PAGE 14, WEDNESDAy, MARCH 17, 1982, WJIITBY* FREE PRESS Quilt sho.w tomorrow By JOYCE COX St. 'Mark's..U.C..0f WhitbY. will present its second annual Quilt Show on Thursday, March 18, in the church hall. St. Mark's is at the corner of Coîborne and Centre Streets. The Show will last one day only and be openi to, the public from .2 to 9 p.m. There, is no set admission price, but it is hoped that the'donations at, the door will be generous. Mll proceeds help the varied'work of the U.C.W. Sixty quilts will be dis- played. Once again the Whitby United Churcb signature quilt, 'made in 1936 and returned from Florida several years ago, will be featured. Al the other quilts are new' to the-show this year. Every decade of this A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVELINES ED CERANOWICZ PHONE 668-0737 rn-132 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO FISHE R REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE- PARTS' NEW STORE OPENING Hwy., 12 - 1 mile N. of lights next ta Manchester Credit Union COMPLUTE LIME 0F APPLIANCE PARTS, NEW & USED stove elements, washer & dryer 'parts, etc. WE BUY & SELL NEW & USED APPLIANCES Open 9 -9 AMPLE PARKING 655-323 8 centuryý is repre sented. Two appliqued flower quilts, owned by Bea, MacKay- were made by Beatrice Tiffany around 1910. The show includes a Victory quilt and a Centennial quilt. In the late 19201s, Norman and Florenice Pinch 0f R.R. 2, Whitby, owned the Rainbow Quiît Block Company. Pinch designed the' blocks and. travelled about selling them. Two of his sample quilts, quilted by local church groups of the day, will be displayed. They are "Left and Right Rose"ý and "Poinsetta." The St. Mark's quilt- ers meet to quilt every Wednesday morning at the home of Joyce Coic, 804 Centre Street South. EÉveryone is made wel- come, încluding young cbildren. Quilting ex- perience is not necess- ary. In 1981, the group quilted 18 large quiîts and bave -so far done five ini 1982. At the quiît' show a clown crib quilt will be set up, so anyone interested may try quilt- ing with a St. Mark's quilter as tutor. Corne, enjoy a cup of tea and feast your eyes,, Tbursday, March 18, at the Quilt Show. Ultrasuedo Ultrasuede is a non-woven fabric of 60% polyester and 40% polyurethane foam. It has a downy nap just Ilke genuine suede, and looks the same on front and back. That's howyou can tell lt's not fîocked suede. heprfiocked suede 1Is, made by. spraying suede nap onto an, adhesive- covered Cotton back- Ing. Ultrasuede won't Coun cil K&M CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS shrinic, stretch, fray, stiffen or wrinkle. It is coîorfast, whlch is net possible with real skins, and won't waterspot. 1These garments cannot be mended ln the usual way. Pin and needie marks will show forever. The oniy way to mend it is with a heat-set bind- ing, applled to the underside. Be careful: too much heat wiiI damage the fabric. Ultrasuede can be washed and ironed, but K&M Cleunerls suggests dryclean- ing, because.this ex- pensive fabrIc pre- sents problems for spot-removal. Grease stains can become deeply embedded in Ultrasuede's unique, non-porous construc- tion. These are diffi- cuit to get out with- out distorting ,the nap, whIch liés ln a definite direction and cannot be rubbed too hard. You risk rulning a fine garment by trying to remnve a spot yourseif. HappySan Colutn Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL EwM EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to an error on the part of the Whltby Free Press, the Council Column was flot publlshed in last week's edition. In an effort to correct that situation, the Free Press will today publish the columns written by Counilor Joe Drumm and Councillor Joe Bugelli. This publication apologizes to CouncillorBugelli and'to, our reuders for omittlng. his column Iast week. By COUNCILLOR JOE DRUMM East Ward Chairman, Administrative Committee On this, the rnost wonderful of ail days, May I wish you ail a happy Saint Patrick's Day. "The top o' the morning to ya ", and I hope you have the luck of the Irish today!1 With spring just around the corner, bopefully, it will certainly be niee to see the green grass again. I hope this year we will'not be burdened with flooding and that the snow will meit gradually. A propos flooding.. At present the, planning committee bas before it the first place of a subdivision north of Rossland Road. In an effort to ensure that the storm waters fromi this subdivision have no adverse effects on the people residing to the south of Rossland Road, it is, planned that provision is made for storm water retention ponds;ý These retention ponds are designed s0 that they can receive and store w4ter from storms, snow-melts or just plain beavy rains of excess duration. At the point of accumulation of a large volume of water, the water level in the pond will build up and be retained until such time that there is available flow in the stormsewer system to take it away. At that time the excess water will run iestgating ail possible solutions but-reêsuits to date infortunately are flot very encouraging. Our. em- )loyees are generally very conscientious and they ,ertainly try their utmost to keep the spil-over onto riveways to a bare minimnum. I would be remiss if did not publicly commend our work crews for their lication and responsibie attitude at a time when hey were needed most to keep our roads safe. Let's hope next year Old Man Winter treats us ith a littie more kîndness 1 THE CORPORATION 0F, . H ETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given' that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wh itby intends to pass aby-law to stop up, close and'seli that untravelled portion of the public highw aymunIcipalîy known as Duke Street, being more specif ically described as follows: That 'untravelled portion of Duke Street,, as shown below situated east of Queen Street in 'the Harnlet of Brooklin, and being composed of part of lot,22, Concession"6, Town of Whitby. UNTfflVELLED DUKE ST f1~ '17J - ROAD ALLOWANCE AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of the Council of the Town cf Whitby' wiII, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 5th day of April, 1982, in Committee Room 2 of the Whitby Muni. cipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear In pérson or by his counsel, solicitor' or agent, any person who dlaims his land wilI be prejudicially affected by such by-law and who ap- plies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this lOth day 0f Marche A.D., 1982. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T. - Town Clerk The Corporation cf the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland-Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phobe: 668-5803 C4 eCLantn9 e foltItfm <'ntWz9anl" 1,l12 COIBOIRNE ST. Wz, WHITBY 668-2831 y m Patrick's Da'y into the storm drainage system, and the water level in the pond(s) will drop to its rated low level, thus preventing flooding or damage to the storm sewer system and its environs. As the townm develops for- thward Council and Planning must be ever mindful of efficient storm water, management and if necessary, even flood controL Also, concerning en- vironment....; This year's budget bas a provision for sidewalk raniping, of an amount of $12,000, and in every plan of subdivision submitted benceforth to council and/or planning, we, will insist on, rampinfg as an in- tegral part of the subdivision agreement. Further on writing'about the.budget, I would be remiss if I, did not commend Councillor Ross Batten on bis budget presentation., In today'ts economies an overaîl increase of 4.5 per, cent in an urban area deserves top marks. By the time this goes to' press the planning com- mittee will bhave made a decision on the Durham- Heights - Thickson/Dundas commercial develop- ment. It is a difficult decision to make and to predict, but it must be and will be made. As this is the day that even Welshmen like Tom "Edwards wish they were Irish, let me close with an Old Irish Blessing, May the Road rise up to meet you, May the Wind be ever at your back, May the Sun shine warm upo'n your face, And the Ramn faîl soft upon your fields And, until we meet again, May God'hold you in the Hollows of His Hands. Work s crews. Coinmleended By COUNCILLOR JOE BUGELLI West Ward Chairman, Operations Committee Since my last colurnn there have been a numfber of developments and issues dealt with by this coun- cil. 0f most direct effect..and closest to everyone's. heart of course, is the effeict of our budget. Most are now aware that the final budget as ap- proved represents a 4.5 per cent overaîl increase' over 1981. What should be emphasized is thatyour taxhili is, made up of tbree separate components -7 the Town of Whitby's, the Region'0f Durham's and the Board of Education's, We as a council only bave jurisdiction over the town's portion and-so it should be remembered Ithat the final tax increase is going to depend heavily on wbat the Region and the Board of Education do with their respective budgets. Since collectively these two bodies make up more than 65 per cent of your total tax. bill, we can only hope that they will follow -our example 'and apply the necessary constraints ini order to minimize the over- ail impact on our local residents and taxpayers. Even with this relatively small percentage ini- crease, we have still been able to address a number of major deficiencies and allocated funds in order to improve and correct a substantial number of them. In many areas 0f' the town for example, especially Brooklin and some of the older parts, there is a marked deficiency. in street ligbting. Althougb this fact was recognized some eight years ago, whatever little funds were put. aside towards this over. the years bas been rapidiy eaten inflationary fac- tors. We have now embarked on an escalated program that will start showing some visible differ- ence in the next year.' As chairman of public works (wbich representse