Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1982, p. 12

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PAGE 12e WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1982, WHITBY FREB, PRESS Big Brothers needed: More volunteer'Big Brothers are needed!1 The local Big Brother Association bas 35 Little Brothers eagerly wait- ing to meet someone who cares enougb f0 share some time with fhem fo develop a one- man one-boy friendship. A - volunteer' Big Brother is a special V.I.P. to a boy who bas no adult, male, influence in bis life. -Over .100 men are volunfeer,' Big Brothers in Oshawa- whitby. The, Big Brother's motto is "Share a moment with a' Little Brother - if wiil ast, for-. ever" Please, eall 579-2551' for more information on how f0 become involved. 179 Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade, Fresh GREEN ON IONS Bunches 4l9 Produce of U.S.A. Cello RADISH Pkgs. 9898 The Chur ch Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MIN ISTERIAL <ASSOCIATION By THE REV. TED STE VENS Rector St. Thonias' anglican Church, Brookln Many years ago a brilliant young lawyer called, Gilbert West decided to write a book which would demolish Christiity. He reasoned that in order to, destroy the whole fabrie of lies, as he conceived -the, Christian religion to be, he would have to prove the falsehood of -the great foun'dation lie - that Jesus roôse from the dead. This, he correctly saw, was the Ibedrock on which the whole structure of Christianity was founded. So, he set out to examine the original records and. sup- posed evidences, with a view to disproving the,,, resurrection. Eventually his book was completed. It is called 'Observations on the history and evidences of the Ressurection 0f Jesus Christ' and is'one of the most We alscocari7ya selection ai tfertilier for your gardenlng ne 1eds.' SUPER. SPECIAL Canada No. P.E.I. POTATO ES 4-'54 K 10 lb. Bag .89 able defences of the truth of the Resurrection that bas ever been àoitten 1 For , durinig bis study of the evidence Gilbert West had become 'convinced, of the truth of Jesus' rising from the grave to new life. Against ail his inclinations-and intentions, tbe fac- ts, Wben carefully weighed by bis trair>ed legal mmnd, hiad convinced him that the Christian Faith in the resurrection was true. On, the 'fly-leaf of bis book he had printed the significant quote: "Blame not before you have examined the truth" . Reader,, are you convinced that' Jesus rose from bis grave and is alive now and forever? If not, read on with an open mind as I set out, in brief, the five great arguments for the Easter trutb.' 1. Jesus was really put to death'by the Romans. The Romans were a notably tborough people, especially when if came to killingi1 The Roman offi- cer and soldiers in charge of Jesus' execution were professionals at their job and made doubly sure that Jesus had died on bis cross, by sticking a spear into bis side. If, they hadfailed'in this, they would have been liable to the death penalty tbemselves.1 A bystander noted that blood and water came ouf of the spear wound. In. that unscientific âge be did not know the significaneof this ýphenomenon, but a modern doctor'does.ý The separa 1tion>Ã"f blood inito dlot and serum is one 0f the surest signs of deatb. So Jesus was really dead. This disposes of many wonderful and fanciful tales. whicb have been invented since, .'about Jesus leaving Pailestine "and going f0 live 'along life in some other country,:getting married and baving descendants, etc. Jesus was really killed, and wasa .4 7iog. 2.09 lb. Maple Leaf SIiced BACON 500 g Package 1.89 Sunshine White or 60% Whole Wheat Assorted Flavours, Hostess BREAD POTATO CHIPS 24 oz.. Loaf 21IR ___ i fn Limit 6 Loaves . . ,200g BagM .ORANGE CRUSH WILSON'S GINGER ALE PEPI j GRAPE CRUSH 7 Up Reularorliet Cms of 24,250 ml Can Rogular or Diot. Canada Dry ii-..,GINGER ALE, 7 UP 750 mi Battis 2 Produce speclals Un effect Other specials continue Wednesday to close Sunday tili closlng Tuesday Hours: Mon. -Thurs. 9-7 Hwy. 12 Friday 9-9 North of Rossland Sat. &Sun. 9-6 South ofTaunton Why do doctors love watorbeds? Wol atubds cbet cn rlm Ce.m -ce aki.bu Iyde - i P -miI WATERBEDS FRM299~ lm S..........L *1ewSAUI PD........... j W, Spocaliz in thteirbo10cunonust ,mnpimsut bodrmunswit0.su os for dotais on hm tousm ,ourpnsot ted boe HALCYON VVATERBEDS, rv Wform lta nW hodtaiod. Mattmns and Huw iirMts. ~~ NTE WATOERSDI 244 BROUKST. S. SAY. 1"8 dead corpse when buried in a rock tomb by his ad- mirer Joseph of Arimathea. 2. Jesus' tomb was really empty on the third mor- ning. A number of bis followers found the tomb, to theïr great astonishment, empty. One, cailed John, noticed something very special about, the graves clothes in wblch,-according to the custom, of the time, the body had been buried. These clothes lay still wrapped around, with the headcloth separate froni the body clotbs, ,making it apparent to John that the body had emerged from Ithese cloths as the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis. The first followers of Jesus believes that Jesus had risen fromn the dead and that this w as, Why the tomb was empty. They were prep)ared'tosuffer persecution, torture and death for this belief. Oh, but, some say, they just stole the b ody away, hid it, and spread the rumnour of bis resurrection. This migbt possibly be true except that men do, not go to death to defend what they know to be alie.. As tbe great French scholar Goguel bas saîd, 'On peut se laisser perse- cuter pour une illusion, mais non pour une fraude' - (one might be willing to be persecuted for an illusion but not.,for-a deception). On-the other hand, if the Jews or the, Romans had taken the body, al they had to do todemolish the preacbing of the first Christians was to produce the dead Jesus. And that would have finished the tire- some new sect. No, tbe tornb was empty, the body gone and neither the Christians,ý the Jews nor the Romans bad taken it.- There were simply no other interested parties. Besides,,there bad been a guàrd placed on the tomb precisely to prevent tbeft. 3. The Christian Churcb really came into existence on the basis of its faith in Jesus' resurrection. To those doubting and fearful first believers,ý who had seen aIl theirbhopes dashed witb the trial, arrest and death of Jesus, the convictionthat be bad risen from the ýgrave was s0 strong that it completely trans- formed theni and made them, simple and'uneducat- ed as most of them were, into a force that changed the world. S0 sure was .tbat littie group of Jews, that Jesus had proved himself their, Messiab by. bis resurrec- tion, that they actually changed their most holy in- stitution - the Sabbath Day - toý the Sunday; shifting the observance from the -last ' to the first day, because it was on'the first that Jesus ýrose from the dead. Anyone wbodoubts the trutb of the resurrection must find a, better explanation for the successful birtb of the Christian Church and for its observance of Sunday. No one has yet done 80. 4. Jesus was really seen alive, after bis death, by. many different people. . St. Paul writing ýabout 20 years after -the eventi wben many eyewitnesses werer stil- alive,; lists a,, numbe of the appearances of Jesus f0 people affer his deafh, including the one to Paul bimself, wbich, bad so0 dramatically changed him from'being the leading opponent of, Cbristianity info being its leading advocate. Some have fried f0, explain away these appear- ances' as hallucinations. But considering tbe variety of those who saw - a sceptical brother, a fanafical opponent, and 500 ordinary. people- ail at one time - this explanation séeens ve ry far-fetched. 5. People's lives were, and are, reaily cbanged by the risen, living Jesus.1 It was.the fesfimonyof the first'-' Christians thafý the living Jesus was real f0 fhem, and they- supported this witness by lives tofally devoted to him. From their frades as fishermen, tax-collectors, feachers of Judaism, housewives, etc. fbey' turned to give their ail to Jesus. People still do this today - for one great reason. Tbey know Jesus is alîve. This is tbe Easter Faitb. This is the Easter Truth.

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