PAGE 14, ,WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS COIN VENTS CALENDAR ENTRIES WANTED This year's County Town 'Carnival1 Parade wii be held'on July 24 starting at 10 a.m. The parade's organiz- ers - the Whitby Jay- cees- are now accept- ing entries in ail cate- gories. Prizes wil be given to the best float, band and majorette group. .For more information cail Ken Thoms at 668- 7914 or Ron Gxass at 668- 0075. CLOCK DRAW The Whitby Historical Society is holding an an- tique dlock draw to raise funds for ifs -current operations. Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased at, the Lynde House Museum, Dundas Street West or from any WHS member. The draw wiil be held on August 2 at 3 p.m. For more Information cail 666-504. CAR WASH The Whitby Jaycettes will hold, a car wash on Saturday, July 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mat- thew's Sunoco, Frances Street. and Dundas Street West. The cost wiil be $2 a car. Funds raised wiil go towards various Jay- cette community pro- jects. * LAS VEGAS NIGHT The Whitby Arts Sta- tion Gailery wiil be hold- ing a Las Vegas Night on July 24 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. in conjunction with the Whitby County Town Carnival. The evening will offer fun and entertainment including varions games of chance. Ad- mission is $1 and res- tricted to personsfage 19 and over. Closod Saturdays Unili September PHIOTO SHOW _____________________________ Whtby, A County Town" will be shown at * CLEANERS î?, > SAME DAY SERVICE e J f ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS - 4concernod about store them ln vauts.S TERRYCLOT14 KNITS spring cleanlng - until you cail for them * Again this summor, drapes, furnifure cov- in the fail. This ser- torrycloth knit gar- ors, and wintor clofh- vice gives you more 1. monts wilI be popular., ing. closet space at home. * Many of these gar- K & M Cleanors and You also do flot pay * monts will be avail- the International Fa- for your clothos until o **able in brigbt colors bricaro Instituto, the you pick f hem Up in ' ),with a looso f it for world-wlde trade the faîl. a. surmor comfort. association of iaund- With the trend 'to- Jý The forryclofh, knif orers and dryclean- ward onergy consor- * construction is oasily ers, recommend the vation, many peoplelo d' idntifiable by Ifs foilowing precautions aro using wood burn- * loops on the outsido when'storing winter ing stoves as an altor- ( and knit construction ciothes: nafo hoating source.Ir J( on the Insîdo. I. Make sure evory- Since.these stoves do 00 a) Be careful whon thing làs dean and nof have filtors, more ï 0 0 ea n those gar - spot f ree. A lthough so:: nd oo rs can *e side ioops are ex- prefer natural fibers, ciothes and houso- * Jý tremely susceptible like wool, thoy will eat hold furnishings.0 f o snagging. Also, any fabrlc. /'They're Vour clothes and fur:- ercise care If you particulariy attractod nishings need dry- < (use bloach on these to dirt and food cloaning f0 removo colored torrcloth stains. Also, the long- the wood odor. O JýknIts. or the stains romain ! Whon cleaning, 0. K & M Cleaners on the fabric, the your drapes and f urni- * a professlona care move - raybe rnpos- forgt the bedroor...> for your ferry knIt gar- sîble. Vour piilows and oth- : *>monts. These Items 2. Read package or down Items neod 1lo 00 can distort easliy and directions for moth cleaning and rovitai- se lose thoir shape If balis carefully. Moth izing after the long, .:washed ln the home. balis do nof really kili droary winfer jus. like jýDrycleaning will re- Insecfs but the odor your living room e a move cooking olîs, Is objectionable. drapes and furnifure f ILetc., much botter than 3. If your'closet is covors. Refluffedu (swashing. Profession- bulging or if you live cleaned and steriliz- *ai cloanlng will not In a hot, humid area, ed, the pillow feath- es Sonly make your ferry prof essionai storag,-- ors are put into new 0. knits dlean and bright is a good Idea. Quito a f icking, returnied soft but also koep them fow IFI member dry- and bouyanf as ne w. ( **looking new. cleaners offer this Wif h regular cloaning, J X SPRING CLEANING service. The dry- household furnish. At@) mo0 er cleaner will dlean ings wililoo0k brighfer < 4LveryonO becomnes your clothes and thn an d last longer. 00. 'X4 LEni : Svwiat fO' It 8n Iliil~ 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 s the Whitby Arts Station Gallery on September 9, at8p.m. 'i The Whitby Photo- graphie Club has put together a selection of slides and vocal descrip- tions of historical and current interest in the town. Refreshments wiil be served. Adnmission $2 for adults. Children free. For more information caîl the gallery at 668- 4185. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The next world'wide Marriage Encounter weekend to be held in the Region of Durham will take place on Aug- ust 6, 7 and 8 at the Holi- day Inn, Oshawa. For more Informa- tion, caîl Ralph or Theresa Luke at 72&- M48. DRAMA DAY The Whitby Public Library wiil hold a "Drama Day" on Tues-' day,,August 5. Tjsing a variety of drama techniques, boys and girls wiil explore with their imaginations and create skits and scenes from their favor- ite stories. Two sessions will be held: 10:3toll:30a.m. for children 5 to 8 years of age; and, 2:30 to 4 p.m. for children 9 years and older. No registration is necessary. For more in- formation cail the library at 668-6541. POOH PARTY The Whitby Public Library- will be holding a "Wlnnle the Pooh Par- ty"p on Auguat 9 from 10: 30 a.m. to 12 noon for children aged 3 to 5. The party wii feature Winnie the Pooh storles, songs and films. Pre-registration is necessary and names are now being accepted at the Children's Desk. For more information cail 668-654. COOKING CONTEST The Whitby Public Library wiil hold its fir- st ever Kid's Cooking Contest for young chefs aged 8 and over on Aug- nst 19 from2:30Oto 4p.m. Cooking categories wiil include:. .nutritions snacks, salads, sand- wiches, desserts and drinks. Children wishing to enter must pre-reigster. A pre-registration meet- ing wii be'held, on July 26 at 10:30 a.m. At that time, categories wiil be choosen and entry for- ms and lists of rules will be distributed. For more information caîl 668-6541., SUMMER FILMS Wednesdays duringý July and August, the Whitby Public Library's auditorium will be tur- ned into a theatre for children aged 5 and, over. Film will be shown in two sittings from 10: 30 to 11:30 a.m. and fromn 1:30 to2:30p.m. Featured wil be such films as "Soup and Me" and "The Reluctant Dragon." For more information -caH 668-654. COMPUTER 1CLUB The Durham Region Computer Club meets on the third Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. at the Whitby Public Lii> rary. The club welcomes users of all micro- computers as weil as those people wishing help in making a com- puter purchase deci- sion. The theme for JuIy and August meetings are "Summer School at Home."t At present, there aire no club fees. For more information cail the lib- rary at 668-6541. OUTDOOR SERVICE The Whitby Free Methodist Church wil continue its «"Suxnmer Sunday Evening Praise Series" this .Sunday (July 18) at 7 p.m.inthe parking lot of the Whit-ý by Mail, Thickson Road and Dundas Street. This week, "Home- ward Bound" wiil be featured. Ail are welcome. SUMMER CINEMA The Whitby Arts Sta- tion Gailery. will con- tinue its Summer Cine- ma '82 tomorrow (July 15). At 3p.m., "Laurel and Hardy: Dirty Work,", "Midnight Patrol,"1 and "Laughing Gravy" wiil be shown for children. Aduits can see "The Quiet Man," starring John Wayne at 7 p.m. Admission to both shows is free. The series will con- tinue every Thursday until August 26. The gailery is located at the corner of Henry NATURAL MEDICINES Got a headache? Try cMhewmg o %vln awi tion Authority at 59 0411. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rtson)' Oshawa Low prices on new S chesterfields, Colonial Sdining room sets, bedroom sets, beds, etc. Wc deliver.