Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1982, p. 13

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Bet-ween You and Me Ç~ - By RUTI! ('OLES About heading south for the spring break, on this last day of March 1 sit by the window almost mesmerized by ail the activity in the garden. Birds -. Chiekadees,,Cardinals, Nuthatches, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers - ail eating at, the feeders and flying about as if they are looking forward to the morrow as, I arn because to me April. means'that spring ls here. 1The' most beautiful sight today was:a Blue Heron rising slowly- from the bed of the mfarsh -with such ease and grace. I think« they breed to the north around Port Perry and corne our way to spend the day. My eyes are draw n to the skies'as my husband tells me what to expect weatherwise. The trees are swaying,, the lake is ýbecomiingquite rough as. the, white caps rol inand there is an odd colour in the, ske,.fot, à worrisome ýchange in'colour, but one which tells us there is a storm brewing. A '"1ne squall" my, husband Robin tells me, a sudden chan1geinthe weathier which precedes a cold front. The -resuit, a, few drops of rain, a streak of light ning, and it is ail over. We are home again after three weeks in the sunny south and sunnyit was - sometimes ninety, degree s. Not our'cup of tea while travelling as we were doing thii time. On a beach or in' the water on a hot day, no matter how hot I love it. In the city or town it's too- much. How.ever, we had a good time and I always enjoy tanning, something I have done ail my life every summer and sometimes, in the' winter. The tragedy of it is that, the tan washes off. Every time you hop into the bath you know that your skin will be shades lîghterwhen youget out. As we headed north once again we found the Caro- linas and Georgia a delight. -Changes, yes - ail over, and not ail for the best.. Somany people and s0 many cars.- Many fewer Canadian licence plates it seemed maybe due to the high cost of the dollar. If you are going to a home'or, as in most cases a condominium, it's fine. Just to travel around is a bore. My husband has always avoided Florida for the same reasons I often do. In the past a wasteland and now so, grossly overbuilt it boggies the mind. I just hope there neyer will be more sink holes and that their water supply holds out in the future. This isn't to say that there are not many things ta enjôy and see and nature does provide some beauty. The beaches and, the sea are wonderful. Clean, lovely beaches and porpoises frolicking about in the water. Sharks too, but one heaÈs littie about this. A native once told'me that the flyers see them from a f g.' D cuUm oendo vbmv ulamP@Oat hno4u Prm&o .D"p lind Wli n »ols dm -their planes. Someone gave my grandson one a few years ago, not a large one but It had sharp needie- like teeth!1 The thing of course was dead so we tried Our best to have the teeth removed, the whole jaw bone,' so hie could keepthemn as a souvenir.ý No iuck. Even a fiaherman tried his best with a fishknife but to no avail. After t.aking pictures the bea stàsuddenly burst open and out came its insides. A natural hap- pening we were told. My curiosity stopped there. >For a few years I rented an apartmentin a condo- >miniumby the ocean in what 1 feel.is a nice part of the state., Not having been there, for a few years I noticed great changes and my husband found it not' to his liking. S o rmany, new apartmnents- have been built in this area by the sea and there are only two causeways over the Indian River. To shop or visit one must cro'ss,ý over1 and on two visits we fôund bumper to burnper -stop -and go, traffic. Stop and go an inch orso w'as, the order of, the day and not to.our liking. My husband'happiiy went shop ping with m anyway and we did the stop and go rutine. Wehave made up our minds neyer to go there for, a month or two because of thetraffic. Maybe in time they will resolve thisproblemn but we areën't' ready to wait. There have been many changes, of course, in. the past couple of years, somne good - others sot. Prices *needless. to say are way up. FËood'was costiy, one smallist tomato 50,cents, a smali green, pepper .89 cents. Even though these are homegrown: most, no doubt, are for export, hence the high cost. * I have always liked Americans and their country. I hurt.when I itear what I think is unjust.criticism just as Iwouid if someonedid. this to my family or friencig. 0f course there are "ugly Amnericans" just as there are ugly Canadians or British. * To govern a-country thia size with such a civer- sified population to, me is a miracle. Their, love of and their pride in their country I really respect and admire,. Too bad we don't act and feel the same way about our country through the ages. The Americans have the same concerns that we as Canadians ha ve and these concerns have been buildingup.,for soe timne. We are not alose, the whole world is in the sanie boat, but we need to forget aIl the doorn and'gloom; we must look up and beyond-. .We must try; for optimism'and sorting out ourproblems. We'are happy to be in,,our own home again and we <agrees that this is. always so. We saw a lot, we en- joyed it ail and we learned a lot. We kept our ears qpen, wé read and just listened to people., ,Next w'eek l'Il .write more about the Carolinas and the Kennedy Centre. Thanks to ail who weicomed us home and said they missedu. the Dotor Joeh O.Ruddy Hospital- SALEO0FMEMBERSHIPS' The Annual'Meeting' of The Corporatio n of The Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital will be held on Wednesday, June 23,1982. aOnly Life Members or those persons whose fees are paid at Ieast fhirty days prior to the date of the meeting are entitled to vote andior participate at the meeting. Fees may be paid at the Adminlstrator's Office of the Hospital Monday through Friday durlng'nor-, mal business hours or may be remltted ta: The Secretary. Board of Governors The Doctor Joseph 0.1 Gardon Street Whitby, Ontarloý Li N 5T2 Ruddy General Hospital Cheques marked "Membershlp- Fee" should be made payable to the Hospital. Postmark date determines eligibility. Membershlp Fee: Individual $2.Ã"O Organization $5.0 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1982, PAGE 13 Keeping poiti cians employed cost the taxpayers $ 74,809 Keeping the mayor and the six other mei- bers of Whitby Town Council on the job, cost the taxpayers $74,80 <. " in 1981, according to Treasurer AI, Claring- bold.,, 1Mayor Bob Attersley earned a tot al of $21,510.* 84 ' last year and, iincu'rred $3,320.32 in ex- penses 'for a' total remuneration ,.,f $24,831.16. Regionai Councillor' Gerry Emm's salar.y was $8,011.65 and had expenses totali'ing $661.5Ã". Histotal earni- ingàs were $8,673.05. ' Both- North Ward Councillor Rossa Battes and ýCentre Waril Coun- cilior. Barry "Evans made $7,960.66'mn 1981 and both received $500 in< ex penses for 'a total wage package of $8,460'66. West Ward Councillor- Joe Bugelli received $493.23 in expenses iast year in addition to his $7,960,66 salary for a total stipend of $8,453.89. Neither Regional Councillorý Tom Ed- wards or East 'Ward CouÏncillor Joe Drumm claimed expenses last year.ý > Drumm's satarýy came to $7,969.21,. while Edwards earned $7,950.66. In his report,. Claring- bold said the wage dif- ference between coun- cilora was due^ to ,the employee benefit' pack- ages each selec'ted. However, Attersley, Edwards and Emm receive a saiary' of $13,890 as members of Durham Regfional Coun- cil. Emm receives an ad- ditional $750 a year from the region as, chairman' of its public works committeé. Attersley is also paid $1,0 a year for sitting as, a member of the Whitby Hydro-Elect'ric Commissio n. However, he is not paidto ait on the Durham Regional Police Commission.' HEART FUND DONORHIIE EES OTO FUGÊCNLASE ONAdO FRE LngrNavYIn& ETroph Ltd 352BDByronOSt.TS LNAPEORIOPCIL ngraltries rprhased. 102month o April fr FREEBNGRNET-G 2 Co-lour Plastic Name Badgesý, 2Lines Engraved Just $2.00 SAVE 50% DU RING APRIL OTHER SERVICES: le Engraved plastic sig ns. le Quality gifts &,holloware. le Custom engraving. e Custom pins. >e Medals - Ribbons- Crests. BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONT ARIO, -683-6074 TeM TdARNTS 'TOP SOIL LOAM SUPPILY LTD. Sand Treated Timber BRCKR. .Stone Patio Slab-s BROK D.N.Limestone Peat-Loam, PICKERI NG Pýnemulch Flrewood <11/2 miles north of.Hlghway 2) Cubs (DELIVERED& ORINSTALLED) I NTERLOCKI NG 683'-0887' PAVI NG STO NES À0

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