PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRiL 21,1l98z, WHITBY FREE PRESS SP ORT S WE EK wo Cham'-pionship for ýWhitby By ROXANNE REVELER Free Press Staff The Brooklin Whitby' Minor 'Bantam "A" Team won the cham- pionship. trophy, in the First Annual Ajax Ban- tam Tournament over the Easter weekend. The explosive Whitby team took thie title in five straight games. The firat game saw the M pitted against Markham and they won, by a score of 7 te 3. Gary Mark 'came. up with a bat trick, Mike Manikas scored two And. Greg Roberts and Joon Lee, had one each.' They won the second' game again st Richmond Hill by a score of 9 te 3., Gary Mark bà d- three goals,' Greg Roberta 2, Whitby imi exico City, The Whitby Iroquois Major Pee Competitive soccer'team, sponsored by the Malta Social Club Durham Region are planning, a trip to BigBrothers neied' volunteers More volunteer Big Brothers are needed! The local Big Brother Association bas 35 Little- Brothers eagerly wait- ing te meet someoneý- who cares enough,,te share some time witb them te develop a one- man one-boy friendship. A volunteçr. Big Brother is a special V.I.P. to aboywho' bas- no aduit maie, influence, i bis life'.. Ovà I 100 men, are' >volunteer BigI Brothers in Oshawa- whitby. The Big Brother's motto is "«Share a moment with a Little Brother - it will last forever". <Please calli 579-2551 for more information on hoW to become involved. Mexico -City to par- ticipate in the L.I.F.S.A. International soccer tournament being held from Julyillto July 19. The teanà i of 14-year-'ý olds wiil depart from Whitby on July '8, to compete against teams fromn Mexico, U.S.A., Argenitina, Puerto Rico and'Germany. Last year, the Malta-Social Club,,won, the piayoff. championship of Dur- ham Region and went al -the! way te the semi- finals in the Martin, Grove tournament. The boyswiil be* under the direction of John Clay- ton, the team manager.- The boys are already working on varieus, pro- jects te raise the nioney for the trip and the club appreciates ail the help these boys ýcan get. The schedule of events -is as, April 24 - dance at the Ajax Community Center fromný8 p'm. tol1a.m. May 1, - bottie drive. May 8 - soccer run. May 15 and 29 - car wash at Matthew Sunoco'Gas Station on Dundas Street' West. and Shel Gas Stationý at Woolco, Mal. Bake Sa le and Flea Market at Iroquois Park on ,May 28,29 and 30. For more information. about' these projects please caîl Fred'Borg. 668-9288- 'or -666-1885, John Reddon at 668-7995 or John- Clayton at M&8 1363. Blair, Haslam, Mike' Mankas and Chris Gurd each scored a single. In, their third gamne against - Plckerlna Village Gary Mark and JMike Manikas scôred -two.each 'and' Greg Roberts had a single te make the final score 5 to. 2. The semi-final game, saw the two oidrivals, Whltby and .Kingston* Township, matched Up. The score was1 very close, until the third period when. Whitby broke loose. The' final score was 9 to 5.- Greg Roberts scored 3, Mike Mankas 2, and singles were, scored 'by Gary Mark, Blair, Haslamn, Joon -Lee and Grant Reveler. In- the final game Whitby beat Ajax by a' score of 6 to 3 te take the trophy. .1Greg, Roberts scored 3 with singles by Gary«- Mark, Mike. Manikas. and Chris Gurd. The, Whitby team finished off their season in style scoring 36 goals totals, and'havlng 'only 16 against, thanika te the goaltending duo of Bart Schlicter and. Rob Lightle. Greg Roberts earned a' total of '19« points, followed by Gary, Mark ,with 17anid Mike Manilkas wlth 13. The following'are the resuits 0 f last week's play at, the "Wbitby Duplicate Bridge Clubý. North and South: ýMr._ and Mrs.- Pat Dav ies, .109; Derreck ýAlstein and Paul Beirscblag, 96;Mrs. P.N. Spratt and, Mrs. Donald Wil- son, 93; and, Mr.. and P'ffl. Lee Evans, 87h.. East, and West:.',Mr. and rs. Leo Vrengden-. bul, 104'; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W inter, 199%; Miss Georgie Bovay'and Mr s. George Steffle-r, 94; and, Don MacLean and John Titherington, 90½h. PERM SPECUAL Monday to Thursday OnIy 35% OFF EAT PERMS HAIR ALIVE Rglr45 00 ZOTOS 50.00 REDKEN <Halrcut.nlot included),: *0 Tony's Hairstiilng woulike to iformf the clientsi of Loralne Foster'(formerl f csors) that she has jolned our staff as of March 30.« I106 Lupî,n'Drive Blair Park Plaza Whitby <Mon. -Wed.9-6 668-5441 Thurs. & Fi. 9 8 Saà turday 8:30-5 q ______ Duplicate Bri*dge