Whitby Free Press, 28 Jul 1982, p. 13

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WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28',1982, PAGE 13 CALL 668-m6111 Emporium Ads wll only be accepted subjeot to the f ollowing conditions. -PLEASE READ - ARTICLES AUTOMOBILESi th advortised Item la soid, dlsposed of, or un:vallable for whatever reason, the Item wiII b. eH UEOD ~ ~ E O~ FOM LDE ý' « FOR SALE IllustratedXb.1ow, regardiss if priceilestated wth "boat offer.' onTE00ERI0DSICa If the Item la NOT 8OLD, or disposed of, the id wiii bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE A 12 plus W0 gai. aquarium and ail 1910 CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto- of $6.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwlse a $750 charge wiii ap- COUCH, pull-out, Seay Posture. 7 PIECE soiid pins bedroomn suite accessorles $275. Wlne equlp- matie, excellent condition. $4,000. ply If biiied which muet be.pald upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wli b. appiied to pedie mattress with rattan trame, from Pioneer Interlors. Perfect ment $75. Premier drumn $700.1if Cali 723-6967. -the final commission due but ln any case the higher amnount wiii b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 $485. RFrzer 2 c , white, conditkin$,. Pueonze, 72ght5sta. Interested cati 723-9618. pre-pald; $7.50 bIlled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ali advertlsements must b. piaced on an ex-$20 Rergrtwhe 1' Akn$30.Poo72549 1979, MERCURY MARQUIS clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieaat one month If not soid. wide x 22" deep x 5' high, $80. 6 ~Stove, 24" wide, white, $100..Bar, ALUMINUM combînîtion door, BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- RATES Oif article la aoid): wal nut wood grain and black fin- brown, 79" x 36" x 1 %½", frimne and ing, power steering, power brakes, 5% of a<i,.rtis<s urc. up 10 $40000 2% of balance ovar $400.00, ish, 5' wide, $50. Two waîî unitsMTRCCE grill lncluded. Excellent condition stereo, tilt wheei. 95,950 km. CLE] - brand new. AskIng -$125 cash. $5,500 certied. Phono 668-1275 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertled for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le 36.00>. wainut molamîne finish, 30" wlde 'SALES/RENTALS1 Phon 5761283 aftr 6 .m.x 6' hlgh, $150 for both. Coffes & Phoo 76123.afor pm.Private advertisling onlyl Please notify the WhItby Free Press Immsdiately when Item la soid so that two end tables, French Provincial, 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asklng $850. we may delete Il from the foiiowing Issue. Ali ade not fitting the Emporium guidolines wIli b. troatsd dark wood finish, $100. Caii even* Phone 668-3415. ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, 1978 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, and charged per wook as rogular classifled ade on a prs-paid basis such as: services, hsip wanted, ings 728.1746 or days 364-3234» _____________ $125. Ladies' sizo 9110 brown power sterIng, power brakes, air ciothing, rosi estate, and personal message type ade, or ade not quoting prie or quantity. Private ask for Ken Hilder. sud oaeclln oniin cniinig elor-Ineo, classifled ade may appear In the Emporium section underappropriate headinga. ______________ 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asking $é0., freshiy drycieaned, $100 Phono apoke wheels, new radiai tire, low ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEO SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ExcGROMSTFschPo eltonhatn'tsen ,d0rt kiuo- 666-2772. <mlsage, asking $5500. Phono IIGRO EFec r. miehs' endr uh 66&.7007. MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt cati: OR DELIVER TO: vinclal fruitwood. Table with one Cali after 6 p.m. 668-8039. BICYCLES,_adies'_an________I FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brook St. N. teaf extenda 10 60", 4 aide chairs. dICCLS, ades an mn's i -P.O. Box 208 Whitby, Ont. 2 place china cabinet, 45" wids,. 1976 HONDA GOLD WING, un- good condition, $65 sach. Port- 1976 RASSIT, nseds new carbure. Whitby, LIN MSS1 69" high. Ai, In excellent condi- certIid, 27,000 miles, $2,000 firm. able typewriter $35. Electric fan tor and air pump and some body THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE tion. Asking $825. Phono 668-4686. Phono 666-2977. $17. ~a Cal68-68.wr. iPasexlen 7 otor. evnIg FRIDAV PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.- 1975 60 YAMAHA, 14,000 original asUX lasnt adtbest a. Phkedon y 576-546 ovnnu _____________________________ ____________ _ 8P.SOLID oak diing roomn st, miles, wndsheid, backrest and DEL ESmsoit cadtbest lndweed ny antique. Phono after 5 p.m. 668- carrier, ln storage for the tst 2 new, $110. BInoculars, 7 x W0, field 5908.. yas xeln odto.Akn 701, $35. Walnut end table $6. 1975 CHRYBLER NEWPORT, air yas xeln odto.Akn Phne66-32._________$60orbot__er - 1 - $1 ,150. Phone 668-7167. Phon 66-138. onltionin . $60o atofr UOMOTIVE BOATS & - HOUS EHOLD G.E. AiJTOMATIC WASHER, good KODAK CAROUSEL proîsctor, ____ _________ * RPIRIPARTS SUPPLIES GOODS condition, $125. Also, oid butters 1974 T500 SUZUKI, only 6,000 orl- moda no 520, arosel toc -111EPIT .1sscretary desk, vsry unique, $550. ginai miles, excellent condition. loader, 3 suids trays and 3 color 1tse7ng wEBrD bORakLs, power BRAND NEW Firestono 721-P235 CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p. ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, Phono 728-4849. AskIng $1,000. Phono 263-8025. s8 fi almst $350. Maolgnyegoo windows, many nw parts. Recent radiai for sale $80. Floor mat for ChrysIer motor and traitr. Ex- buffet and table, $250. Largo stur- 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 trot 8 oo tbl wthmta fidngies paint & body. 66,000 miles. imma- Ford truck $10. Cai 666-2416. collent condition, low hours, dy work bench $40. Smaii Duncan FRIDGE AND STOVE, WestIng- bike. Mint condition. Loaded with $100. Ton wooden stacking chairs culots. $4,100 certified. Phono original owner. Asking $3,300 or Fyfs table $55. Old wIcker chair hous, 4 years oid, harveat gold, ln exrsOny100mis.Akg $100. Ray-O-Vac sportsmen boitas offer00 ies skn fluecetintr 20 ii 6- 571-1704. 455 CU. INCH motor & trans., rune botofr Phono 683-5503. $45. Smail air compressor $35. excellent condition, $500 for both. $9W. Cal, 655-3840. ___________________$2._Cali_6_8 Wooden tolephone table $30. Oid Pisbrwtsrvgadwokn ______________ 8178. wsil, stili In car, asking $225. FourPisbrwt evnadwokg rockIng chair $33. Oid achool deak counter, Colonial design, $250. _______________________ 1974 LINCOLN Town car, ln good GM raily whesis, f its full size GM, 14' FIBERGLASS; FISHiNG BOAT, and chair $20. Truck and traiter Sofa and ioveat, gaod condition, _____________ POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, condition, -nesds minor body worc. Olds, etc., $150. Carburetor f rom 40 horse electric Mercury, battery, mIrrors $15. Boy's and ginl's bicy- $25 each. 39" single bod, box 1 1 UIA Asking $1,500 as le. Phono 655. '76 Ouater, 20,000 mUles, $20. tank, lights, central stesring, ln- cls$5UahSCmItvC$5ALrn m ates,$0.Mvn Per, $200. Phono 668-8116 atter 5 hn 6-68 ldsnwbi rle.Akn Phono 683-6638. -sais. Con b. seen et 924 Centre WMYhT1IEhSUMT p..$1 ,85. Phono 668-7092. -______________ Street North, Whltby <Brackan1 1973 FORD COURIER, 6400 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan - APPLIANCES - Washer, hoavy Roseland intersecton. GIAYmhmdlC88 POL 1 f. 3ft Sndfîte, mlles, has had recont valve job, parts. Front end, grill, tenders 16' MASON mahogany boit with dt, on re wht. re, almost new -condition. Asking POOmmer rea5 it, l an il good engins, needs body wark. $200. Air conditioning unît $85. traiter, 40 'h.p. Johnson siectrlo Inglia, heavy duty, white. Reinl- 4 PIECE WALNUT bodroom suite, after 6 p.m. skmerpi i,2 lb. chlorine, AakIng $750. Phono 655-802. Drums and rotors, aimast new, $20 start motor, $850. Phono 668-7235. gerator, Inglis Normandy, white. triple* dresser, $500. Cali 723-5965. _____________ laddon. Just neoda watoni Asking ______________ ach. Differentia $80. Wind -____________ $120 or hoat offer. Phono Barry shîidu $100. Master cylinder and - Slave, McLarey, solf-cleanlng 668-4M5. 1973 LEMANS, two door, 400 vacuum $25. AMIFM radio $90. aven, white. Ail appilancos throe ____________________47__x_3_ cubie Inch Amonlean (blus block) Door windows and slectric matonsreIN N E years Oid. Asking $30 oach. itHEN1 TALE l ovât. 47"e an 36"lo mu TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bîshman 'motor, four' speod fioor shltt, $10. Phono 655-3008 I A I N E D Phoans 668-5016. with Irlt ea. Gecent nd l FORoilowEN iae gcrcoe yrul 7 ae xeln ehnclcn vinon te ing$0o eellet condi-eFO S E EN 1 mike,~~ 19c78oe ydalc 7 agecletmehnclcn LARSON hard top deep V BUILT-IN AM/FM radio - track tone As8k&ng $40E orGY nofes offor.ortn rims and up, adapter avallabie for dition, noeds body work. Asklng 193TORINO 4 d0oo parts. 302 1978 Phono expres63 DUNEer BUG,2f3oasareo amaîlen rims, used onîy severai $99 Or hoat offr. Phono 68 93 nis$0.Tasmsin b5 lus, wsloo pes ctuou r, 23' a n record ployer, excellent condition, ______________ V.W. trame and drive train, heador timea. LIst $5,695. Aaking $2,800. 0927. egn$20 Trnmsin 85 plsepafu,1kcbn d $125. Cheat of drawors $40. ehca ytm 5lc i Air condltioning rad $50. Front awim piatform, stand up hoad and Dresser $50. Chesterfield and MOVING - MUST SELL - Teak- erronis Ytes and chrom whel Phono 655-4995. end tenders and grill $200. Bump- galsy, hydraullo tnim taba, depth chair, ln excellent condition, $170. woad diningroomn set, table, 4 T-bar isud d rs w hea b 1972 BUICK SKYLAR , 2 door, ors $45 each. Phono 655-3006. sounder, etc. Lois thon W0 hours Ciii anytimo 668-77C. chairs and buffet, 1 year old, $425. senAkng$0.Poo6- TWO Wilson Jack Kramer pro handtop, 350, V8, automnatie trans- running tîme. Muet be seon ta bo - Moffat fridge, excellent condition, ise.Akn 50 hn W staff's tennis rackets with covers mlison, power stoonIng, AMIFM CALL 668-611l1 ta place youn id. appreciated. PrivaIs deal. $20,000. CADLEcnls ruh $2.Fr-otrwe bdex 195 $100. Raleigh Record 10 apood 8-track storea, ail now tires, New prIco now ovon Ï35,000. Wit CHANDLIER cîdow gt $5.Fuoteron d, Poxe _____________ bike, spydor blue, excellent candi- ahocks, noir sprIngs and nadiator. . cansiden run-about or houso triller iroan d wood, $15. Double b.d, coln odton 60 hn tion, $110. Coui alter 5 p.m. 66&. Car la ln excellent original candi- as partial payment. Phono (416) steel frime on castors, $20. OId 668-9016. 3447. lion. 31,500 certified. Phono 668- 264-4692 or (416> 431-5631. aoid woad b.droomn set, single TRUC S1 VANS _________________ 7167. "'" "" " ' _____________ bed, large cheat and night table, ONE-YEAR OLD apartment-sized M O SALE I UBABYNEEDSI $75. Phono 668-567. dryer $190. 24"1 ain-tight wood WOOD LATHE $150. Chest of ALUMINIJM boit, 12 foot, with 41h ____________ slave $200. Free standing acorn ONE 44 TON TRUCK complets drawors, bnown, 4 drawera, good 19019 METEOR MONTCALM, con- h.p. mator, $60. Ouldoon gis DISHWASHER for sais. Viking, firoplace $50. Gas dryer $85. with lawn spraying and trse and condition, $39. Boy's junior ton- vertible, power steerIng, power BABY ÇARRIAGE, ln good condi- immp, 6 foot hlgh, $30. Mmnd iawn- white, top loadlng, woricsweii. $W0 Commercial nefrigorating unit shrub apraying oquipment. Every- spood, good condition, $60. Phono brakos and top, stoned winters, Iton, nsw mattreas, $25. Phono mawon $10. One mag tiro, size or boat offon. Phono 668-7269 afler $400. Automatie washer $35. lhing noady la go. AskIng $6,300. 68-63.aking 31,500. Phono 668S-7007. 655-4858, ask for Maunoon. G60-14, $20. Phono 668-1083. 6 p.m. Phono 655-4238. Phono 655-3932. C LASSI FIE ADS. , RIG T P OPL ... 197 MNTECARO, owe ste, sonabie. Phono 649-5276 In Ux- iiess. Main office R Ing G OPE. 94OCRpower slskspo er . wld AUTOMOBILES ARTICLE bridge moia. Othera phono 1.649. about 32 ft. long. Could Wharaver you maoe the and air. Drive Il: away for oniy FOR SALE ' FOR REN 5276. FLRD be diVided into smaller Welcome Wagon hoteaaias $209 Aurtod SLce 148 B72ek VACATION offices. For further ln- the nlght porion ta help you Hisîto Shly, 664889 k and 18 - 19 PONTIAC LAUREN- TYPERITER RENTAL, many ±R TAS ALfomtncalM.ur Strnd aoth placeby in-If anrnd o 684 TIAN, 350, automatie, gaod nun- makos and modeis, by the weok- gssIL berm twen 9l ar.mBur finda paceln our ew om- M"111.non. Licence EBJ 544. Little work end, wsek or manth. Discounts gess"' betwen 9a.m munîîy. 1972 LEMANS, 400 ou. In., 4 barrol, 10 certlfy. $595.00. Hopkins Auto available. Dicksan Printing & Of. FRE FLORIDA ad5pm t automal, 2 doon, good condition' Sales, 146 Brack Street North, fiee Supplies un the Ajax Plaza. R. CaiWhitby, 668-688 and 668-411. Cali us fan business machine FREE- Drop into the Dickson Prin- Clearwaten - Take the famliy, 6 86 7 ~*llBosI offer. Cili anytlme, 668-1498, _______________ npis 6-96.I 666-1523 or 68-8943 ask for Billh ear6316. ting & Offilce Supply alors ln tho thneo bodroom, two bathnoom Ajax Plaza and pick up a ires copy countny club homes, pools, _____________________________________________________of their 1982 Metrlc Caiendîn. Ltennis ls amjrala CAL U4 i t pac yuradlnPrinted ln twa calaurs, It makea lions, oniy 320.00 U.S. weokly. CALL 684111 ta place your ad un CALL 061411 1re plae your id in ON DE[>8 ion hîndy roierance.6a. 683-1968. the.....,, Whitby Fras press.

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