Whitby Free Press, 31 Mar 1982, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CA LP3L I'633UEIJ3611J EmpoiumAds wilI 'only be acceptod subject to the f ollowing conditions. PLEASE READ SARTICLES When the advertissd Item la sold, dIsposed of, or unavailabis for whatever ressort, the Item wIl be C LA SSIFIED A D ýS îîîustratod beîow, rogardiesa If price la statsd with "bést of fer." CONTIuN UE D F ROM 'PAGE 21 If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, thé ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero of $8.00 wiii apply payable In advanceo0f publication of the f irat ad. OtherwIse a $7.50 charge wiil ap- clearance, braas knobs, grets, ply If biiied whIch muet be paid upon receipi of bill. The above minimum chargea wIiI b. appiied to0 soreen & acceasories. Used, ln the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minirnum charge: $8.00- good condition. AskIng $80 or pre-paid, $7.50 bIiied. Maximum commission: $1W0.00. Ail advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- LEGAL A i L best offer. Phono 668-0914. clusive basis with the WHITBY, FREE PRESS and run atieast one month if not sold: NOIESW UCaI fOISA C 5% of advertised price up to 34M.00 »2% of balance ovar $400.00W FOR SALE - Ice creamn cooler. EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsmd for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minimum charge la $6.00) NOTICE TO Aaking $250, Phono 655-3814, Private advertIaing onlyl Pisase notify the WhItby Free Press Immediatsiy when iten la soîd 8o that AUCTIO N SALES Mar.382(V) ws may delete tl from the folîowing Issue. Ail ads not fittIng the Emporium guidelinea wiii be trsated CRKITOSEstCnra ntroSimnalAsc Mar.3,82(V) and chargsd per wsek as regular ciaasifisd ade on a prs.paid basia such as: services, heip wantsd,EatCnrlnaloSmealAsc INKDULIATNO ACIN - ciothIng, rel estate, and porsonai message type adia, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Privais AND OTHERS 3rd Aninual Select Sale. i DOIAIGMCIE- ciassifiedaodemay appearln the Emporium sction under appropriaseheadings. IN THE MATTER 0F SATURDAY, APRIL 17,7 P.M automatic with stand. $240 or ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFED. TEETAE0 GD-Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge neareat cffer. Phono 688-1718 or MAIL ADST: if indub al:O DLVE O MAIL691 FREPRS EORI I6f 61 11 Bob al RDLVr oktN FREY. SCHILLING, Late Purebred & percentage femnales bred & open. P.O.,8(W Box 206 WhItby, Ont. of the Town of Whltby, ln Many excel lent 4-H calf prospects. Whlby, LIN 551 the Regional Municipallty 1Several good bulis. 'FOLD UP PING PONG TABLE & THDALN O MOIMDITEof Durham, retired Law For Information or catalog contact: accessories with black boards on TEDALN O MOIMASI H reverse aides $60. Hammsrsd FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Clerk, Deceased. BRYCE HANDLEY at 1-416-797-2306 brass-iook fire acreen $20. seera TAKE NOTICE that. ail or child'a typswrIter, ec. cond., $15. creditors and othe'rs GERALD DORIS at 1-705-295-6517 Caei 623-6335 or 2W6-9494. hav.....m clim or________,_______________________ Jan.13,82<c) AUTOMOBILES BAB MEDUSICAL hsaigais ore ean-o ALIFSL ANS FOR SALE I WB D IdIMFNSTRUMENTSI the thed estatReo BAIULIFFSAEAUCTION SODFIAL NORESCO RECEIVER, Modei ad GDRY B ULI UTO ODFIA 2360,40 watts, AMIFM plus phono SCHILLING, who died ofl Under 'the Landlord's APR 9-1AAM & tape oùties. Taye turntebie. 1974 SATELLITE, power steering, FORD TOT-GUARD car aafety osat FLUTE, Gomeinherdt, ciosed or about the l4th day of Distress. By virtue of the At Victoria SquareCom Both'piece's Ilke nsw. Ssii as a power brakos, radio, nsw muffier, $25. High chair $15. Umbroiter hoied, c.foot, ailver head, mint December, 1981, ,are Landlord & Te rnant, Act, unIty Centre, Woodin paffe Poo 668ra.280 o e needa body work. Uncertified. atroiier $15. Fotding wooden play condition. $450 firm. -Phono 668- required to give to the R.0.17&onnsr Ae,4mlsoth f packg r rt. $180e or&be6t.$350. Phono 668.8455. pen $20. Cai 655.1 4164. 8762 alter 5 p.m. RSO 90&o ntu'Ae,4mIsn Jan.20,82(J) Mar.3,82MT Mar.17,82<61 Feb.3,82N> undernamed their namies,, tions from the landlord 1 Hwy. 7.' Sale off furnue _________________ ______________-addresses and full parti- have seized & distrained antiques & collectals 1974 DODGE MONACO STATION 18 OE eueGbo 8 uaso hi li no h odcaeso ih FOR SALE - RofrIgerator, froat 1981V, elbetrnpre-eetI SONEXr Dethux e aisn io cularso theircîh aimo or thIodcaeso ih ncluding two10P free, and 30" atove. In excellent WAon, $W orebéabt tffr nspra eik eigwit ceas, Phn co530. beoete3t a f land Creek Farm Ltd. & dining suites, 2, bedro condition. $525 for pair or whI saiithn $60o ea fe. hn ie e,50.Pos5530 ., 1982, after which Cruitenestd 3 sofas, 2ser 6W82.BITSý1Mai-.3,82(R)Aii Highland suitesle td sparately. Phono 623-1534. 827. Jan.6,82(T * BA S dat th<>aewl eds oeaiga lsi intr in;rc Feb.24,82(S) SUPPLIE datited he sate il begad prtna lsi ie aypao okr ____________________ HAMIMOND ORGAN,, Romance trbtdhvn ead 1650 Bayly St., Pickerin~g, Jaques Hayes sd RÉFIGR .ATRwhienotfrst1973 1DATSUN 610 WAGON, runn- 1973 181 CRESTLINER, hall &deock 123, double ksyboard -& many only to the dlaims of Ontario,,& will selI by boards, oak Grandfte frie ATR, Ca ite not787 froa fodtoeeswrucrl nldc ed ear.Akn aturet, $1,695 or beatoffsr. Cati which the Administrator public auction the dlock <excellent) Mer.3,82(V> fied. Asking $200 or bsst offor. $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON fe.4 ..M57.Fb1,2l)tnhanoi.flowg:e iisd& Pquntcok,1 _____________ Cali 668-767 evenings. Mr38()MOTOR, complets with power tilt, Fsb.17,82<L)NG u .nfinished matàhless ôld,,docks,.,2 Bulee la.,2F ever control & tilt switch. Aaking NnGE SCHILLINGan SEWING MACHINE ln consols, $1, 150. BOAT ACCESSO RIE S: HAMMOND ORGAN< (Piper), wlth Administrator Pin frtueCanon- Iamps, Gone With Wn atool includied. doat $600-- oeil Siospor soots $125; tachometor tape dock, Like nsw. Asklng $950. clo 121 Brock St. North baill & rolîIng pin beds,- Iarnp, Depression gas for $150 ail Inclusive. Phono 668 1973000DGE POLARA, reasonabie $25; apsedomotor $15; storn light <Bench inci.) Phone 6687258. ~'oBx27 diningroom table. Colon-et.ecec.Mr 4840, ~~~~~condition, neoda work. Uncortf 15;acsoytria o 4;Fb108)PO o 6 tecec Mar.17,82(M) fisd. $200 or beat offer. Coli 668- 15;al occsor temn it boxl $45Fsu1g8( WHITBY, Ontario lai, Boston & chicken details 'next week. Mn 621.__________tnkvens__dcklae____ng Li N 5S1l coop rockers &-chairs, good pieces of furniue STEREO, Marantz SR2000, AMIFM Ja.081)$110. Or wiI oeil complote for TURN YOUR ARTIdLES INTO ___________ cof tee & end tables, up- Terms cash. steroo recolver with buit ln tuner. $1,5M0. Coli 728-6700. CASH. An ad In the Whitby Free rght & walI mirrors, love JOHN ANNIS Technics turntabis with înfînîty 1972 METEOR FORD cor, two Fsb. 17,82(S) Press wîîîseîî aîmosoanythîng for NOTICE TO seat, cedar chest, gun AUCTIONEER 0E speakers. Aaking $700 or beat door. Aaking $200 for the cor but --you ..cars, boats, TVa, furnIturo, caiehetodres,6-43 wtutMcentie.Sdasa.pianos and pots ... the lot ls end-caiehsto rws 6543 offer. Phono 668-733 ,82S Mihouicn trs. sod say. bs Caii6686111 now. CEIOS h ighboys, bedside & ____________ ______________ Two summer - 1,000 miles on 15" ; HUEOO ---AND OTHERS night tables, wall dlocks, WNAAE LAGENAY otl rukuadrima. Both for $260. For mors In- - GOODS___________ Ail dlaims agaînst the captains chairs, & bar 3LAREtsr pm ote -rnk PETS &omto al68-09 O Estate f JEAN McLENN- stools, spice racks, pîne AUCTION SERVICE once. Asklng $100. Phono 725- Mar.10,82fM). PETS& Feb.17,82(D WATER BE,1hdSoc isSPLE AN, late of the Town of shelving, planters & arn- 1614 Charles St., Whlb ____________________ exellen coditiohe ins, SUPLE Whîtby in the Regional ps,.plus other consign- WANTED. Estaes ONE UDERWOD mauel tpe-ad. Asking 31,050. Phono 668-PRBE EGLmi,1 Municîpality of Durham, ments. household Items, fri wrlter $75. One Adler oîectrîc L. =AT 0TlVEI Fob.1782<M) weekso61d,- registorod, has had ail whof.i dido telthdyWANMKR mture gh lass, to &1qi doorakin, nsw, $45. Two nsw reer t0()doos oe ti 10" braks drums for DodgelPly- medium brown mahogony vonsor, By Lang, ivilcener, ALICTIONEERS "REAL ESTATE" SPECIALISI mouth "A" body cars $50. One $200. Antique Radio - grama- Cranston, new Edoibrock SP2P eîumînum ln- phono "RCA Vitroha" worka but Fruasn&Wih, KFN RR ,PR EROTRO1LB1N AUTOMOBILES tae manifold with Installation ntprety ioformdlFruasn&Wih, KH ..,OTERNAILBN aUOO' pcaefor amali block Chovy cbnt$8.10f oioflakits Solicitors herein. FO AE $225. Four OmnllHorlzon 13" patic 1½" pipo $20. Whittooium.____________ sokRlywel$8.FuMi-door, R.H. hîngo, 34 x 82, $25. Wall WE ARE NOW OFFERING A TOTALLY IS7IDtJBTER, Spciai Coupe, new sublahi .14" ReIly whees, flt Unt ned reiisig $45.~ SPECIALIZED ALTERNATIVE IN SELLING, 318, overfnauhed 727 transmission Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Phono 668-7404. ILI1a1:i»' 1a. 0eI ME<I '-BY AUCTION" - VOUR with modlfled valve body, nsw Cali 655-3266. Mar2482T)T Torque convertor, nsw "iU' joints, .a.4,2A HOME, VACANT LAND OR new rake, nw alerntornewTHEW RLDCOMMERCIAL PROPERTY. rad, new rad hoses, new fan boita, GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic TH IRDNEIL WOODROW AUCTIONEER. chrome rocker coves, block heat- foot refrigerator, vory good condi- Estotes, -househoid, antique and WHY REAL ESTATE BY AUCTION? js, sort Irros, lght ackaethon, $125. Goneral Eioctric 30 In- 15 YOU RS IF tarmn soies. 655-4628. orsotmroaagtpcae ch self-cleanlng rango, excellent______ powersteeing, owerdisccondiion,$175 Admial dsh- OUKNO THE HIL AULKNT ASELLSER.VOURELPROPERTYERTY NNA brakos. tIntsd gloa, leather Inter- wahrg condition, $ Adiai ish.es YOUehd antiqW THaHALNRACInER QUICK EFFICIENT MANNER! for wlth console, roar dofroater, BAB NEDh condtion $1P.CEOsatsPhusE.d.ntqe.n Motorola AM/FMY ceastte, dragar la BYEES 655-16 d RIGHT PEOPLE. farm 1soies. 640-5691. IT SELLS VOUR PROPERTY, TO THE HIGH ES O.T. gold maga wlth Fireston o.178() -BDE N OPTTVEBDIG SM6 sertes radiais. Body good, Wharoer you move th114 JAPCS NBDER NCMPTIU BDI frne excellent. Asklng 33,800 or BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. Wecm ao ots aIT OFFERS YOUR PROPERTY, best offer. Cali65&-3M. Two walkors, $10 each. J0hly SINGER STYLISH 514 with Wecm-ao ots e AUCTIONEERS TO BE SEEN BY MANVI Mar.24,82A) Jumper on e stand $20. Crib & cabinet. Excetient co .nd ition. Built the rlghi person bo helpe you r-,..,- -Fqrn NEED EXTRA MONEY?, 5.11 your unwantod artIcles, ln the Free Presse. eIl 668"11l1 now. mattresa, orange & white, $75. Two pottie chairs, $7.each. Baby back peck $10. Rocklng horse- $20. Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,62(L) n button hoher, venlod stitches. Compieto tune-up 1 year ago. An exooliont purchase eti$20. Cali 686-0579 affer 6 p.m. Mar.24,82(W> f lnd aàpace ln your new com- munity. Cal606-1 523 or 579-7521 Housohoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 I I I I I I)ON'T DELAY CALL TO-DAY - HENRY KAHN - 985-8161 I or GEORGE SULLI VAN - 668-8826 71 ý ý 1

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