Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1982, p. 21

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-AONIOS q AqUONIS AUCTION SALES East Central Ontario Simmental Assoc. 3rd Annual Select Sale. SATURDAY, APRIL 17,7 P.M. Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbrldge Purebred & percentage femnaies bred & open. Many excellent 4-H caîf prospects. Several good bulîs. For Information or catalog contact: BRYCE HAN DLEY at 1-416-797-2306 or' GERALD DORIS at 1.705-295-6517 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 9 (Good Friday) 1l A.M.- To be held ln Stouffville Sales Barn. Househoid furni'ture, antique's, collectables, fine glass& china. Terms.cash.- EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONIEER WANNAMAKER -PAUCITION SERVICES, 1614 Charles St., ýWhitby WANTED. Estates, household Items,, furni- ture, glass,,tools'& equip- ment.ý The place to-.buy or seli.'We wlil pick up. 666-3731 - 668-8403 (D)AYS) (EVGS.) AUCTION SAL E LARGE 2 DAY AUCTION GOOD FR1 DAY, APR. 9 SAT., APR. 10 11 A. M. D AILY At Brooklin Community Hall for the Estate of the late JACK CUNNING- HAM. Antique furnish- ings, exceptionai gold jeweiry & diamond pieces, guns, old palint- ngDoultons, coins, dlocks, glassware & china inciuding Galle, Cran- berry, Coaiport, Nippon, Carnival, Cornflower & Depression. Rockweli plates, sterling, old lînens, pump organ, roll- top desk. Best sale of year. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION SALE FR1 DAY, APRIL 9 GOOD FR1 DAY il A.M. To be held ln Stouffville Sales Barn. Househoid furniture, antiques, goods from a variety store, collectables, china& glassWare., Terms cash. NORM FAULKNER& EARL GAUSLIN' AUCTIONEERS 640-3079 CLARENCETINLINE AUCTION SERVICE AUCTION SALE, SAT., APR. 10 - 1 P.M. ln Eiowmanville Take Lberty St. south to the Baseline Rd., go east over bridge to f irst side- road, Simpson Ave. S. Complex on left side of road, 3 doors down. -We are selling antiques, household articles & grunge. Terms cash,,\& cheque. C. TINLINES AUCTIONEER 983-9634 or 623-6744 or 623-5340 CLARENCE TINLINE AUCTION SERVICE AUCTION SALE SAT., APR. 17 - 1 P.M. In Bowmanville Big antique, nostalgia& collectables sale. Prevlew Fr1., Apr. 16 from 3 to 6 p.m. Terms casW-'&. cheque. C. TINLINES AUCTIONEER 983-9634 or 623-6744 or 623-5340 Because the Whitby Free Pr( -. will be closeci on FRIDAY., APRILc, the cleadline for Emporiui will be changed to THURSDAY, APRII <Classified deadline remains Monq HAPPY EASTI FROM THE MANAGEMENT ANI ýý THE WHITBY FREiEPRI WHITBY FREF PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL,7, 92 PAGE 2l. EmpoiumAdswill onlybe accepted subjecit to.the following conditions. mil PLEASE READ 1 AUCIOS AUCTION SAL E .APR. 9 - il A.M. VictorIaSquare Comm- unity Centre, Woodbine Ave., 4 mi. rrorth of Hwy. 7. Sale of antiques, fur- niture, dlocks & collect- ables. lncluding 2-10 PC. walnut dining suites, 4 pc. walnut bedroom suite (excellent), VIctorian sofa (excellent), .2 Empire sofas (need uphoîster- Ing), Stan ley, uprlght piano, Bell upright piano, Governor Winthrop secre- tary, mahogany breakfast secretary bookcase, mahogany teawagon,, set of 4 old press-back chairs, drop-leaf gate leg table, set of 4 walnut chairs, mahogany Dun- cun Fyfe table, 2 Jacques & Hayes side boards (1 walnut), vanity, copper lIned smoker, spool'bed,, Victorian wIcker baby cardage; smali drum t a ble's, pre ss-b a ck r6c'kers,' cedar chest, round oak table, 6 press- back chairs, trunks, 2 large Oriental type rugs, 2 Bullseye lamps, Gone With The Wind -lamp, Depression glass, wash stands, dressers, plant- ers, wooden planes, olive & birch grandfather dlock ln oak (excellent circa 1800), 3 Pequegnant dlocks (Midget, Dandy& Eclipse), gingerbread dlock, miniature steeple dlock, French mantle dlock, Westminster chime dlock, 8 day cot- tage dlock, large time dlock, plus numerous other articles, some good furnIture & dlocks ln the sale. Terms cash. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 TIMEIY a Timeinasa le important whsn you ore buving or ssIling. And a CLASSIFIED AD i'a the low-cost timneiy wsv to a quick solution. CLASSIFIED AD WHfTBY FREE PRESS ess office mn Ads L8f c When the advertised Item la aoid, disposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii be ,deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ¶iiustrated beiow, regardiese If prie le atated with "best offer." If the Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appiy payable In advance of publication of the f irst ad. Otherwiape a 87.50 charge wiiI ap- piy If biiied whlch muet be pald upon recelpt of bill. The'above minimum chargea wiii be appiied f0 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre.paid, $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertiaements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basia with the WHITrBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not sold. RATES (if articlesla soid): 5% 0 f advrisd price UP f0 8400.00 2% of balance over 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item sdvertissd for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (m inimum charge la$8.00> Private advertising onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free PresImmediateiy when Item la sold ao that we may daiete It from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ada not fItting the Emporium guidelinea wiii be treated and charged per week as regular claasified ada on a pre-paid basia such as: services, heip Wanted, ciothIng, reai eatats, and personai message type ada, or ada not quotIng prIce or quantity. Private ciaaaified ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTH ERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6861 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ont. Whitby LiN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES- FOR SALE TEN.SPEED BICYCLE, Apollo,, 19V½" f rame, Dia Compe dual brakes, Sun Tour brakes, excellent condition. $75. Phone 668-3418. Apr.7,82(P) FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, brasa knobs, grate, acreen & acceasorlea. Used, ln good condition. Asking $80 or beaf offer. Phone 668-0914. Jan.27,82(K) FOR SALE - Ie cream cooler. Aaking $250. Phono 655a3814. Mar.3,82(V) mNK DUPLICATINO MACHINE- automafic: wif hstand. $240 or nearoat offer. Phono 668-1718 or 668-9891. Mar. 1 7,82(W) FOLD UP PING PONG TABLE& accassorles with black boards on reverse sides $60. Hammered braas-iook flire acreen $20. Seara child's typewriter, exc. cond., $15. Cail 623-6335 or 2866-9494. Jan.1 3,82(C) NORESCO «RECEIVER, Modal 2360, 40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tape oufiofs. Taya furntablo. Both places lika new. 5011 as a package or separate. $180 or basf offer. Phone 668-2860. Jan.20,82(J) FOR SALE - Refrigorator, froat fres, and 30" stovo. ln excellent condition. $825 for pair or wiil 8011 separafeIy-. Phono 623-1534. Feb.24,82(S) REFRIGERATOR, white, not frost f rea, $75. Cali1576-7987. Mar.3,82(V) SEWING MACHINE ln console, sf001 Inciuded. Coat $60 - soul for $150 ail Inclusive. Phone 668- 4840. Mar.1 7,82(M) STEREO, Marantz 5R2000, AMIFM storao recoiver with built ln tuner. Technics turntabie wif h Infinlty 0E speakers. Asking $700 or basf off er. Phono 668-7336. Mar. 17,82(S) LARGE NAVY mealtafrunk, used once. Asking $100. Phone 725- 3118 affer 6 p.m. Feb.1 7,82(D) ONE UNDERWOOD manual typei- writer $75. One Adler electric typewriter $150. For sale et Oshawa Symphony Off Ica. Phono 579-6711*for appointmenttf0see. Jan.20,82(0) FILTER OUEEN vacuum cleanar, like naw, $450 or basf offer. Cali 576-2844 affar 5 p.m. Feb.24,82(M) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN ln- cludes f loor iength veil plus head- place. Bordared ln delcate chan- tilly lace. SIze 10. Ail Inclusive, $23. Phono 668-3064. Feb.10,82<C) ARTICLES FOR SALE SIMPLICITY WRtINGERIWASHER, n good condition. Aaking $60. Phone 668-3885 evenings. Jan.20,82(M) 'COMOBIL",I FOR SA.ELE 195D STRSPecisi Coupe, new 318, overhauled 727 transmission with modified valve body, naw Torque convertor, naw "U", Joints, new brakea, new alternator, now rad, newr rad homes, new fan boita, éhrme rocker coveora, block hat- ors, sport -mrrors, iight package, Power sfoering, power diac brakas, f inted glass, test har Inter. lor wifh console, rear dol roster, Motorola AMIFM cassette, Cragar O.T. goId mage with Firastone SS60 serlos radiais. Body good, frame excellent. AskIng 83,800 or basf offer. CalII655-3266. Mar.24,82(A) 1974 SATELLITE, power stoerIng, power brakos, radio, naw muff 1er, neoda body work. Uncerfified. $350. Phono 668-6455. Mar.3,82(T 1973 DODGE POLARA. reasonabie condition, needs work. Uncerti. f lad. $200 or boat offer. Cali 668. 6218. Jan.20,82(M) 1972 METEOR FORD« car, two door. Asklng $200 for the car but wlthouf Michelin tires. Sold as la. Michelin tiras soid saparafoiy. Two summer - 1,000 miles on 15" rima. Bof h for $250. For more In- formation cali 668-6059. Mar. 10,82(M) AVOMOTIVE U~EARPASIR/PARTS FI'JE Dodgo customn rally whoois wif h Goodyear poiygiass ralsad whitta iatfrlng tires, 5E70-14. Prica $250 for ail. REALISTIC NIvaho CB Radio,, TRC48, 23 channol, uppor and lowar side band. Was $499. WIth pre-ampt tabla,'mike and 518 wava antenna $250 takas ail. Phono 666-1195. Mar.10,82(G) NEW AM/FMY MULTIPLEX steraolradlo for tste modal Chrysier producf $125. Two new Uniroyal M.S. radiai tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cubIc inz.h Dodga 4-barrai mofor, com- plote, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge Raily wheela, complote, 14" by 6". $150. One 67169 Cuda doorakin, new, $45. Two now rear 10"' brake drums for Dodge/PIy- mouth *'A" body cars $50. One new Edeibroclk SP2P aiumInum n-n fake manifold with Installation package for amailiblock Chevy $225. Four OmfnifMorizon 13" stock RalIy wheels $80. Four Mit- subishi 14'* RalIy wheeis, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cali 655-3266. Mr2,2A I I I 0B.NEEýE'DS FORD TOT.GUARD car safety seat $25. High chair $15. Umbrolier stroiler $15. Foiding wooden play pan $20. Cail 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82(B) NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sali your unwanted arficles ln the Free Press. cail 6684111 now. (SUPPLIES .1973 16,CAESTLINER, hall & dock only, deck needa repaira. Aaking "$350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, compiete.with power tI, lever control & tilt'awitch. AakIng" $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sieeper seat. $125; fachometer $25;,,speedometer $15; sfern iight $15; accessory terminai box $45; 18 gai. gas tank wif h fuel gauge, tank venta & deck plate fittIngs $110. Or wiii sali complets for $1,500, Cali 7286700. Feb. 1 7,82(S) MOTOCYCYWLE 1974 75 cc YAMAHA. Good condi.' fdon. $300. Phono 723-3290. Apr.7,82(K) j HOUSEHOLO GOODJ SINGER STYLISH 514 wllh cabinet. Excellant condition. Buli ln button holer, varied stitches. Complote lune-up 1 year ago. An excellent purchase ef $200. Cal 686-0579 afiter 6 p.m. Mar.24,82(W> REDECORATING - MUST SELLI Colonial styla Lazy-Boy Radliner, orange tweed uphoistery, maple showwood, excellent condition, $89. VIbrator Radliner, green tweed uphoistery, like now, $89. Colonial Styla Wing Chair. dark pine ahowwood, goid and russef floral uphoiatery, excellent condi- tion, $75. Bedroom Suite - double bed wif h bookcase headboard, 1 double dresser with large mirror, 1 cheat of (5) drawers, modemn style, medium brown mahogany veneer, $200., Antique Radio - grama- phone "RCA Vitrola"' works but nol perfoctiy, In nIce f loor modal cabinet. $85. 100 fit. coul of black plastic 1 V2'*, pipe $20. White aIum. door. R.H. hinge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall Unit, needa refinishing, $45. Phono 668-7404. 1 Mar.24,82m GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrigorator. very good condi- tion. $125. Genoral Eioctric 30 In- ch seif-cieaning range, excellent condition. $175. Admirai diah- washer, good condition. $150. Cali 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82(B) AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 THE WORLD IS YOURS'... IF YOU KNOW THE' RIGHT PEOPLE... Wharever you move the WeIcome Wagon hostes$sls the right pereon fa help you flnd a place in your ,iew coin- munlty.j >066-15&J23 or 7-52 5OUSEHOLDI COS WATER BED, soiid Scotch pine, excellent condition, heater Inciud- ed. Asking $1,050. Phone 668- 11016 anytime. Feb.1 7,82(M) 48" lED, with mattresa and box sprIng, neariy nerw, $200 compiete. 'Wall unit, 5 sheif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12" x 72", $60. Ovai rug, braided, green, 51 x 91, 845. »Slow cooker, new, $30. Phone 668-593. Jan.20,82(M> Ï >MUSICAL INSUM MJTS FLUTE, Gemeinhardt, cioaed hoied, c-foot, silver head, mint condition.* $450 f irm. Phone 668- 8762 after 5 p.m. Feb.3,82(N) 1901 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 eiectric guitar with' case and cord. LJ)co new, $M0. Phone 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R) HIAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboard & many features. $1,695 or beat offer. Cal after 4 p.m. 6685272. Feb.17,82(L) HAMMOND ýORGAN (Piper) wlih tape dock. Like new. Aaking8$950. (B.nch Inci.) Phone 668-7258. Feb.10,82(H) PETS & SUPPLIES PUREBRED BEAGLE, maie, 19 weeks oid, regiatered, has had all needies, good breeder. Cage and food inciuded. Asking $200. Phone 668-4740. Jan.1 3,82(S) eo, IRE ATONAL Sale, IC EHICLES GO-KART. good condition, has Honda G200 angine (5 hp). Engino rune excellent. $350. Phone 868- 3931. Mar.31 ,82(B) SNOMGBILES SARENTATLS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBîLE ln good condition. Asking $325. Phone 985-9368. Mar.3,82(C)

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