Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1982, p. 20

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PAGE 20 WDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1982, WHITBY'FREE PRESS-. CAýLL 6ý68u6ý1 1 Emporium Ads will only be.accepted subjeci to the ýfollowing conditions..., ARTICLES FORORASAELE V.W. DUNEý BUGGY, excellent -1Jç,ncicondition, new front, wha ernge, new king pins and ink pins, new heavyduty shocks, steerlng box rebulit, tractor tires on er. Ail rubber very good. Roll bar, tow bar, hoad & taui ights'. Noadea a motor. Aeking $475. Phono666-1847. Dec.23,81(B) SELL ÏOUR UiNWANTIED ARTI. CLU 1the quick easy way. Oeil 668& 8111 t0 place your cd in'tho Free Promu Emporium. , ~ LADIES MINK PAWS JACKET, .size 12114, top condition. Flrm price $3W5. Oeil 655-4027. Nov.4,81(R) JOHNSON 40 H.P., eiectric atart, long shaft, good condition. $425 or beat ofier. COeilanytime 728-700.. 000e.9,81(S) NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Ship Clinton, $250. Savon 5gaiion ga containers, army type, 315 ecch. Orientai rug, 9 x10, $175. Reel-to- reel tapa $200. Elactria fan $20. Calil5794049. Oct.21,81(A) PINBALL MACHINE, Travel TMme, excellent working condition, older modal, ingle player. Asking 330. Cali 576-2091 ater 6 p.m. Nov.4,81(R) FOLD UP PING PONG TABLE& accessorlea with back boards on reversa ides $60. Hammared brass-iook f Ira acreen $20. Sacre chiid'a typewritor, exc. cond., $15. Caii 623335 or 266-9494. Jan.13,81(C) SKATE SHARPENING MACHINE, swing crm, f loor modal.,Askîng $40.Oil 8395944 citer 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81(B) SNOWBLOWER, Modal 100, ex- cellent condition, $250. Steel shower cabinet, brand new, with ail fîxturea and curtain, $60. Phono 668-3165. Nov.18,81(M) FINDLAY COOK à WOOD STOVE n excellant condition. Stovo pipe & chimney unit inciuded. Acking $500 complote or wil saeli sear- ste. Phone 668-0495. Jan.13,82(C) 26"1 FRANKLIN STOVE with sorean, $100 as le. Ccii 725-5624. 'Nov.1 1.81(M) NEW FOLDING FLIGHT SUIT- CASE on wheeic - coet $95 - ssii $W. Firepace acren, 28" x 36'", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phone 668- 9116., Dec.2,81(T BLACK & WHITE RCA 26" tels- vision, weinut cabinet, $75. Oel 655.4917. Oct.28,81(R) CHAIN SAW, Clnton 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baed aiumInum storm door (truilte), $25. Regular aium. torm door, 34 x 80, q20. Modem white bathtub $50. White basin $7.50. Pink bailn 37.50. Goid fibregices venity basin 37.50. Eiectric snowbiowor $80. Electric V h.p. motor $15. 'Wooden haad- board (ingle) $5. Polo type record stand $10. Smali antique desk $125.. Back & whls ,fur jacket, size 10,3$125. Oeil 668-7404. Nov.25,81MT L.SHAPED ARBORITE ktchen counter-top, $25. Steel kitchen sink, $10. Antique walnut dresser, neede refiniuhlng, $50. Colonial sofa b.d $35. Colonial pois iamp, lik new, $45. Mtchlng uwag iamp $35. Grlilwork for aium. storm door, ful cize, very omemsentai, $10. Foam mttreacebock, doubla, brcnd new, $20. Radliner- chair wllh bulit-in heater-vibrator, grean febric uphoîctory. 1k. naw condition, 399. Modem npolo iamp $10. Wstinghouse portable diuh- waaher, Coppartone, naeds minor rapaIr, $50. Hoover cannister vacuum $15. Two sts of long, grean drapes for 45" wl*i win. do»s . OeICl 111117404. il. PLEASE READ When the advertised Item' le soid, dlaposed of. or unavailable for whatever reason, the Itemr wlil be deemed tc have been'soId and a commission wiI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illiutrated beiow, regardiesa If price la stated wlth "lbasf offer."l Ithe Item la NOT SOLD, or dleposed 0fo, the ad wiliiba run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wlii appiy payable lh'advance of publication'0f the tiret cd. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiil ap- ply If bllied which muet b. peId upon recelpt of bill. The aboya minimum chargea will b. applled to the final commîalon due but ln any casea the higher amnount wiil ba charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-pald, 37.50 blled. Maximum commissIon: $100.00. Alil advertlsements must b. piaced on an ex- 'Qluslva basIc wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run afleeci one month If not soid. RATES (If article la sold>: 5% of adv.rtls.d puice up to 3400.00 2% ai balance ovsr $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertieed for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minimum charge la 36.00) Private advertioing onlyl, Please notlfy the Whtby Free Pres mmediately when Item la sold so that we may delate ilfrom thea foliowing Issue. Alilcdc not-fitting the Emporium guidelines wili be trected and charged par week as regular ciassIfied ada on c pre-paid basic cuch ce: services, haip wanted, clothing, real actata, and personai ,meseage typeacdu, or ada not quoting prIce, or quantlty. Prîvate ciassified ada may appear In the Emporim section underappropriate heïadimîgs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIÉIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If In doubt ccili: OR DELIVER TO: FRE6PRSS1MPilU 131 Brock St. N. PO. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. WhItby, Li N 6S1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.. AUTOMOILES FOR SA.ELE 1972 PINTO,, automnatIc with radiais, 25,000 miles on e rebulit motor, body good,,nee valves and sosie, u-joInts. Asking $4W0. Phone 688227. Oc t.28,81(T), 1973 DODGE POLARA, reeconabie condition, neads work., Uncerti- fled.. $200 or beet of fer. Oel 668- 6218. Jen.20,82(KM) 1974 BEETLE VOLKSWAGEN, In running condition, neede minor work. Acking $90. Phono 668- 0888. Dec.30,81(M) 1974 DODGE MONACO STATION WAGON, V8, reilebîs' tranaiporta- lion. $600 or beet offer. Phone 668-8227. Jan.6,82MT START YOUR SPRINÏG CLEANINO now and'beal the rush. Thon cd- verise your gooda for cae ln the Frea Press Emporium. Gel Imme- dicte resulta. Ccii 6684111. 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE, new brakes, 51,000 originel miles, A-1 condition. Asking $1,705. Oel 668l.7107. Nov.4,81(B) 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 cu. ln., 2 barrel wth t-roof, ewivei buokat sauta, pulsa wipes, cruisa con- trol, white axterior, tan Interior and G60 Frastone SS radiais al around. ^In excellent. shape, Auklng $4,200 or basf offer. Oel 668-0130 and eck for Steve. Oct.28,81(G) AUVMOTIVE U~EARPATSIRIPARTS 11965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, new tires wilh mcg wheeis, $2W0. Threa naw tires, 15', on Ford rime, 365. Ne* rad for 1975 Ford, $40. 400 motor & transmission, neede work, $75., 390 motor, 4 barrai, 9,000 miles, $100. Two cnow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rime, like nsw, $65. Cap for th ton truck $250. Alil pricea fIl rm. Phone 655-4448. Dec.30,81(L.) MOTOR à TRtANSMISSION - 1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or bect offer. Phono Glenn 668-0384. Nov.18,81(K). BABY COLONIALCRIB, Very. good con- dition, 'wIth mattrece, coma crib shoots. Al inclusive $50. Gendron strolor, good condition, $25. Phone 576-4993. Jan.13,82(A) BABY FURNISHINOS à ITEMS. Two wcikore, $10 each. JoiIy Jum- par on c stand $20. Crib & met- trae, orange & white, $75. Two pottie chaire, $7 ecch. Baby bcck pack $10. Rocking horse $20. Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,82(L) FOR SALE - 1977 heu i'ton Chov pick-up with ccnopy. Top condi- tion. AckIng $4.500 or neareet of- fer. Phono 668-7436. Jan.1 3,82(M) ARTICLES FOR SALE CONTINENTAL radial tirec for Voikswagon Rebbit, made ln Gar- mcny. TS771-175170 , 5R13. New, 388.40 each,.wii ceai for $100 pair. Voikswagon RabpIt Treler Hitch,' new, 35.50, wili lifor 335. Large Dog Travelling Cage wIth trcy, ex-, cellent babysItter, coat $60 now, wili sai for $40. COeil666&2815 evonInge oniy ploaae. Oct.28,81(G) ONE UNDERWOOD manuel'type- writer 375. One Adler lactric typewrîter 3150. For caleaigt Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 579-6711 for appointmont foeste. Jan.20,82(O) PIPIAC5S CWFORAI.ESALE 23 OU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. oid. Aeking $350. Ccii (Ach- bum) 655-4045 afloer 6 p.m. Oct.21,81(8) VIKING SEWINQ MACHINE with 3 drawer cabinet, excellent, condi- tion, Asortment of accessorie., 36 bobbîns. AskIng 33M. Oel Suuan chter 6:30 p.mn. et 723.562 Nov.4,81(P) AFORSAI.EELj 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, r ectored, over $6,000 Inveted, B.F. Good- rich TA's, 350 LT1, 4 epeed, hant sean winler In 7 yecrc. Asklng $4,200 or bact offer. Phone 668- 64?4. Nov.18.81(H) D0 I<T B'Y M AIL1 Use this hanfdy form to mail ln your Emporium Ad. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wîsh to have the foiîowIng adf- vertîsement plaCed under this section of the Whtby Free Press. 't forget to Include your phono number) CI I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El Bill me $7.50 after f Irst publication of my acd. Card No. Exp. Dte Nome (places print - f irat and icet name) Street Addres MAIL TO:à WH1TBY FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N W~tyLINSM5 FINE BED, twin, 4 poster, with fancy haad end foot board. Newiy constructed from top quaiity white pins. WIII finish to'euit. Asking $195. COeil985-2795. Nov.25,81(M) DîNETTE SET, round cmoked 'dlame top withý chrome pedestai base, 4 matching chairs, ln good conditi on. AskIng 3275.,Pole iamp ,with tri-ight, 325. Oeil 579-9660. Nov.1 1,81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smokad giaca top, 4 chrome green cucion chaire, ln excellant con- dition. AskIng $475. Phone afler 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81(S) DINING ROlOM CORNER CABINET, tac wagon & hope cheat, ail ln mapie'wood, $500. Royal Abert china set, 9 place sest- ting plus acceseorlea, 'Lavender Rose", exc. cond., aeking $650. Ccii 666-2071,. <Oct.21 ,81(M) CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffef hutch, 54" wide, $275. Bronza goid chesterfieid & chair $175. Odd modern chair $35. Two table lampe & matching trI'IIght $75. Baautifuiiy refinIshad antique oak dresser & mirror $335. Off ice dock with wood top. 60" x 30", $100. Ail Items ln excellent condition. Phono 579-8915. Dec.2,81(W) AN EXCELLENT antique hutch ln pins anfd oak. Upper cabinet doore ln edad giesa, mtchIng wood mouiding motif; two adjuetebie sheivas. Lower cabinet doora hava Incet panai and raisd relief ca.rving., Refilhed linaide and out, braus hardware and cabinet iocks. A beautiful plaes,' 3680 f irm. Phono 666-3096. Nov.25,81(C) 50 BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent condition, original glue, not ussd, ail 'bordera Intact. AskIng $700. Caii 668.6424. Oct.21 ,81(H) MUSIAL1 INTRMTS 197 MNER JAZZ bacc guiter, very good condition, wth hard cae, beautIful Instrument. Asking 3850. Oelil 668-1436 after 5 p.m. Oct.28,81(K) PETS& SUPPLIES- PUREBRED'BEAGLE, maie, 19 weeks oid,- rsgliered, hec had ail needies, good breeder. Cage and food Includad'. Aeking $200. Phone 668-4740. Jan.1 3,81(S) COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weekc oid, maie, white wIth, tan markIngc, regiaterad. Asklng $250. Phone 686-1626. Nov.1 1,81(U.) ERTIONAL VERCL - FLOR IDA MOBILE HOM, '65' x 12', fuiiy iurniched on iegoon, ren.q ted lot, 3 badrooma, 2 bthrooms, centrai air conditioning. 'OnIy $12,000 Canadien. Oeil 728-533. DAYCO CROSSBOW with quiver. Aslcing $225. Phone 6495812. Oec.2,81(H) SKS, polesaend boots, $75. keng!h of skis 170 cm. Aiso, four aId woodsnr chairs, ln good-con- dition, aslinU $25 eCch.Phone Nov.18.81(S) - ---------------------Il Im LOOKINO',FOR.,A BARGAI N? Keepwarm with a Findlay COOK & WOOD STOVE ONLY'$500o Miss'the pitter-patter of ,tiny feet in your homîe? PUREBRED BEAGLE PUPPY - ONLY $200 Too cold to walk around town? 1973 DDEPLR ONLY $200 Whiz through your *sehool essays! ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER ONLY $150 AND MORE.. Ait in the Whitby Free Press Emporium Secetion CALL 668-6111 NOW, to Place your ad. FIND ITHERE >CARS.& TRUCKS FOR SALE Advertise your vehiclefor sale in the Whitby F ree Press, Pay only. for each insertio'n in the ,"Find It Here." section. LOW RATES- HIGH RÉTURNS Cal 668-611,1 for f urther informatio'n or use the form below to insert your ad. *Minimum pre-paid charge. Ses terms below. Use thie forM to10pace your advartieement In the "FInd It Mare" section. Pleace prInt. Use one square par latter, leavIng one blank square between words. Each prIntad lins aquala approxImcfeiy one lino of typa. Peasse note that a minimum of two miec appies. Private advarfi sers onlyl1 Rates: $1.00 par lina pre-pald; minimum of lwo lInos. No raceipt wlii ba Iscued uniece picked up cf the Witby Free Press office. Ragular ciassif lad rates appiy If bilied. NAME(firt en les) '0Pcyment In full enciosed. NAME ~ ~ ~ ~ C (fra ndat)O611me 1h. reguier rates. ADDRESS CITY POSTAL CODE MAIL OR DRING TO: WKITBY FREE PRESS ýuull

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