-1 PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Attersley and Batten ýquestiop housin 9repoart' a ccuracy ma yor s ays it isIto ify At least two members of Wh itby Town Council are unhappy with the draft of the, town's municipal housing statement. Both North Ward Councillor Ross Batten and Mayor Bob Atter- sley want the document scrutinized word for word before any policy changes are made because of the report.' The statement vas prepared at a cost of $12,500 'by the Toronto firm of Paterson Plan- ning, and Research Limited The money came from a provincial government grant. The initial 20 recom- mrendations eall for changes to the town's planning, and engineer- ing standards and that is unacceptable to both Att ersley and Batten.- in fact, both men question the accuracy of the report's contents. "Some of the facts and figures he's using are flot accurate facts and, figures," Batten s aid last week. The councillor,, a rnember of council's administrative -commit- tee, says that the con-, sultant's suggestions concerning lot sîzes and other standards are flot in keeping with esta- blished policy BATTEN "He's talking about increasing densities,"'l Batten said,* "That type of policy is completely- opposite to what we as'a coundil have been adopting." While Batten agrees that there is a shortage of low cost housing, he does not agree that reducing lot sizes and lowering ,,planning standards is necessarily the best thing to. do. Accordlng to the re- port, "A substantial por- tion" of the town 's households will not be able' to afford single detached family homes by 1986. " -This will be- parti- cularly true if the new units continue to be higher priced large lot eMeadow Gold Assorted Flavour Produot of Ontario Deli E ICE CREAM Canada No. 1 2 LCarton English, CUCUMBERS w39 TOMATO SAUCE 2' 2fB99 3 Product of U.S.A. CH9 M69 Canada No. 1 Case of 24, 280 ml New»White Mapfle L, X.PEPSI POTATOES Limit 3 cases 101lb. bag 454 kg.- 6.49 Case of 24, 280 ml DR PPPRPrimo Ass't VarletyB .4 Spag hetti, Elbows, Rigatoni, Penne Lisce, ~J ~Tubetti, Baby Shelîsw2 Sugr reeTaorPASTA N. COKEC 9 21 9 501pkg. A Plus Deposit Bott les M6 singles" the report said,' "it. is estimated that only 44 per cent of the town's households will be able to afford these." The report'also, cails for the town to make municipally owned lan- ds available for the development of non- profit and co-perative housing and, if'needed, be financially involved ..as well. However, this is un- acceptable to Batten. "I have some severe problems with that,"I he said, "Idon't think the town should become ýa developer. " Attersley said that the Sliced Maple Leaf MIACARONI & CHEESE 10 1.791t OZ. if, Deli Sliced 4laple Leaf, Mock CKEN LOAF /Og .79 b. .af, ReguIaror B.B.Q. VIENERS 1 lb. pkg. .59.44 Deli Sliced Maple Leaf OLOGNA 1O 1.29 lb. )eli Sliced York DKED HAM 100/« ie 1 a** lb. a $ou 90. 090 0* ýý _. Me. p m $*ose 0 9 00 à , 0 0 00 a 0 ou p a a b 0 0 et 9 0, «0me a 0 0 .00 @0.. ib 0 0 9 a 0 000 et. 0 se 000 0 a a a- soeed 00 -6 ga%0-. ' < 00.0 9 0 0 0 0.0 0 000 Other specials continue Produce specials in effect LtVLIT(UCf~~u~ usa Wednesday to close Sundayorwleuatisla. Hours: Mon.-VVed... 9-8 Thuts. &Fri. 9 -9 Hy Sat.&Su. 96 weeseve he rghtté imiNorth of Rossland Sat & un 9 6 e eure te ighto imt quantities. South of Taunton x x un ........s report does not shed any new light on the town's housing situation. "It merely tells us what we arleady know, " he said. He is also unhappy that the consultant did flot -give any concrete recommendations only that council "lshould consider" certain cour. ses of action. The mayor is alIso con- cerned that the report is not accurate, and points out that the report is full of estimates. Attersley's most im- portant concern is that the report does flot ad- dress itself to the cur- rent or future' state of the housing market. And to Attersley, the market place is all im- portant when determin- ing what kind of housing should be built, when it is built and how it is built. The mayor also be- lieves that reducing the planning and engineer- ing standards "lwould cost thousands, *even millions, 0f dollars to everyone." He also rejects the recommendations that council allow the con- struction of more lodging or rooming housing. Aside from the fact that the town does not want to bring in un- scrupulous developers Wishing to ,make -a '"qulck buck" >into towýnt Attersley points out that they',already, .have' enough, problems with sub-standard housing.' The report, ý viformn the foundation of the town's housing^ policy for at least the- next decade and Attersley.- along with other coun- dillors, does not believe that the report is accur- ate enoughto make con- ci'ete decisions. "The report had too many holes to, inscribe into stone," the mayor said. "It's too iffy .... it's, toowide open." 1 "It's something .we hav e t&give a lot of con- sideration. to, " Batten said. "I don't think he's (the consultant) entire- ly donehis homework."1 East Ward Councillor Joe Drumm, chairman of the administrative committee, was not pre- pared to comment on the contents of the report last week but he too, sees problems with it. "It would appear that we're looking into a Pandora's Box, " he said, "He was rather blunt in saying we're goîng -in the wrong direction."1 At last week's com- mittee meeting, the report was tabled until its first meeting after the summer break in order» to give town, poli- tîcians and staff time to study its contents. "4444,,ý Denis O'Connor FHigh School's "444 Club" Lot- tery raised a total of $19,600 (before prizes) to help run the school. 0f the ten winners, four were from Whitby. They were: Neil Windfield, 'of 'Palace St reet;,Matt Campbell, of Lee Avenue; Ric Ar- bour, of_ Walnut Street West; and Richard Hilz of Garden Street. 1 1, r 1 ' bb -11q, LA & a - - --- ------------- ete ý f t , e à à a , ý, & à , & - 111,14,11 d.14,1<lk