Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1982, p. 28

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-PAGE 16, WEDNqESDAY,ý MARCH ý17, '1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CAL L 668-'6111l __________Emporium Ads wlIonly be accepted subject to the, following conditions. Pl AQ 9cA çi" ARTICLES FOR SALE Yf.W. DUNE BUGGY, excellent h)pchanicai condition- new front whael bearinge, naw king pins and link pins, naw heavy duty shocks, sfeerlng box rebujit, tractor tires on rear. Ail rubber very good. Rll bar, towbar, head & tali ighîa. Noead a motor. Aaking -$475. Phona 666.1847. Dec.23,81(B) 16RANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, brasa knobs, grae, acrean & accessories. Used, ln good condition. Askin.g $80 or boat offer. Phone 666.0914. Jan.27,82(K). FOR SALE - ce cream cooler. Aaking $250. Phone 855-3814. Mar.3,82(V) FOLD ÙP PINO PONG TABLE& acceseories with back boards on rever se aidas $60. Hammarad brass-look flire amren $20. Sears- chiid's typewriter, exc. cond., $15. Caeil 623.633 or 208-9494. ,Jan.13,82(C)., MORESCO RECEIVER, Modal 2360, 40 watta, AMIFM plus phono & tape outiata. Taya turniabia. Boih places ika naw. Sali as a package or separae. $160 or beat offer. Phone 668-2860. Jan.2O,82<J) IFOR SALE - Refrigerator, froat Mres, and 30" atove. ln excellent tondition. $525 for pair or whIl eu beparateiy. Phono 623-1534. Feb.24,82(S) IREFRIGERATOR, white, not froat Ire, $75. Cali 576-7987. Mar.3,82(V) PICATE SHARPENING MACHINE, bwing arm, floor modal. Aaklng MW. Cali 839-5944 aller 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81<B) *TEREO, Maraniz 5R2000, AMIFM ;farao roceivor wiih buili ln tuner. rechnics turniablo with nfinhty DE speakars. Asking $700 or beat >(fer. Phono 688-7336. Mar.17,82(S) ARGE NAVY matai.irunk, usad :)nce. Asking $100. Phone 725. 31188attar 6p.m. Feb.17,82(D) >NE UNDERWOOD manuel type- wrriter $75. One Adler aiactric typewriter $150. For sale et Dshawa Symphony Office. Phono 379-6711 for appolntmantto sea. Jan.20,82(0) FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleanar, lilke new, $450 or besi offer. Cal 576-2844 aller 5 pa. Feb.24,82(M) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN In- cludes floor iength vli.pius head- Place. Bordared ln delicate chan- t1lîy lace. Size 10. Ail Incluaive, &M3. Phono 666-3064,.- Feb.10,82(C) UIMPLICITY WRINGER/WASHER, In good condition. Asking $60. Phono 666-3885 eveninga. Jain.20,82(M) AUTOMOBIES 'OR SAI.ELE 1974 DODGE MONACO STA TION WAGON, V8, roilebia transporta- .Ion. $600 or beat offer. Phono -98227. Jan.6,82MT 1074 SATELLITE, power sieering, *Dower brakea, radio, new mutIler, *eeda body work. uncartifiad. Ç35. Phono 668-8455. Mar.3,82(T 9f73 DODGE POLARA, reasonabie ondition, neada work. Uncarti- .ed. $»0 or beet offer. Calil 68- VIL. Jan.20,82(M)1 When the advertised Item le sold, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wIiI be deemed to have been sold and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE aa Iiiuetrated beiow, regardiesu If price jea tated with "best of fer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or diaposead of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wiIi appiy payable ln advanàe of publication of the lirat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- ply If bliiled whIch muet be paid upon receipt 0f bill. The aboya minimum charges wIii be appiied to the final commission duo but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid, $7.80 bIiied, Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisaments muet be piaceci on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not soid. RATES (If article la alid): 5% of advertised price Up ta 800.001 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advert'Iised for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge le 86.00) Private advertising onlyl Please notify the Whitby rree Press immediateiy when Item ls soid 80 that we may delete It from the foiiowIng Issue. Ahl ada not fittling the Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as reguier ciassIfied ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted,' ciothing, reai ýestete, and personai message type ada, or ada not quotIng pri 1ce or quantity. Private' ciassIfied ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinge. ALL AOS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubi cail: OR DELIVER TO:' FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-611il 131 Brook St. N. P.O. Box 208 WhItby, Ont. Whitby, Li N 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAV PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATrION AT NOON.< MARA CHECK THESE BÂ*RGAINS!! ýNTZ «- G.E. Fg RANGE EXC. CON D. JUST $175 ALL THIS...AND MOR] CAR s ONI - E 7 IN THEf WHITBY FREE PRESS EMPORIUM SECTION. OýRD SAFETY >E AT LY $25 SR2000 STEREO ON LY $700 1973 DATSUN 610 WAGON, runn- Ing condition, noada work, uncorli- fiad. Asking $200 or beat 0f fer. OeIl 668-7617 evaninge. Mar.3,82<F) 1 '972 METEOR FORD car, iwo door. Aeking $200 for the car but wiihoui Michelin tiras. Soid as le. Michelin tirassaoid sopsraioiy. Two summor - 1,000 mitas on 15" rime. Bath for $260. For more In- formation cati 668659. Mer. 10,82(M) AUVIIMITIVE U~REPAI/ARS 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, naw tires with mag wheoia, $250. Three new tires, 15" on Ford rime, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford $40. 400 motor & transmision needs work, $75. 390 motor, 4. barrai, 90,000 miiea, $100. Two anow liras for Ford Pick-up, on rima, ika naw, $65. Cap for ½ iton truck'$250. Ahi pices f irm. Phoie 655-4448. Dec.30,81(l.) AUOTIV1 UEPAIRPAIR/PARTS FIVE Dodgo custom raliy wheeis wih Goodyear pohygiase reisad white iottering tires, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. REALISTIC Nivaho CB Radio, TRC48, à3 channai, upper and hower aide band. Was $499. Wtth pro-amp' table, miko and 518 wave antenne $250 taesail. Phone 666-1195., Mar.1 0,82(G) BAB NEDS BABY FURNISHINGS A ITEMS. Two wehkors, $10 each. Joiiy Jumper on a atand $20. Crib & mattrase, orange & white, $75. Two pottie chaire, $7 oach. Baby beck peck $10. Rocking horse $20. Phone 868-2702.* Jan.6,82(L) FORD TOT-GUARD car safoty seat $25. High chair $15. Umbrohter strohtor $15. Foiding wooden play pen $20. Call 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82(8) 1973 18',CRESTLIN ER, hait & de oniy, dock noeds repaira. Asii $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSC MOTOR, complote with power ti lover contrai & tilti switch. Askli $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIE SIeepor soas $125; techomel $25; speodomoeter $15; starn iIg $15; accessory terminai box $4 18 gai. gas tank with fuel gaug tank vents & dock piata fittinç $110. Or wiii sali complote fi $1,500. Oeil 728.700. SFob.1 7,82<ý ~HOUSEHID W»TER BED, soiid Scotch pInE excellent condition, heasor inchu< ad. Aeking 81,050. Phonoe66R 9016 anytime. Fab.17,82(fM START YOUR SPRING CLEANINE. naw and boat the rush., Thon ad vertiso your goade for sale lnth( Free Press Emporium. Gel Imme diata resuis. Phono 668-6111. D*O 1T B Y MA-L1 Use thls handy form to mail ln your Emporium Ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the foilowing ad- ve rtisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.' n't forget to include your phoné number) CI I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. E Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E Bill me $7.50Oafter..first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Daie Name (pleasa print - firsi and ast nama) Street Addreas Ciy Postae!Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. %.i aiagi0 n8£Jr a70.714 u In nit, Ing .S: 1 er iht F 45; el for (S) Jp ni e, f( ie Ph Ni ur Pri I 48" BED, with mattresa and1 spring, naariy new, $200 compi 'Wall unit, 5 shahf, 1 cupboard,d 12" x 72", $60. Ovai rug, brald green, 51 x 91, $45. Slow cool new, $30. Phone 668-8593. Jan.20,82 GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cul foot rafrigarator, vary good con lion, $125. Genéral Electric 30 Ch seif-cieanlng range, excei condition, $175. Admirai du washer, good condition, $150.C 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82 INSTRUENT, FLUTE, Gamoinhardi, clos, hoied, c-foot, silver head, ml condition. $450 tirm. Phonoe 6 8762 after 5 p.m. Feb.3,82( 1981 SONEX Deluxa Gibson il alecti guitar with casa and car Like naw, $500. Phono 655-3006. Mar.3,82( HAMMOND ORGAN, Romanc 123, doubla keyboèrd & mer fMatures. 81,695 orbeet 0ffer. C afler 4 p.m. 666-5272. Fab. 1 7,82(l HAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) wlt tape deck. Like naw. Asking 895 (Bench m'ci.) Phono 668-7258. Feb.10,82(F TURN YOUR ARTICLES INT9 CASH. An ad ln tha 'Whiby Fne Press wiii sefalamoat anything fc you ... cars, boats, TVa, furnituri pianos and pais .. the liai laeanc oesa. Oeil 668-6111 now. ~~SIP.ISUPPLIES PUREBRED BEAGLE, maie, ii weaks oid, regietered, has had afi neadies, good breedar. Cage and food incIudad. Asking $200. Phone 66"-740. Jan.13,82(S) I"WO MG*îOLES SLE/RENTALS 971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE In lod condition. Asking $325. ione 985-9368. Mar.3,82(C) IEED EXTRA MONEY? Salit your nwantad articles In the Free oese. Oeil 688-6111 now. box lete. 4'x~ ýded, 'icer, 2(m) bic indi- i li.% lent ash- Cali 2(B) sad lInt 68- 2N) 180 )rd. !R) lce iny lth 50. [H) ro ýor re id- 19 di fherever you move the elcomne Wagon hosteau la se rlght persan ta help you id a place ln your new com- lunIty. A ID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED. ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 j CTINE JACKSON AUCTION EERS Estatea - Ferme - Houeehoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles st., Whltby WANTED. Estates, househoi.d Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We Mil pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 AUCTION SALE THURS., MAR. 18. 6:30 P. M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby Partial estates, includîng iivinigroom furniture, dlningroom suite in oak, bedroom furniture, kit-. chnsuite, good.dishes including Wedgwood, Coaiport, Beyruth, etc. Doulton figurines, royal famiiy, Lady Diana & Prince Charles, antiques & furniture & glass, washers, dryer, stove, fridge, color TVs, many household items not mentioned. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 668-8403 666-3731 <EVGS.) <jDAYS> THE JOB STARTS HER] When you are iooking for a newc home, shop the pages of your Io, have something to seii, comae ln ai The Whitby Free Presis read by o ara each week, raaching from Whii to us today - your ad can atari work WHITBY-FRI AUCINS. AUCTION SALE SATr., MAR. 27 - 11:30 The property of the late Mr. M. Binsted, to be held at 1614 Charles St., Whit- by, south of the baseline. Househoid furniture, an- tiques, dîshes, glassware, 5-pc. bedroomn suite, pump organ, peanut jar, wash stand, blanket box, jamn cupboard, many more articles. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 FORAIERENSALEMRENT BUILDING PERMIT AVAILABLE for Whltby lot (50 x 132) lnn prime location. Asking $32,500. 823,000 eit 14%. Phone 6U84104. PORT WH ITBY MARINA $103,900. conservation, lake, beach, gulis ' gaesa and ewana are your good naighboursaie Front and Brook Streata facing the lake. Neariy new two-storoy brick, home, nastled back ln privacy with tati treos on big, deep'iot with at- tached garage, and long drtvaway for cars, boat, tralier, etc. Main f loor famliy roomn with choory flire- place. Extra big kitchan with waik- out to ceder dock an 'd iovohy gar- don. Three spaclous badroome upetairs with large ensuite bath- room. Aiso famiiy bathroom and powder room on main floor. Niceiy broadhoomed. A beautiful home ln superior location* for outdoor famiiy. Schooie, GO Train. Owner transforred. Firat timé advartisod. Eric Oisen Roui Esiate Limited, 281-8600. r 1 lMý mur 1

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