Plan 0n tune with region O.p. CONT'D PROM PG. il Garden and the down- town core. In a>Ltter to the town, the region's commi- ssioner of planning, Dr. Mofe ed Micghael, said that if the town wished to increase the Thick- son/Dundas commer- cial space by 158,000 square feet from the currentiy allowed 400,000 square feet, then it would have to be sub- tracted from the other areas. Michael pointed out that 400,000 square feet of commercial space is the maximum allowed for the Thickson/Dun- das area under the region's officiai plan. However, Short wrote in his report that, "The proposed officiai plan amendment will mereiy put the land use desig- nations in placefor the sub-centrai area in con- formity with the Durham Regionai Offi- ciai Plan." The director said that the town will be able to protect its interests when developers file a re-zoning application., Short also said that the plans'put forward by Jovial Investments Limited for lands locat- ed on the north side of Dundas Street 'imme- diately behind Bowman Ave, do meet the officiai plan's requirements.ý Jovial had sought per- mission to construct a Canadian Tire store on the northern section of the, property under the special purpose com- mercial zoning provi- sion. Howev er, council denied their application after strong opposition wias heard from area residents. , Jovial has since decid- ed to appeal that deci- sion to the Ontario Municipal Board which will hold a hearing on the matter in the next few weeks. Short said that Jovial's plans are "in conformity with the Durham Regionai Offi- ciai Plan and pursuant to council's direction. " Dm ing Guide THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Cinese food loyers. A large selec- ion of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and up for lunch, and $3.80 and up for' dinner..- Open from il arn. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tilI 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. to You, P By SCOTT FENNELL (PC - Ontario) In case any of my constituents have every won- dered what it menas to be a member of.tI4e Federal Liberai Party, I thougbt I'd turn this week's colurnn over to Pierre Gîmaiel, the 32-year-old M.P. for Lac-Saint Jean. The foiiowing remnarks are taken fromn January 29 Hansard, Page 14479. The legisia- tion under debate deaith with grain exports. Over to Mr. Gimaiel: "'Often we are asked by young people in our ridings what it means to be a Liberal .. To be a Liberai is to work so that the individuai can develop. To be a Liberai does hot mean to fight for a province called Quebec, or a country called. Canada, to fight for NATO or the Warsaw Pact. To be a Liberal is first and foremost to be an elected representative, a person whose lietmotiv, whose supreme will'is to provide opportunities for develop- ment and progress for ail Canadians. "In suéh a situation, anything can be justified. If the development of individual Canadians is to be achieved througb socialization, the Liberal party can turn socialistic. If the development of indivi- dual Canadians is to be achieved through a turn to the Liberal party can move to the right. If in order to promote our developmenit the Liberal party thinks we have to be communistic, we shall be communistic. This is what it is ail about to be a Liberal. To be a Liberal is to be open to ail ideas." TEACHERS, ARE-NEEDEDof To help seniors in a variety o classes from general interest ta academic top ics. REMUNERATION Contact L.E. Evans 668-3012 CLUAINE CONCESSION 10 WEST, SCUGOG ISLAND SAT, 'MAR. 20-21982 8:30 P.M. - 1.000A.M. DANCE BILL JOHNSON'S- TO SWEET COU NTRY Sponsored by Durham Reglon Lung Association SLICENSED UNDEA AUSPICES OF SPPCIAL OCCASION PERMIT COMING RICK JOHNSON & MARCH 27 THE COUNTY BAND for fur1h,.. ..aformatîon phonoOshoa 578-4098 M VDI EAI UIC N N 557 KING ST. EAST 576-6999 Once again we're bringlng the family together. ntroducing- Sunday Specials Choose: Rainbow Trout Veal Parmesan Veal Cordon Bleu New York Sirloin Roast Prime Rib of Beef Black Forest Cake or Ice Creamn Coffee For an af fordable 18095 .;oe V154 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDÀY, MARCH 17, 1l982, PAGE 15 Cou*mnil takes ýback grant Whitby Town Council has taken back a $1,00 grant it gave to the, County Town Singers. During the budget deliberations", the money was given tb the renowned choral society, in an effort to help it raise môney for a new rehearsal piano. However, since the grant was given a pro- minent Whitby firm, Sklar - Peppler - Heintz- man, has donated a piano tothem. Regionai councillors Tom Edwards and Gerry Emm has wanted to give the money to the singers anyway s0 that it could be used for stor- ing and transporting the instrument.' Emm described the group as "our ambassa- dors" and pointed 'out that the piano "has to be handiec W'ith care." Mayor Bob Attersley left the chair to speak against the motion.. It was the mayor's contention that grants are only given for a specifie purpose and when that purpose is realized, then the grant should not be paid. "They have got what they were looking for," Attersley said adding that he was' "touched" because the town reduced -the grant *CINEMASHOWÇASE request of Community Care by $1,Ã"O0. West Ward Councillor Joe Bugelli supported' the mayor's position saying that the "lgrant was earmarked for the purchase." The singera wanted to use the $1,000 as a base foir a fund raising cam- n-nign to raise $3,500 to buy a new piano. Bugelli pointed out that the, Heintzman donation was worth $4,700. "lThey got something better than they antici- pated, ' he said. The grant was re- tracted on, a 5 to 2 recor- ded vote with Edwards and Emîn in dicqdânti*w. MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, Senior Operaitions A nalyst: $32,900 . 40,700 (under revlsw) O.R. From the Ground Up! We are seeklng an Individual with good planning and marketing skills to help build a vigorous and viable operations research function ln the, ministry. You Mill formulate a strategic and tacti- calplan'for operations research; seil the plan to senior management and supervise staff ln impIe- mentation. Within the ministry there are potential applications for queueing theory, linear pro- gramming, simulation models and other opera- tions research methodolog les. File RE-513. Qualifications: Aptitude for designing and pr oducing operational modelsto maximize resource utIlization with capacity to devise effect- Ive management reporting systems; comprehen- sive understanding of operations research theory and its applications derived from direct, exper- ience; ability to conceptuallie problemfs and deve- lop effective solutions; thorough knowledge of administrative principles. and practices with ability toassess current systemns; recommend im- provements and Implement deliivery systems for new programs; excellent interpersonal skills. AprieaIs Officer Trainee:b $1,8 0-$23,100 (undor reviow> This is an opportunity with the tax appeals branch, to participate ln the Investigation of routine ob- jections f iled under the Corporations Tax Act and the Retail Sales Tax Act determining whether the assessment'or dlaim should be upheld or varied. You will perform accounting functions; co- ordinate staff involved In processing notices.0f objections; meet with tax paye rs/rep resen tat Ives to obtain and clarify information; assess and eva- luate evidence and factors significant to object- ion; assist appeals off icer as required. File RIE-. 510. Qualifications: Good- knowledge of the proce- dures of the tax. appeals branch and a working knowledge of the Corporations Tax Act, Income Tax Act (Canada) and the Retail Sales Tax Act; ex- posure to the assessment and audlting practices of the corporation tax and retail sales tax bran- ches; good communication skilils; ability to research, analyze and interpret information; suc- cessful completion/exemptlon of CGAIRIA level 1 accouniting and law and level 2 accounting. Unit Lea der Accounts Control: $335.00 - $382.00 per we (under review) The corporations tax branch seeks an individual to co-ordinate and control the processing of corpora- tion's refunds. You will provide financial controls in recording and reconciling cash f lows; supervise staff; provide special Investigative services to specific inquiries. FileRE-509. Qualifications: Progressively responsible clerical accounting experienice; ability to plan, organfize and co-ordinate the activities of a large volume accounting system; thorough knowledge of related sections of the acts admInistered; proven supervisory skills; knowledge of EDP and manual systems relating to accounts processing; excell- 'i