Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1982, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE1 At AMO conference.... Town "Willsupporth6%slio nThke Town of Whitby will do Its best to adhere to the federal govern- ment's "six per tent solution," accordlng to Mayor Bob Attersley. Later this màontb, ail seven' members of Whltby Town Council are expected to attend the annual convention of the Association of Muni- cipalities of Ontario (AMO) at wblch they are expected to join in witb other Ontario communities ln backlng the government's res- traint program. "I feel that we cer- tainiy want to fali within the guidelines,"1 Atter- sley sald in a brief inter- view last week. "Cer- tain things are necess- ary to get the economy moving." Bet we en You and Me By R UTIlCOLES ATTERSLEY Whiie be emphasized that be was speaking only'for b imself, Atter- sley said that "the majority of coundil are feeling that way. " Under the govern- ment's programn, wbicb was passed into law before the House of St olen cars Fo r the past Î0 or 15 years the powers that be have been very concerned and worried about our country losing control of its own destiny. Why? Because of the power of the labour force and the multination- ais. This is a continuing control and becoming larger ail the time. Tbey have both grown so large and powerful that they take precedence over al else. So many Canadians zero in on our own problems as though we were the only ones in the world who had problems. The rest of the world have the same probiems, some to a lesser degree, but many to a greater degree. This is flot a local trauma but a world wide one and flot centralized. 1 The armi chair strategists mfake me sick. They of- tenhave no experience and are very often'ignorant about their ownland but they become very vocal and dogmatie about everything in general. They voice an opinion on ail things political and often on economics froi istening to news or reading papers or other reading matter. It's so easy to voice opinions wbich often times are flot factual and sometimes downright untrue. It is so easy to criti- cize -and criticism is often necessary but let it be constructive flot destructive. An opposing view is much needed and in govern- ment a necessary evil. And the reason I say evil is thatý it is 50 often- used for self gain. I wouldn't vote for anyone who used this position for this purpose. To oppose if the positions are held by men of honor can be a combination of criticism wbich is often needed but at the same time a weiding 0f effort and thought. A coalition governinent working for the good of ail, everyone working. towards the same goal can reap benefits beyond belief and this has been done. This could do away with self promoting egotists wbo are looking for self gain and power. No government is perfect nor is it expected to be. To have to deal witb thousands of less informed peo- pie must be very, very difficuit. To listen to oniy a few is bard enough. How many people know about internai and externai affairs let alone world trade and balance of payments and on and on? Not many on the overali picture I'd say but they are ever ready with answers and judgments. Ail the world affects us, we are flot an island. Un- tii the giant, our neighbour to the south, controls and reguiates lier own affairs and destiny ours can bang in tbe balance, often by a siender thread. We wil neyer be a single force in tbe worid and sometimes our bands bave to intertwine. "Catch up, keep up, two by fours and war. " Wbat kind of words are these to be bandied about? War like words, maybe, but on tbe whoie unthinking anid very stupid. It's no ones god given right to catch up and keep up. Is this supposed to be the philosopby for ail time?'What happons to inflation under these conditions; for that matter wbat bas hippened over the past few years? On'and Up 50 tbat the average person has the worliat bis feet. Neyer bave times been so good for 80 many and ail we bear are complaints, notbing is rigbt; give us more and more or we will arm our- selves with two by fours. I agree witb our mayor; tbere are wonderful things happening in our great country but this just doesn't seemi to be the news people want to hear. Tell us the worst and let us get emotional and fuzzy Let's put tbings togetber, thank god for our bless- ings and make our nation even greater. There is bioodshed around tbe world on a daiiy basis. Babies, children with tbeir arms and legs blown off. Tbousands of people maimed for life and tbousands dead; the horror of war neyer to be for- gotten by anyone wbo bas experienced it. How can we let this mockery go on? Our peaceful,, producing land, our land of pienty and we are abusing it by taking and do we as a nation give back? found Two cars that bad been stolen from a local car dealersbip have been recovered by the Durham Regional Police Force. Accordingto a spokes- man for the force, a 1981 Pontiac Acadian and a 1977 Honda Civic were stolen from tbe lot at Gus Brown Pontiac- Buick, 1201 Dundas Street East, sometime during the night of August 5 and 6. Police. said tbat the Acadian was recovered abandoned in Pickering on Sunday while tbe Civic was found, also abandoned, atý the weigb scaies on Higbway 401- between Whitby- and Ajax. The spokesman said tbat no damage was done. to eitber vebicle and no arrests have been made. Commons entered is summer recess hast week, wages and prices wltbln the public sector are to be limited to six per cent t.his year and five per cent next year. Attersiey points out that the town bas been living w'ithin tbese guidelines for the past year and notes that town taxes only went up by an, average -of 4.5 per cent this year. "And it will be iess than that next yeafr, if I'm stiil around," the mayor said making reference to this.year's municipal election. "The challenge is out from the feds," be ad- ded saying 'II tbink it is an .bonest attempt by the federal government to get the economy back on track."'1 However, ,Attersiey indlcated that he felt that everyone sbouid be part of the solution. "t's going to take tbe co-operation of every- bodyp" be said. "I tbink it's very important." Attersley also said that the AMO conven- tion is a good place to seek wide-spread sup- port for tbe restraint program.. He points, out tbat AMO speaks for ahl pro- vincial municipalities and councillors get a "good cross-section of views"l by attending. Brek1 lin Byines By ROXANNE REVELER Cali 655-4951 wIth items for this column. Willreturn next week g g * - u - PRESS,ý WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,ý1982, PAGE 7 BROOKLIN*,H OME IBAKERY &DELICATESSAkN 61 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-4951" SPECIALTHIS WEE K DINNER ROLLS TRY OUR MALT BROWN BREAD See our unad vertlsed ln-store specials. -z i~u- Brooklin- Flour Milis Flour& Baking Supplies * Chioken Feed 18% Layer Krums 25 Kg'.-$75 23"CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKLIN 655-4851 TYPE WRITE RS ADING MOINES a CALCULATOIRS SALES e SERVICEo*RENTALS Il 'bd

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