PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CouncilI Column Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL By COUN CILLOR JOE BUGELLI West Ward Chairman, Operations Commlttee In my last council coluinn, I spoke at some length about the impact of the latest provincial budget on municipalities. Concerns about taxation of many public services. expressed by elected municipal offj-' cials has caused the budget to be a prime topic at the upcoming Association ofMunicipalities of Ont- ario Annual, conference. I, along with most of our council, will beattending the conference and will be f..; Town-mgetsý- $50OOO ho ist gran-t Whitby will receive a $50,000 provincial grant to purchase 35-ton capacity boat hoist for the Port Whitby marina., it was announced yes- terday by George Ashe, Ontario Minister' of Revenue and MPP for Durham West. Making* the announce- ment 'on .bohaif .-0f Munficipal, Affairs and Housing * M inister Claude Bennett, Ashe said the marine travelift equpment will increase the utilization of the facility and its astociated services. Total cost of the equipment is' approxi- mately $100,000, haîf of which will be paid for by the town. The grants for muni- cipally-owned marina and related boating faci- lities.,are administered' by the Minstry of Muni- cipal Affairs and Housing with funding provided u nder the pr- ovince's Board of Indus- trial Leadership and Deveiopment (BILD) program'. BILD, a committee of the provincial cabinet, is responsible for co- ordinating econemic ,development in Ontario, and represents a five- year, $1.5 billion govern- ment commitment aimed at creating jobs and improvigg produc- tivity.. AMO mîee ting wiJlfocus on, res traint&s adding our support to a resolution petitioning the Ontario Government to exclude from taxes the essential services we provide our residents. The latest federal budget also.calîs for -wage res- traint for federal civil 3ervants. The provincial a nd municipal governments are also being asked to respond to those guidelines i an effort to set the pace for what is hoped to become the trend in the private sector thereby minimnizing inflation. How- ever unfair it may seem to pick on one segment of the working force, if a start is to be made, then it is Up to the governments themselves to set the exam- pie. This request will also be the subject of consi- derable debate at the AMO conference. On the home front, we have been kept quite busy responding to problemns being experienced by those families who have bought homes in Whitby and where, due to bankruptcies, subdivision agree- ments were. not completed. Although letters of credit are always obtained at the outset, to draw on these funds is a long and exhausting process. We as. council a re well aware of these deficiencies and are actively pursuing alI aspects legally available to us to rectify these problems., To end on a positive note, I am pleased to report that we have been verysuccessful in attracting new industries to Whitby thereby creating badly needed jobs and an expanded tax base. Among the new in- dustries this year, we are proud to list the followîng: Isomedix (approximately 20,000 square feet employing 25); American Can Canada Inc. approximately 152,000 square foot - employing 75); Sony of Canada Limited (approximately 25 acres - employing 85); Douglas Steel Limited (approximately 20,000 square foot - employing 10); and, Duramould Limited (a',Whitby company expand- ing to a new location of approximately 40,000 square foot - employing 25). These are but a few of many foreign as well as domestic industries who have expressed a real- in- terest in locating in Whitby. We shaîl continue to actively pursue this great potential for the better- nient of 0111 town. Have a happy and safe sumnmer! Our best carriers Charmaine Bojda, circulation manager of the Whitby Free Prs,.1inmmn bue.wlth Jeff Wrice and Brian Guilfoil, aur carriers of the month for May ami June. Bian (right), our best carrier in May lis 9 yeair's old and delivers in the Nordic Court area., Hé has been delivering the Free Pes since March. Jeff (left), our best carrier in June has been delivering for us for about 1½ years. He is 12 years old and his route is in the Dublin Street area. Thanks boys, and keep up tbe*good work. - ree Press Staff Photo