Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1982, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1982, PAGE 9 Anderson, Henry Street, Denis O'Connor HIHS CHO OL N WS WEEK ,,-.An dersonians form ltheir own political parties ,January 182 gives bir- th to two new ACVI organizations: the P.I.P. AND THE Y.S.A. Both groups are com- prised of students and staff. They hold noon- hour meetings a couple of times a week, each attending to their own agenda. The . P.I.P., also known as the Political Informatio nParty, was founded by a number of concerned Anderson- ians who feit everyone ought to be well- informed of any politi- cal matter. Apparently, P.I.P. aims 'to protect the rights of students and encourage Ander- son organizations to work to their fullest potential. The group's "modus operandi"' con- sists 0f interviews, sur- veys, and monitory ob- servation. Presently, the P.I.P. is reporting on student council,î the Y.S.A., the A.S.A.A., and the I.S.C.F. -In addi- tion, members of the P.I.P. are working on behaif of the grade 13's to secure a common room for them. In short, the P.I.P. is taking posi-, tive action to make the school community the best it can possibly be. Another new student-, oriented group is the Y.S.A.: the Young Socialists of Anderson. These diligent students have three specifie goals: to support a figbt for human riohts; to aid. youth and society; and February is flot duil at DO'C By LISA JEPPESEN Denis O'Connor H.S. The exams have completed DO'C's first semester, and we have started a new with the second haîf 0f the year. Many of our seniors left at the end of the first tern and, to send them off on a happy note, a cake was presented to each senior home roorn. It was a thoughtful gesture which tur- ned out to be delicious! February, usually a dull month, is cramnmed with events. On February 12, the Friday before Valen- tine's Day, there will be a dance. That same day bas also been designated Flower Day. Students may send a carnation to their favourite Valentine. A less welcone'gift will be report cards, also to be issued that day. Following the Valentine's festivities, will be Local high sehools compete hifestival The high schools in invited to participate in .held in'the province Durham'Region will be teh O.C.D.F. Regional during April. The other holding, their lSth an- Showcase t6 be held in three festivals will. be in nual Drama Festival on Brockville on April 6, 7 Hlamlilton on April 1,' 2 February 24, 25, 26 and and 8. and 3; in Toronto on' 27 at GL. Roberts Colle- Other schools partici- April 15, 16 and 17; and giate and Vocational In- pating in the Brockville in Sudbury on April 29 stitute in Oshawa., Regional Showcase will and 30 and May 1. It is'one of 25 such represent the Bruce- Nine plays from the festivals held through- Grey, Georgian Bay, four regional festivals out the province each Kawartha, Ottawa,. St. will be invited to the aIl- year to provide a show- Lawrence, and Seaway Ontario Showcase, to be case for the dramnatic Districts. held at Hart House talents of students and This is one of four Theatre, Toronto, on teachers. regional festivals to be May 13,14 and 15. Student achievement at the festival will be recognized in the pre-FSH sentation of awards pro- FIH R REFRIGERATION vided by Sears Limited, sponsor of the Ontario-& APPLIANCE PARTS wide festival. These will be given for outstanding: NEW STORE OPENING productions, outstandi. Hwy. 12 - 1 mile> N. of ights ing performances, and next ta Manchester Credit Union outstanding technical achievement. There is COMPLETE'LUNE 0F APPLIANCE also an adjudicator's award, which may be PARTS, NEW & USED presented to an indivi- stove elements, washer & dryer dual or group. In addi- parts, etc. tion, the adjudicator WE BUY & SEIL NEW & USED mray select a nwnber of APPLIANCES deserving students to receive A wards of Menit Open 9.9 for acting or other thea- AMPLE PARKING trical achievement. The winners of the 6)553233 Durham Festival wil be -. OFFICE FURPNITrURE WARIEHOUSEFULL IN * AJAX DO'C's break day on February 18. In the past, this has been a day at the arena, but this year additional activities are available. The students have a choice: skating, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, or participation in a soccer clinie. The yearbook staff bas submitted its second in- stailment which featured candid photos of rnany un- suspecting characters. Next week's article will be a feature on the Fren-. chtrip to St. Donat which is in progress at present. FLORIDA VACATION Club International wiII guarantee you an.d your family, every year for the rest of your life, fun in *the Sun at a beautiful resort hotel with a fully equipped kitchen in each suite. AIl for a ONE TIME ONLY COST 0F $1,2501 Bank financing available. Callcollect 416-482-6447 Club International 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily to clear up the miscon- ceptions about the word "socialism." Imme- diate-projects of the Y.S.A. include: work with a young, mentally- handicapped child in hopes of regaining his co-ordination, and plans for a telethon in support 0f the Ontario Humane Society. These students obviously have some very keen ideals that they wish to share at, ACVI. At a time when events around, the world echo political and* social; unrest, Anderson's newv organization's hope to play a significant role in helping students to be active world citizens. Susan Bisseil and Robert Needham. DON,'T GO BROKE, GO TRANSI.T a. .à. i t I iii - j,- V 4.. Winter flot only makes it harder ~'to get around, it makes running a car more expensive. ~UnIess you leave your car at-home and GO Transit. That saves on gas, parking, and the extra maintenance costs your car runs Up ini cold weather. Compare costs and you'II agree. GOing Transit, sure beats going broke. For informration on timetables and tares caîl GO Transit at 579m4,224 OR 1-800-268-1983 Toil Free Hon. William G. Dais, ~-Hon. James Snow. Premier à A&Minister L H. Parsons. q q A. F. Leach. Chairmnan 1WA Managing Director THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY 1982 INTERIM TAX NOTICE FIRST INSTALMVENT The f lrst Instalment of taxes for 1982 Is due and payable February 15, 1982. If payment Is fot recelved by the due date, penalty at the rate of 11/2% per month *111 be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Deborah A'. Smart Tax Coliector TOWN 0F WHITBY.

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