The C hurchi Speaks SSponsored by tuie, WIITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION 'A house talks bacek By THIE REV. GERALD A HUNT-ý Pastor Whltby Baptist Church I'm Fred and Fran's new house. I'm quite attrac- tive but l'mn sta 'nding in a mess.of Clay with boards running 'out to the strett. The landscapers ,corne next week. I t's lonely enough without trees and I really feel desolate when the whole famlly is out to work and school. I want to be a real home, not M~it a house. My family is looking forward to a patio, barbecue and' pool, along with shrubs and flowers, -but I long for Intangibles like affection, contentment, a sense'0f mutual respect and togetherness. Downstreet, some older houses have their sorry tales of break-up,' separation and divorce. I'd rather have my mess of clay than their brand of unhappiness. I have my fears. When Fred groans about the lay- offs at work and Fran wonders about giving up her job to have a baby my security is shaken. My price was a shocker! After ail, I'm basically wood and mortar - stuff that lies in the ground or grows in the bush. The pioneers helpe themselves freely to it. Somnebody'must be making plenty on me , even just on the mortgage interest. Is it the developer, the tradesmen, or the bank? Perhap.s al of them. But with ail the exfperts and inspectors there are places in my masonry that show slipshod work and shortcuts. MceF arlane n 1ew U.W. dferector Altarnae Eberlee, president, of the United Way of Oshawa-Whitby- Newcastle, is pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Robert M.,Mac- Farlane to the position 0f executive director.' MacFarlane, a resi- dent of Oshawa for the past il years, is well known in the area through his past affilia- tion with the Rotary Club and as director and treasurer 0f the United Way. MacFarlane has been employed with the Bank of Montreal for 33 years in varions capacities in Toronto and Oshawa. At the present time he is manager of a downtown Toronto -c ommercial branch and previously he was Manager of the bank's main office in Oshawa from 1972 to. 1980. MacFarlane 15 married with one son working and a daughter attending university. He wilI be assuming his new position December Te<d ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LTD. BROOK RD. N., PICKERING (1 Wk miles north of Highway 2) TOP SOIL Sand Umestone Treated Timber qtone. Plnemulch Patio Siabs Curbe.Ftewood Peat-Loam INTERLOCKING PAVlPNO STONES (DEUIVERED & OR INSTALLED) 6183M0887 TYPE WR ITE RS ADIEMiE AM"ULATOIS SALES * SERVICE * RENTALS* OFF CE S P I S SB Aao' lai 2I' 18poor da -hiuode-Aventhldacutmr WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1982, PAGE 9 'Y' hnorrng women, To think that I was sold on points like my great fireplace and fancy front entryl Those are areas where 1 lose a lot of heat. For ail the time the family spends together around the fireplace or brings frienda in the front door I_ might as well be a tenth- floor apartment. Fred goes toa lot of trouble and expensegetting firewood, then lights fires hehas no time to tend and enjoy. Fran spends s0 much time shopping for new furnishings she has no time for the is.I could tell you so much about waste and in- consistency. When I hear about ail the homeless people in the world I Wonder why T am not; more loved and appre- ciated. Is-it because the family has 80 many places to go? I feel Inadequate when they discuss the fun they had at the arena or bowling'alley or talk'about the facilities they have at school and at the office. It reaily flips my shingles to see the famnily doting on their cottageas they take off, so frequently with paint, furnishings and equipment. Am I not their principal residence? Are they trying to escaipe from me? By going north do they think they can leave their, frustrations and problems with meý? I do not offer them bugs, poison ivy and septic ýproblems 1 -Houses do not corne furnished with souls or spirits as human beings do. If I amn to have a soul, Fred, Fran and the.children will have to create one for me. They have to develop and shâre spiritual resources. My identity and importance depends on how much they, love and care, for one another, heal each other's hurts and respond to needs, I want to play a major role in the children's growing up, the place where they do their "homùework". I want to provide little corners of refuge, privacy and reverie, sanctuaries .of quiet worship o r salons 0f good music. I don't mind how much happy laughter peals, through Myî rooms. I want to be laundry, hotel, infirmary and restaurant, but not a prison. So much for sayings like "Home is where you hang y6ur wife" (which Mnay be more truth than poetry)! Actuaily I have some moments of great happi- iiess. I have heard Fred say "A man's home is his castle" and Fran exclaims "Home, sweet home"' as she puts on ber slippers after a hard day at the of- fice. When I'm cleaned, tidied and decorated, as at Christmas, I do look very good. -IPm glad to wel- corne any weary or tense member of the family into my cmorigsýhelter. I like the basebaîl term "home" which means success, security and joy, if you cap make it. We ahl have -an ideal 0f hope. If I am eventuaily forgotten or replaced and if there is a great eternal home in the skies, I believe that what happens in my pre- cincts is a vitaily important trial run forthe future. I can help my family prepare for the ideal home in the measure they'are willing t.o make me the best place on earth to live and love and grow. I notice that, in the -Bible, Jesus says "'In, my Father's house are many rooms. I arn going to prepare a place for you." And hanging on the wall of some homes there is the statement "Christ is the head of this house, the' sulent listener to every conversation, and the unseen guest at every meal. " I Wonder if Fred and Fran have seen that. BIRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY- CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE. SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 gories:' the arts, busi- ness, professional and labor, commnunity ser- vice, public affairs and sports. The key note speaker will be the Right Rever- end Lois Wilson, the fir- st woman moderator of the United Churéh o Canada. The, Oshawa YWCA invites, the public to share in this celebration by joining thern at the dinner and by nominat- (ing women in one or more categories. AI- though the deadline for nominations is Septem- ber 24, the YW would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Nomination forms and dinner tickets at $30 per person are available at the YW office - 576- 8880,ý 199 Centre Street South, Oshawa. Seco'nd Nature Enjoýngthewilderness can be second nature to you. Learn how first han, ÎOnari's roincalParks.Organized mushroom hikes, wolf howls, and nature trails give everyone, aduits and children alke, the chance to get back to nature, and a better unu'erstanding ofour naturAl environment. Ail adding an enlightening new optioi'to the first rate experien.ce already afforded. Ontar'o's Provincial Parks. Second to none. For mbre information write:'Ontarjo Travel - Pa.rks, Box 33, l)epr. S.N., Queen's Park, Toronto M7A 1N3. Or cali: in Toronto 965-4(X)8. Outside Toronto, 1-8(X)-208-3735. Oa~oPoVida1hxIoe NAME AODRESS CITY POSTAL CODE thoit-w', ROman Catholic Churches HO *LY FAMILY. ST. JOHN TH E EVANG ELIST Saturday Masses at St. PauI's Sohool, 903 Gi1f fard St.- 668-36761 200 Garrard Rd. Sunday Masses at Anderson Col leglate, 400 Anderson st. (just'above Dundas St.) 576-2098 MASSES -MASSES Saturday, 7 p.m. Saturdlay, 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:00 a.m,1:5a. "Know that I arn'with'you always; yes to the end oftime." Imm r The Oshawa YWCA will be holding a Women of Distinction Awards Dinner on November .4 at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa to honor women in the Region of Durham for their' exceptional contribution' to- our community life. At>the inaugural din-' ner, awards will be pre- sented, to women In each 0f these-five cate-