WITBY FREE PRESS PULL OUT SECTION, WEDNESDAY MARCH 17,> 1982, PAGE 3 Diane Von Furstenberg Designs for Watts and - DECORATING BECOMES AS EASY AS DRESSING DECORATING, COUNTRY STYLE, is neyer out of date - and it's also one of the frèshest ideas around. Meliow, warmn and easy to live wth, if's easy to put together, too. Use simple materials like wood, straw, wicker, pottery - and tie them 'altoget her with a wallcovering that creates a garden mood - like Diane Von Furstenberg's "Herb Garden" f rom a brand new collection of Wall- Tex wallcoverings. t The biggest news in home furnishings these days 'ha got to be the entry of big- name fashion designers into the field. They've brought a fresh eye and a. special sense of color and, pattern- and sparked our own senses with a whoie new range of dec;- orating materials. First it was sheets, then furniture. And now, the newest area of ail is in - wallcoverings. In fact, one of the most famnous names in fashion led the parade when Diane Von Furstenberg joined. forces with the makers of Wail-Texý walI- coverings to produce *a whole book of wallcovering designs. If you think a high- fashi'on name means hoity- toit.y designthat's just too chic for words' then you don't know Diane. Thepat- terns she's designed for Wall'-Tex are so, down-to- earth and easy to live witti, they're aimost like oid friends. For exampie, there are old-fashioned, romantic florais - liles of the valley, tulips, chintz iooks - that wiil remnind you of 'that çountry house you've ai- ways dreamned of, or re- membered. With these pat- terns, you can create your own country look wherever you are - and since many have companion fabrics, you can get an ail-over look, al- most instantiy! In this collection of 25 de- signs in a total of 87 color- ways, you'l also 'find a whole range o f easy natu- rais - motifs taken from rape, batik, bamboo, or shutters, plus somne wonder- fui designs composed sim- ply of rippling uines and dots. Their looks can be fresh, cantemporary, mel- low. What's more, Diane de- signed some so smail in scale that they work aimost as, textures on the wali! Says Diane, "A 'good waiicovering is like good make-up - it lets you make the most of what you have." So, she planned colors that would make people iookgood and feel good - and bring out the ' best in their furnishings. There are fiattering* new colors like peach, pink, pastel blue - *and colors that are beauti- fuliy neutral. You'll see deli-, cate grays, soft pebble colors, beiges-andbrowns.- a whaie wardrobe *of pat- terns that wili go with any- thing - including each other. In fact, 'yaou can mix and match. as easily as you would with separates. To see these beautiful new wallcoverings - ail, by the way, of ionig-lasting, fabric- backed vinyl - ahl you have to do is walk into the near- est wallcovering store, and ask for.the "Diane Von Fur- stenberg for Wail-Tex", book. Look, compare, try aut different combinations of patterns and colors, then close your eyes and picture your room - with walls dressed in their, new fali wardrobe! t Middle Âges, Inspire Modens. Looking for ways to keep your castle warm and cozy? Try an idea straight aut of the Middle Ages tapes-tries! Hold an though. .no need to, st art threading-the loom. Nor is it necessar'y to rcreate the Unicorn tapestries in their entirety. The Fiber Information Center (an editonial service of the Man-Made Fiber Producers Association) offers ideas that, with a little imagination, will add extra insulation and beau- ty to your walls during cold weather. home, cover existing walls- with fabric stapled to Wood lathes nailed ver- ticaliy at equal intervals around the walls. Add an inner layer of non-woven batting of polyester, olefin or rayon betw-een the lathes ta hold the heat- in- side in winter and retain boards and other outer edges with matching fabric cording. For a contemporary Discover Wallcoverings and Benjamin Moore paints To Match At Central Paint & Wallpaper 295 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa Phone 728-6909 Hang it yourself or we'II1 do it for you. Kitchens can be trans- formed from work-a-day ta unique with the use of the many striking carpets designed just for that room. And, don't forget sleep- ing areas. Personalize each family memnber's room with a color and texture of carpeting to reflect the owner's taste. If you're an antique lover, compliment Ameni- can country style furnish- ings by hanging bright quiîts made f poyeser and-cotton blended calicos or lLxurious veivets of I .'9 ________ Jt£a ciarcr high-performance rayon on walls. Stitch a 2-inch or 3-inch-wide, piece of mus- lin to the top of the quiît back and mun a curtain rod through the openings at each .end. Then, hang on* the wali with decorative hooks for attractive, easy- care, and practical energy- efficiency! Even though we don 't want to returni to the ,musty, saoty castie. living of yore, the Middle Ages do offer a few good ideas that can be used'as inspi- ration for energy-con- scous contemporary living... no matter what size your manor.f A Full Conversion, Not Necessarily The Answor To Reducing High Heating Costs A prove, syutem and popular in Enter Ountario sud Quebec "iu no w gettdng the attention of home owmers in tbis aret Who are heatluug wlth oi-flred forced air fur- Daces. This is flot just another of those unbaftled electric elements placed in the fwrnace duct work or plenum!!! It is a "Three Part System" developed by "SG" Com- bustions Ltd. of Brockvillc, Ont., consisting of the following features: 1. A C.S.A. approved plenum heater and demand control. 2. A- C.S.A. approved electrically controlled stack damper. 3. A day/night set-back micro-computer thermostat. For most homes, as littie as 5 to 15 kilowatts (60 to 100 amp service) generates enough hea t w maintain a com- fortable temperature level, coupled with the "IStack Pack" which closes to'stop unnecessary "heat Ioss" up the chimney reducing the number of heating cycles per season, thus a substantial 40%V saving in annual overaîl heating costs. Because oil consumption is being reduced by over 50%. makes this system's installation eliîble for the maximum $80000 off-oil rebate pro- gram. With very little inconvenience in beatiing "down-time" the "SG" system can be installed in homes of from 60 to 200 amp service entrances, accommodating "SG" heaters from 5 to 30 kilowatts - but must be first in- spected by the Ontario Hydro Inspection'Office of the area. The cost per installation mnay range from $1300.00 to $1600.00 and may bc performed by your existing oil servicing company or your favourite elec- trical or heating contractor authorized* as an "SG" Dealer. A Canadian Made Produci of Dyson Distribution Ltd. Oshawa. Ontario - 433-5521 Having attended an 'SG* Installation Seminar.