WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDN4ESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982, PAGE 13 At annual meeting...., 'WIS-C'honors Blake.for past servilce, Tbe Whitby Iroquois Swim Club beld ifs an- nual barbeque and awards presentation at Iroquois Pool on June 26. The affair marked the end of the 1961/82 season for most WISC niembers, altbougb several swimmers bave qualified, and. will be training for competition ini tbe long course age group ebampionabipe at Etobicoke in mid July. A special presentation was made to Dr. George Blake by WISC parents and swimmers for bis many years of devotion and dedication to..tbe club. Blake's contributions bave been instrumental in the club's develop- ment and success durmng its. five-year existence. He bas ser- ved terms as tbe club's president, meet manager, and iastly as officiais co-ordinator for several seasons. In this capacity he has brougbt mucb admira- tion and'respect to the town and team in swim club circles across On- tario and with tbe Cana- dian Amateur Swim- ming Association. Tbis organization <C.A.S.A.) recently elected Blake as, co- chairman of officiais for the central region of On- tario. Stated swim club president, Tom Gould- ing: "Gdeorge was bere at the start wben the team was a fledgling group of 20 to 25 swim- mers just breaiking into the world of competi- tion. "Here we are entering our sixth season," con- tinued Gouldlng, "ranked among the second higbest division in Ontario, with almost triple the number of members, and it is par- ents sucb as George Blake, sbaring bis ex- pertise and knowledge, who helped create our "success story." To many of us George bas been our 'security blanket'." Altbougb retiring from tbe WISC board of directors to takeup bis Blake will continue to represent the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club with bonor and esteem on a national as well as local level. Special appreciation plaques were presented to volunteer parents Kent Cook ýand- Roland Houle for sharing tbeir time and talent witb WISC swimrners in coaching and weigbt- training sessions. Trophies were award- ed to the top girl and boy swimmers in each age group by coach Tom McLoughlin. 8/under girls - Dan- ielle Houle 1/under girls - Janice Currie. 11/12 girls- Heather Ainsley. 113/14 girls -Denise Vandoleweerd. 15/over girls- Kimi Walker. 8/under boys - Craig Potsep.' 10/under boys - Brent Walsb. 11/12 boys- Trevor Crump. 13/14 boys - Jari Oll- kainen. 15/over boys - Dave Goulding & Mike Pfeif- fer. Twelve-year-old Kev- in Walker received the President's Award as most outstanding swim- mer of the season. Thirty miembers of the WI.S.*C. team are being honored by the Town of Whitby with Achievement Awards for their performances in the AAA Ontario Team Championsblps this season. Sepcial medals were awarded to the five swimmners who placed in the top- 50 across Canada in the Speedo DIstance Swim of 1,50W meters: Cbris Donnelly, il, placed l3tb in bis- age bracket. " Kevin Walker,, 12, placed l9th 'in bis age bracket. Mike Pfeiffer, 16, placed 23rd, in bis age bracket., Dave Goulding, 16, placed 28th in bis age bracket. Trevor Crump,' 13, placed 38th in bis age bracket.. Life saving demo Spinal injuries are-one of the most common types found in swimming pool accidents. Here, the lifeguards at the Kinsmen Pool demonstrate how to take such an injured person out of the water safely and quickly. The demonstration was featured at the officiai opening of the renovated Chestnut Street outdoor pool heid on Saturday. Eariier this year, council provided $75,000 to keep the pool operating for another 10 years. Tbe only other swimrning pool in Whitby is the indoor facility at the Iroquois Park Complex. -Free Press Staff Photo Potsep wins four golds' Whitby Minor Basebali Association Week Ending June 24, 1982 TYKE East End Quality Meats . Rainout Cross Bros........... Rainout Whitby Jaycees............ 13 100F ....................il1 East End Quality Meats...20 Children's World ............ 7 Whitby Jaycees............ il Jury & Lovell.......4 100F..................... 2 Cross Bros................ 16 PEE WEE Wbitby Lions......... Rainout Dom's Auto Parts Rainout -Red Wing Orchards......... 8 Shoppers Drug Mart ....... . 3 Whitby Lions ............. 17 Shoppers Drug Mart......9 Red Wing Orchards ......... 8 Dom's Auto Parts........... 3 ..BANTAM Vigil Systerns mc......... -13 Pizza Delight .............. 4 Vigil Systems Ine. Ra inout Fu Seasons Billiards ..Rainout SQUIRT Kesmark Marine ........... 8 Firefighters ............... 7 Davey Chev Olds............ 6 Dodd & Souter ......>....... 4 Swish Maintenance ........ 17 Brooklin Group 74. .......8 Fireplace Plus ............ 12 Andrew Manufacturingj....6 Beiiig a winner is not new to Craig Potsep of the Wbitby Iroquois Swim Club. The active eight-year- old sbowed bis style by dominating his age group events to0 capture four gold medals at a swim meet bosted by the Ajax Aquatic Club over the weekend. Potsep stroked to vic- tory' in breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle and butterfly sprints. A first-year member in competitive swim- ming, Potsep bas been consistent this season in making waves at coni- petitions tbrougbout On- tario and presentiy in training, along with fel- low W.I.S.C. swimmers, for the long course age group championsbips in Etobicoke next month. Impressive perform.- ances were also given by ten-year-oid -Julie Leswick who collected tbree gold and one silver medal and Dave Gould- ing, , 16, wbo grabbed four silver and a bronze. Danielle Houle and Ryan Donnelly, both 8 and first year swim- mers made their pre- sence feit by winning a number of bronze Whithy lacrosse action By TOM FRANK In lacrosse action this week, tbe Whitby-Garr- ard Road novice and bantani teams were visitors at Ajax Arena. The Novice red team, sponsored by the Kins- men, got their first point in league play as they managed a 3 to 3 tie witb Ajax. Brian Greaves scored two and Chris VanClief scored one. The Peacocks Farnily Sports bantams showed why tbey are an A divi- sion club as they, out- ciassed Ajax 16 to 0. John Kavanaugh got the shut out. Ajax played well and should do wel in their own bantam division. At Iroquois Park, the Novice blue team, spon- sored by Whitby Opti- mists, dropped visiting Beaches novices to an 8 to 2 score. Chris Husted scored four, Robbie Martin got a pair and one assist,. Mattbew Cook and Jason Pitters got singles. With strong play and passes to set up the scoring plays were Mike Mitchell, goalie Jeff Taylor , and Garrett Campbèli who bad 2 assists. Goalie Wayne Paddick aiso made some outstanding saves in net. Drillers wil 11to O Witby's Attersley Drillers scored the tying and winning wins in the bottom of the eigbtb in- ning last Wednesday evening to defeat the powerful Oshawa Legionaires il f0 10. Andrew Reff led off the éightb witb a double, stoie third and scored the tying run on a double by Dave Grant. Grant stole third and scored the winning run on a bal it to the right side by Jonathan Cooper. Dave Grant was the big bitter for the Drillers, going five for five at the plate and, driving in four runs. Jeff Usher pitched five strong innings for Wbitby, with Andrew Reff coming on in the sixth to get the wîn. medals. The foliowing W.I.S.C. swimmers earned medals at the meet: . Boys 5/under: Craig Potsep, gold in 5-metre fly, backstroke, free- style and breaststroke. Ryan Donnelly, bron- ze in eOmetre breast- stroke. Girls 8/under: Danielle Houle, bronze in 50- ,metre breaststroke, fly and freestyle. Boys l/under: Jay Lee, gold in 100-metre back- stroke and silver in 50 metre fly and freestyle. Adrian Vargas, -gold in 5-metre backstroke, and bronze in 50-metre freestyle. Girls l/under: Julie Leswick, goid in 50- metre freestyle, back- stroke and fly and silver in 100-metre back- stroke. Anne-Marie Scott, sul- ver in 5-mà etre back- stroke and bronze in 54>. metre fly, freestyle and 100-metre backstroke.. Boys 11/12: Brent Walsh, bronze in 100- metre breaststroke and backstroke. Boys Senior: Dave Goulding silver in 200- metre I.M., 100-meire fly, backstroke, and 200- metre freestyle and bronze in 100-metre breaststroke.