WHITBY FREE PR3S, sWEDNESDAY,ý FEBRUAR-3, 1982, PAGE 3 WFD's forum will promote wood urin afety Wood burning appli- ances are one of the major causes of fires durint- the winter ac- cording to the Whitby Fire Department. 1The reason for this is that most peo le who have chimneys, wood- stoves and fireplaces don't know how to use them safely. And to combat this situ *ation, the depart- ment is sponsoring a public forum in the council chambers of the Whitby Municipal Build- ing at 575 Rossland Road, East on February lat7:30p.m. Present at this forum will be representatives of the fire department, Firefighter Kent MacCarl 'of the, Whitby'Fire'Department is seen here clearing out a chimney at a local home in an effort to make it fire safe. Fire safety and wood burning appliances w ill be the subjeet of a public forum being held by the department onFebruary 11. McAJJTErus L-- Present The Custom Cover Sale Once again McAllster's is offering the Barrymore Custom Cover Sale. During the sale,' you may choose f rom any Barrymore coul & web sofa, loveseat, or chair, have it co vered ln any of the beautiful Barrymore fabrics & Save 20%. McALLSTEI<S t -b 70 ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWi Mon,Tus.,Wed.-106 Thurs.,Fr1 -101 '576-6465 9 Sat.-10-5 r building inspectors and it does not bave the, the Canadian Wood qualified personnel to EnergyInstitute. conduet inspections. Captain Ken Corner, "We're almost as the department's fire guilty as the citizen in prevention officer, says that we don't have any- that they receive many one. qualified to make calls from people abolit inspections," Corner these appliances. said adding that. the "Recause of the calîs most the department we've had, we decided can do is answer ques- we.would set this up, tions and advise people he said. on wood appliance .in- "The problems we're stallation. experiencing are num- Corner said his office erous, " Corner adds 15 receiving an average ponigout that since of four telephone cails a last October there have- day inquiring about the been 15. fire caîls relat- appliances, which have Ing to wood burning ap-**rtyaude oi- pliances. enait because of high Most of these fires are eergy costs, caused by improper or While the 15 fire cails poor installation. mentioned earlier may Corner adds that fire not seem like a large department approval is umer they probably not needed for the represent only a frac- operaion f thse a tion of the fires that opeatin 0 thse P- have occurred. pliances and the only "It dentsudlk time they are inspected a os' oudlk is if a building permit is bug number," Corner issued. said, "But it is a big However, Corner number and they'rejUt would like to see some the ones we get."1 kind of approval mech- He speculates that anism introduced. many people are "em- barassed" to caîl the "That way we get to department if a chim- check them 'and see if ney fire breaks out in it's done right, " he said. their home. Another problem the The forum is open to department faces is that the public and anyone 85 Per cent of your calculated tax ref und paid - fast. Return compared at no extra cost. BENEFICIALTAX REFUND BUYING CENTRE 39 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 433-4771 wishing more informa- .tion about it should cal the Whitby Fire Depart- ment at 668-3312. -OR RHEUSMAT BUTWECA. eP.. Diamond Heart Pendants 40%0OFF (ALL PENDANTS) ,,loati-gHearts ~X.~4'~47'. ., ~10 KT. GQLD Y7~~' ~14a OOto 00O Ladies Diamond Cluster Rings *~,.. .. WHILE QUANTTES LAST) Diamond Cluster $119 (WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) Also Emerald Ruby Sapphire Centres HOLIRS:* Mon.-Thurs. 9:30:00 Fr/day '019 00 Sa furday9:30-5.30 j t