WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY' 17, 1982, PAGE 17 ~W_____ .s. I............ CALI A PIOFESSIOMALI HIOHESI PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, d ocks,' Jeweler, 'dishes, furni-' ture, crocks, oll paint- Ings and.sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING, ST.W, OSHAWA SCAN LAN'S NEW &USED FURNITURE Bought, SoId & Exchanged Ail your furnîtura & appliance neede. 210 BROCK ST. SWHITDY 666-2214 "WEEKLY SPECIAL" Elegani 10 pc. oak dining rm. suite pecan finish CARPET CLEAN ING C0arpets shampooed and steam cieaned. Clleaned twice for one low price. Caîl: SPARKLE Cîeanîng Services 666-8332 oRORU6-1979 RSWEPR CALL A CHIMNEY SWEEP betare yau have ta cal ihe Fire Dept. Aberwyn Chimney Sweeps 655- 3513. EDUATIOEI SERVICES "IGRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE wha haie grammar" la the ideal packet reference'baak far business pea- pie. $3.95 per capy and avalabie ai Diokean Printing & Office Sup- pilies ln the Ajax Piaza. Dealer en- quIries invied 883*1968. SERVICES MAN WITH TRUCKCwill da maving jabs. Has experience. Phane 666- 3781. PAITING PAINTING TAPINO TEXTURE SPRAY &STUCCO CeliIngs & WaIIs FULLY EXPERIENCED Aima stucco cellînga paînied. Froc esilmaies and low wlnier raite. Spoclal payment plan & prices for senior citizen*. ï576-2401 CARPENtRY HOME REPAIRS &1 IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramic Tii- l'ng, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Deoks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES (CALL 668-4686 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING 1 For Class A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 O.t. hl ed..is cou TOUFr". 1-800-268-9689. Day, Eve.& Sat. courses GUITARLESSONS A VAl LAB LE BY PROF ESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR. _PHONE 668-3741 JAMES PATTERSON CONTRARING Specialize ln " N home impravements. Baihroams, kitchens, additions, garages, etc. Reasonabie raites.> Cali tadayfor your FREE ESTIMATE. 683m2727 COGRTUAION nurfr inviais i ourlur naur Aja laast. Tuksn Pit & OfiaSplie 6$198. Free hom~eevc 668-482 Drps.Weals who alpineraos cniygn 2he ca un das ySu.Eeda a post liePk hs6316.. 5!EiEUNEMEm THE WHITBY FREE PRESS la pîeasad toa afnounce the reci- pienis oi the valantine's bouquets oi roses. Tha winners were Peggy Broome ai Whitby and Leslie French ai Oshawa. WANNOUNCEMENS TAYLOR- Barry and Deborah, are proud to an- nounce the safe arrivai of their son, Kevin Carl, born January 21, 1982 weigh- Ing 6 lbs. 15 oz. Proyd grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. BC. Taylor of Whit- by and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton of Oshawa. Spe- clal thanks to Dr. Lai, Dr. Epstein and the 4th and 5th f loor staff of O.G.H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL dlaims'against the Estate 0f TESSA Mc- PHERSON (MacPherson> late 0f the Township of Scugog, Ontario, Wïho died on December 16, 1981 must befilièd with the undersigned by Mar- ch, 15,19 '82; thereafter the.. asset&.of.the estate will be distrb uted -having regard onhly..to those cdaims then f ile'd.* DATED February 10, 1982. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Executor, by Its Solicitors, MESSRS. BASSEL, SU LLI VAN'& LEAKE, P.O. Box 351, Suite 1800, commerce Court West Toronto, Ontario, M5L1H4 CHESTERFIELD à CHAIR for sale. In exceilent condition. Cali 666- 3387.1 VISIT OUR used furniture wsre- house by appainiment. Big savinga on.deaka, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Prini- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoiniment ta view 683-1968. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied *5coors169. -%0 -4 styles lnstailed & Guaranteed. Also eca- nomîcal and energy efficient starm and repacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 ARTICLES1 ORSALE CHERRY RED muskrat coat, ;4, size amaîl 6-8, excellant condition. Appraised at $1,000. Wiii soli for $500. Phone 668-2213. BARGAINSI BARGAINSI Closing oui apariment. Phona 668-3539.' 15 CU. FT. FREEZER. $150 no leas. Cati sitar 4p.m. 686-202. PUBLIC AUCTION Evary Thursday nlght buy or sai at 1614 Chartes Street, Whitby. Fur- niture, glass, china, tools, Jewaîry, coins and 80 on. Ail cansign- mania weîcame. 5111 Wani- namaker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days, 668-8403 avenlnga. .SIPISPLIIES PUFS FOR SALE $20 aach. Faiher champion Garman Shephard. Mother hall Doberman, hall Ger- man Shepherd. Firsi iarmn housa south ai Swamp Varieîy & Gas. Hwy. 12, eass aide, juat narth ai Manchester. Directiy acros rom the Waiermill. Y~FR RIENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL-, many makes and modela, by the week- end, weak or mon th. Discounts avaliable. Dickson Prlntlng & Of. -lice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaira 683-1968. *FREE FREE: Drap mia the, Dlckson Printing & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a fee copy ai thair 1982 Mairic Caien- dar. Printed ln two colours, lt makea for handy relarence 68.1-. 1968. czENDRS L- .PLEASANT TELEPHONE WORK -'3.75 par haur plus bonusas. Juat 4 haurs daily, 10 arn. ta 2 p.M. Monday through Friday. Ask for ,Nora. 686-3052 225 rOCk St. N., WflitDy 66-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED INVYOUI We need a few good sales people. If you are Inter- ested ln settIng your own achlevement goals re- garding Income,.we now offer you an exclusive audi-visual training pro- gramme, also, we'll en- courage you -toward reaching your goals. You can be inflated with theý results we can lhelp you attain. You can be happy working in a professional atmosphere which iends itself to efficiency and pleasant working condi- tions. Whether you are qualified at present or currently taking or considering the governmeni: pre-licencing course - we want to talk with youl For aconfiden- tial persona) interview caîl: BILL TURANSKY 668-6171 CHID CRE7 SERICES LOVING DAY CARE availabie ln my home. Pleasa caIl 666-1723. .P Dur-harii ?geu Po lice Force TENDER NO. DRP 1182 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OFDURHAM NOTICE TO QUALIFIED TOWING SERVICES Tawing services iacaied wiihin the baundaries ai the Ragianal Municipality ai Durham ara invled ta submit their bld iar the sup- ply ai iawing services and vehicia staraga paund facllities far dasignaiad police iawing areas, for tha use ai the Durham Regianal Palice Farce cammencing April 19, 1982 far ana year and untili a naw agreement shahl be approvad. Biddars wiil b. expaciad 10 suppiy raies far tawing and staraga far the tenure ai the canîraci, lagaihar wiih siza, locatioan, and ganerai descriptian ai ihair vehicia paund. Bids wiii be racaivad ai the Office ai the Chiai ai Paice by the Board ai Cammissianars ai Palice for the Ragianal Municipaliiy ai Durham, Up until 11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 121h, 1982. Tender forma providad for ihis purposa may ba abtainad by apply- ing ia the affice ai Superiniandani D. Edwards, Administratian- Speclal Services Branch, Durham Raglanai Palice Farce H-ead- quariars, 77 Centre Street Narth, Oshawa, Oniaria, beiwaen 8:00 arn. and 4:30 p.m. daiiy, Manday ihraugh Friday. Jan M. Jenkins, Chiai ai Police. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Exparienced isiephone soliciaor famîliar wiih priniing and affilce supplies. Hourly raie plus commissian. Cali Lau Dckson ai 683-1968 ia arrange'an interview. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. raquires ihree retired persans. Mechanic ta repaîr air licols, jacks and campressors. Brick layer and carpenter ta asasitin constructing office. Phone 683-1753. ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of Visa Account and receive the discount on- the price of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- publicat on. The Whitby Free Press wlll not be hiable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when cailing. cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- -through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each not be responsible for box number repliez not called for a maximum cost of the f Irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press additional word. within 30 days. reserves the right to classif y or reJect ai l advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 EDIE:Mna onpir opbiaint neto mUst appear In the paper one day before they can be changed words; 12s each additionai word. DALNS odyno ro o-pbiaint neto or cancelied. cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to in- AUCTION SALES - 32o per Une. (No word ads allowed.) sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If billed; 12ceeach additlonal word. CALI Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words lie BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional 686 1 each. You may charge your Classifiled Ad to your Otiargex or charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wMil make every en-6811 CLASSIFUED ADS CONTINUE ON PAG E'16 à Comp iance Clork $293.00 - $334.'00 per weok (u.nder review) The MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, corporations tax branch, seeks an IndivIdual to colleot delinquent corporation tax accounts. You will review case histories of deli1nquent accounts; contact appro- priate officiai to seek paymient; explain proce- dures and requirements of legisiation to tax- payers; analyze financial statements to determîne appropriate 6oliection actio 'n; recommend legal action or other appropriate collection activity for uncoliectable accounts. Location: Currently Toronto, however,- this posi- tion Mill oniy be available to those candidates who are wiiling to work ln Oshawa when the ministry relocates later this year. Qualifications: Sound collection experience; ability to Interpret and analyze financiai state- ments and Interpret and understand applicable statutes, policles, procedures and corporate tax returns; knowledge of lien and land tities pro 'ce- dures; excellent communicatl6in and Interpersonal skilis. Please submit application quoting fileRE-461 by March 3, 1982 to: Minlstry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor,< Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1X8. Equaiity of Opportunity for Employment. ~ Ontario Ontario Public Service S .rLICENSED AUTO MECHANIC Cîass A wanted. Good working conditions. New facilities.' ~AppIy: VILLAIGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 683'5358 RoborTed lim'q 0