Whitby Free Press, 21 Jul 1982, p. 26

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* PAG 14,WEDNESDAY, IIJLY.21, 1982,,WIHITBY FREEIPRESS Gou"d eats coming to lbrary' By SANDRA HUNT LAbrarlan ,- On Thursday, July 2 from 10 to, 11:15 a.m., boys and girls ln Grades 1 to 5 are invlted to a special program about nutrition and "good eatsl' at the Whltby Publielbrary. The program 18 spon- sored. by Summer ALRTILE -FGRAIERSALE 2" Storm Doors Triple seaied *5coiors $ 89.50 4 styles, instalied Includîng tex. Aiso eco- nomical and energy fficient storm or replacement thermal windows and patIo doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 1666-3355 atter hours 666-1847 Canada and operates under'the supervision of the- Durham .Reglonial Health Unit. Three Dur- ham area- students, al majoring ln food or famifly studies are con- ducting the program with the help of NIF, their puppet mascot. Nif and the students, willl help cbildren under- ARTICLES FOR SALE DEKOKER MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF & HIND QUARTERS .725-4245 14(705>.2772324 We Accspt VISA S *CERAMICS* AREDUCED TO CLEAR AbeaUtifUl assortment of locaily- made ceramlcs. ýBathroom sets, pît- chers, plctmjre f rames and more. Great forgifs. om onin 'wereopen f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. S WHIT3Y FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N., Whltby - 106 Byron St.,.Whitbyl AlsoHomeParties 668723 SUPPLIE PROPS and age rebulit. Expert boat repaira. Dscount fibergiase repairs. Oshawa Glss Fiber, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. MOTOCCLEW ULM NTL 1981 HONDA, 650 Custom, Shosi', adjustabie back reet and chair, crash bar. Returnlng to school - muet ssii. Corne and make an of- fer. 683-1257. Give... TH E H EARIT FUN D AUVOGTIVE U~1 EPAIR I~RPART& POOL - 15 ft. x 3 ft. Sand filter, skimmer, repaîr kit, 2 lb. chiorIne, ladder. Just needs waterl Asking $120 or best offer. Phone Barry 668-8455. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby WANTED - Estates, hoUsehold Items, fUrni- ture, glass, tools & equlp- ment. The place to bUy or seli. We-wlll pick Up. 666-3731 668-,1403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) ARTICLES FOR RENT] T qERIE RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts available. Dickson Printlng & Of- fice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Cal us for business machine repaira 683-1968. OZEFEE~ FREE: Drop into the Dickson Prîn- ting & Office Supply store in the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1982 Metric Caiendar. Prînted In two colours, It makes for hanciy reference. 683-1968. ATOMOVE U REPAII~R/PARTS stand the Importance of healthy snacklng- by using a series of games, songs and a puppet play called "Rocky the Tired Rabbit" There is no charge or registration fee for this program, so corne out and join the fun 1 For. more information, cail the library at 668-653. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE9 1979 CHALLENGERAS peed, verY good condition. AskIng $4500 f irm. Phono 666-1332. 1979 LADA, dark blue, 40000 miles, excellent condition, $3,395, certified. Please cati 579-6600 e- -ter 5 p.m.. 1976 CHEVY VEGA, 4 cylînder, hatchback, radio, excellent econo- ,my car, fuiiy certlfled and ready to go. j,à,996.60NOW $1,700. Licen- ce OEL 364. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 BrockStreet North, Whitby, 668-689 and 668-4111. 1975 DODGE CRESTWOOD WAGON, amali 8 cylinder, auto- matlc, power steerlng, power brakes. Excellent for family travel. $1,695 reduced to $1,495 certified. Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopkins Auto Sales, 148 Brook Street Nor- th, Whitby, 6684869 and 666-4111. 1975 OLO CUTLAS8 SUPREME, power steering. power brakes, air condltioned. Sale priced at $2,195 certifled. Licence SSN '106. Hopkins Auto Sales, 148 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668689 and 668-4111. 1974 DART SWINGER, 6 cylinder, automatic, power stserIng, power brakes, low mles. $1.595 certif led. Licence No. HPV 835. Hopklis Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street Nor- th, Whitby, 668-6689 and 668-4111. 1973 FORD Wlndow Van, power steerlng, powar brakes, 302, V8, standard, needa some body work. $800as se Phone 668-227. THE ALTERNATIVE Mark Connors Says for a reasonably prlced used car $1,295 and Up cer- tif led see HOPKINS AUTO SALES 146 Brock St. N., SWhitby 668-6889 or 668-4111 RPAR/PARTS "SPECIALIZIN<; IN" SAFETY INSPECTIONS " COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR " SERVICE TO ALL MAKES CLASS "A" MECHANICS 40 YRS EXPERIENCE ALL WORK GUARANTEEO <107 WARREN (AT HOPKINS) HOPKINS AUTO SLS& SERVICE Council Column Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL AIDTO'MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTIN.UED FROM PAGE 12 vil. -'-i 218 - VIODE SAA HPPN L -""MOE 8 16 By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR TO M EDWABR6S Chairman, Recreation Department It is that time of year when we look over the hum- dreds of people in our*communlty, young and old, and of both sexes, to decide which of the many deserving candidates should be selected as thé Peter Perry Award winner. This year the selector panel has chosen three ladies as finalists, each one of whom would make --an admirable selection,- because of the contribution each has made in a number of activities to the 111e of our community. To that person who is selected, may I extend my con- gratulations in advance, and to the other finalists it must be some considerable consolation to have been selected by your fellow citizens to be 80 near the highest recognition that the Town of Whitby can bestôwm upon you. These thoughts were running through rny mind whilst attending two civic functions in recent weeks. The first was the occasion of the testimonial dinner in honor of the former town treasurer Forbes "Doc" McEwen. I looked over the cistinguished gathering who had corne to pay tribute to "Doc", which in- cluded five former mayors, and numerous ex- councillors. and former staff of the town, and I was struck by how fortunate we are, in the fact that whether you are a native born Whitbyite, or some- one like me who came here from elsewhere, if you love your community and wish to make a contrib u- tion that opportunity will be made available to you.. This occasion was foilowed by our annual achievement niglit. Here were hundreds of people involved in everytbing from contact sports to teacli- ing English to new Canadians, each one in bis own way contributing to the fabric which forms the tapesfry of the life of our community. It struck me that we have so many people who have made a con- tribution that we had to aplit the occasion in twoé, because we held a similar event for those involved in senior citizens activities earlier in the year. It was my honor to introduce the guest speaker, a young man from Toronto, who last year became the first Canadian in 40 years to win an Amateur Worlds Boxing Title. He is much sought after, and is in- volved in elimhinations to represent Canada at, the forthcoming Commwealth Games in Australia, and il was no easy task to get him. It was wortbwhile George Ashe (MPP - Durham West) ann- ounced last Friday that the Ministry of Munici- pal Affairs and Honsing bas approved a grant of $250,000 to Whitby under the Ontario Neigh- bourhood Improvement Program (ONIP). In addition to Whitby, 56 o$her Ontario muni- cipalities will benefit from $12 million in ONIP grants announced Friday. -This program - was launcbed in February, 1961, alter the unilateral cancellation by the fed- eral governument of the Community Services Contribution Progam. Under ONIP. the pro- vince contributes 50 per cent towards the cost of a neighbourhood im- provement project, -in- cluding roads, -side-' walks, parka, ,commu- nity centres and recrea- tional facilities. Projects are to be completed over the next four years, with pro vi- cial grants ailocated i instalments, as the work Progresses. ONIP is one of a series of provincial -initiatives to assist municipalities and the private sector in community renewal ac- tivities. The commnunity improvement programs also include downtown and mai street revitali- zation. Night Moods Now Open BONMAR MOTORS. Automotive Machine Shop * Complete engine - rebullds & installation '-11* Valve jobs * Cars, trucks, foreign q .. * Alilengine-work *Very competitive rate *Alil work - fuli guarantee parts & labour 1750 Plummer St., Unit 18 South Pickering 831-2341 "Çý- [OMMERIIII/L lq/L PRI11TI11G bowever because bis modest and articulate manner. make hlm a wonderful "ambassador'for amateur sport. As one who held amateur boxlng tities myself many years ago, 1 know how satisfylng it la to represent your country in your >chosen sport, and this young man, Shawn O'Sullan, dld bis country proud. I was even more proud, bowever, to show my community off to this young man and bis compamion from New Hamburg near Kitchener, i the various recipients of the awards.. They met people like -Dr. Hobbs, whose service to bis fellow man bas taken place on three continents. To people like Gord Hawes, the backbone of sports administration for over 30 years. They met people like Tony Jones, who at an age when people are supposed to be In their dotage,' is performig, atbietic feats which would be difficult for people less than haif his age. And, of course, the young people of our community who are strivlng in any one of a number of disci- plines, Includlng one young person whose physical impairment would makre a lesser person, give upi despair. I was sô proud to have this chance to show off people typical of my community. This means that the selection -panels who have to name the Peter Perry Award winner will have a very difficult job to select from a very broad field for many years to corne., In answer to many enquiries, I amn happy to tel you that Wayne DeVeau, our extremely bard- working and popular director of recreation, is* con- tinuing to improve after a very serious operation. We wish hlm'a successful convalescence and we thank God for bis recovery from a very bazardons operation. In the absence of Mr. DeVeau the'remainder of the recreation staff are copmng weil with the heavy work load of tbat department. An appeal is being' publicized asking people to cooperate in preserving the conditions of the various playing surfaces in our community. Please do wbat you can to respond., Elsewbere,* the 'Kinsmen Pool wbich was renovated at an amount way below anticipated is being used beyond expectations. It is anticipated.-, that revenues at this location sbould exceed expen-- ditures by 5(kper cent. Aiso Iroquois Park revenues sbould exééed expenditures i supervising swim- ming activities by a similar amount. Because of the unnsually wet spring and people nsing the pitches before they were properly dried out, considerable damage was snstained at the An- nes and Iroquois Park soccer pitches. Remedial work will takre place and we ask the varions soccer enthnsiasts to be patient. We are still baving problems at the Iroquois Park bail diamonds, despite extensive work done. We continue to seek remedial masures and once again ask for your cooperation and support. Equipment is being supplied as much as can be obtained witbin budget limitations. They include play equipment at Blue Grass Meadows, lights..at, Iroquois and Brooklin, repairs to Brooklin Com- munity Centre, a new backstop at E.A. Fairman, and play equipment at various commumity parks., In closing, may I mention that even a newspaper as weil run as the Whitby Free Press is n ot infalli- ble. Last week mention was -made that'only two members of the couneil bave declared themselves for the next election. The fact is that in answer to an enquiry from John Goodwin of the Oshawa Times some six weeks ago, I said witbout any equivoca- tion, or unnecessary f0 de roi, that I was so satisfied. witb a nuiber of issues wbicb I had concluded as a member of the Social Services Committee, which are of direct benefit to the Town 0f Wbitby, that I in- tenided to run again as Regional Councillor. When the election gets a little nearer'I shaHl deal with the matter more fully, but I want to set the records straigbt.- Whitby gets«

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