectric heat, fuiiy broad- YDU KOW TH t 66-3338loomed, 869,900. For Information RIGHT PEOPLE.. h4zLsuuslùUsU4i8L8W*UU1.. cail (Whitby) 666-1671 afler 5 p.m. Whonever you move the Weicome Wagon hostes l th gtpersan la heîp you WHITBY FIEE PRESS o e iig- iind à place n your new com-s m m n N'D** U ",UU*I munîîy. FORRE' Oel ~~--~' ~rÂ~, , 2 YEAR LEASE - Country living f >MM for- lu near Brookin. Wall maintainod3 668 bedroomn houso on ½h acre scenic 668893 ~ glot. $850 plus utiiitiea. Phono 655- 668611 06 .61 1 tIe GIU8020. Available October 1. (j"" CE YOUR AD. ."'CALLOON«111i 10place yaur ad.