WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31,1982 PAGE 15 COMING EVENTS CALENDAR KENNEDY KILLING The Brooklin and District Kinette Club will present David O'Brien at An'derson Collegiate on April 14 at 7:30 p.m. O'Brien will speak on the assasination of U.S. President John F. Ken- nedy. Notonly will the actual film of the assasination of Kennedy be shown but O'Brien is to present startling new information about it. Tickets are $2.50 for adults and $1 for studen- ts and can be obtained by calling 655-4778. FIRST AID The Whitby Division of the St. John's Am- bulance Brigade will hold a standard first aid course in room 132 of the Anderson Collegiate, Anderson Street, for eight consecutive weeks beginning on April 6. Registration for the course will be held on March 30. For more information call 668-9006. spco-w MEETING The next board meet- ing of the Social Plann- ing Council of Oshawa- Whitby, an agency of the United Way, will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Municipal Building, committee room2. The public is welcome to attend. SPEECH CONTEST International Toast- mistress Clubs (Council 2) are pleased to present their annual inter-club speech contest. This special event will be held on Saturday, April 17, 1982 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Contestants will be representing 12 clubs within boundaries of Mississauga, Oshawa and North Bay. This in- cludes clubs in Pine Ridge and Whitby. The program comm- ences at 2 p.m. After the speeches (approximate- ly 3:30 p.m.) there wll be a recess, during which a hospitality suite will be provided. The program reconvenes at 6 p.m. for cocktails; dinner at 7 p.m. The cost for the entire event is $15 per person. For reservations or for further 'information, please call Elsa Pogue at 728-9776. PICKERING PLAYERS The Pickering Play- ers will perform their production of "Absence of a Cello" on March 26, 27 and April 1, 2 and 3 at 8:30 p.m. at Dunbarton High School, White's Road and Sheppard Avenue, Pickering. Tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for stu- dents and senior citizens. For tickets or more information, call 831- ,3921 or 284-1726. ASTHMA INFO Does someone in your family have asthma? Then you will be inter- ested in the Asthma In- formation Series 'con- ducted by Durham Region Lung Associa- tion. The series consists of four evening sessions and will begin on Mon- day, April 19 at 7:15 p.m. in the McLaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Oshawa. The meetings will be held on consecutive Monday and Wednesday nights (concluding Wednesday, April 28). Registration for the series is $5. Speakers, drawn from the area are physicians and other medical personnel. They will cover topies which include proper use of medication, effec- ts of the environment and some psychological aspects of asthma. For more information on this Christmadi Seal service, call Durham Region Lung Associa- tion at 723-3151. REGISTRATION The spring sessions of the Whitby Public Lib- rary's pre-school story hour will begin on April 13 and 15, running for eight weeks. Registration will be held during the week of March 29 and to be eli- gible, children.must be between the ages of 3 and 5~ and not at- tending school. For more information call the library at 668- 6541. STAMP MEETING The Ajax Philatelic Society, Chapter 163 of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, Color My World imagine all the things you use, and everything you see all day, turning grey. Today we take color for granted, but for centuries man lived in a drab world. The few dyes he could make, from the plants and minerals in his climate, required lots of work and skill to produce. Indigo leaves, for Instance, rmeets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month on the library of the Harwood Secondary School, Falby Court, Ajax. Meetings are held from the fourth Thur- sday in September to the second Thursday in June. Meetings begin at 8 p.m. AMATEUR NIGHT The Oshawa Branch, (43) of the Royal 'Canadian Legion will hold an "Amateur Night" on April 30 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Legion Hall, 471 Simcoe Street South. Talent time will be 9 to 10:30 p.m. with a dan- ce following. Those wishing to enter should write to Wayne Cole stating. name, telephone number and type of act, which should be no longer than five minutes. The first 15 will be accepted. Cash prizes for the top three entries. Admission for non- contestants is $2, in- cluding door and spot prizes. For more information call 723-4511. MEET THE ARTIST The official opening of the Whitby Arts Station Gallery's April had to be fermented for months to make blue. Only royalty could afford purple, a dye made from rare, Mediterranean Sea shellfish. The first synthetic dyb, mauve, was discovered in 1856. Chemical dyes gradually replaced the old ways because of their lower cost and greater variety. But the luxury of color did not continue as the posession of the upper classes. Just the opposite. Color0' was exhibition will take place on April 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. An exhibit entitles "A Taste of Flowers" by .Sally Wildman of. Claremont will be shown from April 3 to 25. The gallery is located at thé corner of Victoria and Henry Streets. For more information call 668-4185. DANCE The Whitby Ambulan- ce Service Association will hold a dance on May 1 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Masonie Temple, Cochrane Street. Tickets are $15. per- couple and can be pur- chased by calling 668- 2367 or 668-3146 or from any driver/attendant. All proceeds will be donated to charity. sPcO-W The next board meeting of the Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby, an agency of the United Way, will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Municipal Building, committee room 2. ~ SUMMER PROGRAM Boys' and girls' 6-13 years of age, can- par- ticipate in a summer program designed for them to have fun, make E O* FFICE INSY OR ' H I 0 VR86R 7*iM AEATNES Igro W. con #lut qukh a. ne a uppyna custo~moda* ru"&er Um#,Ol b6«4« pdoe. Dvop L n Sdi .uh o disreputable, associ- ated with dance halls and advertising posters. Black was the only proper color to wear; a9tradition that continues today in the dark-suited business world. Our bright war- drobes are really a recent phenomenon. Dyes are the result of much progress, but they're still not per- fect. In the next K & M Cleaners column, we'll tell you about the methods and problems of modern dyeing. new friends, and le~arn while travelling to new and exciting places. The Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club Adven- turer Program is taking registration now for the program which takes place during the months of July and August. The program features day trips to such places -as Casa Loma, Elora Gorge, Centre Island, and many other areas of interest. There is also two five-day trips to Ot- tawa planned for the 9- 13 year olds. The adventurer program is available to members of Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club. These day trips are $10 and include admission, transportation, and lun- ch for the children. Registration is on a first come, first served basis and must be made in person. The club is located at 433 Eulalie Avenue, Oshawa. The phone number is 728-5121, Club fees are $10 for a single child, -and $15 for a family of two or more children. TY PEW RIT ER S Rentals For Office &Students DANFORTH TYPEWR;ITER Rentals, Sales & Service 408 Dundas Street West 2940 Danforth Ave. Whitby Toronto 666-1131 est. 1930 698-2589 Located in the Hea-rt of Durham Region at the ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM CORNER of KING and McMILLAN - OSHAWA ADMISSION $2. Ch'iidren 14 and under accompanied by an adult FREE EMPUT FAK & M cusTom -& CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS 11 LEanin ST.LUc HfotBL 6En 68i-283 112,COLBORNE ST. W.9 WHITBY 6682831