WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1982, PAGE 23 Classified Ads seil eaU 668-61,11 il OOKTHE Co-OPERAIESPIRi 10 BURID CANADA. in the lat .- bý nun used ta dnil hales where naturalaceanco called on frienda and nelghbours when it came« timne to btild a baro At a typical barn-raisng *bee* up to 200 menan women gathered to work tagether. Tlmber waa carefuly squared A homse- powered auger waa drvaefthc frame was constrcted on the prounc and ralsed loto position using long pike-poles. Bues always providied plenty of food, dancing and enteztalnment. Such neighbourlineswas partly responsible for thc WHITBY 668-1411l PICKERING 839-4437 OSHAWA 728-1661 Caadiana work cagether as members of At least oneco-operativcorgfliza- tion. Be part ai the co- oieratlve spirit. Contact e The-operators for your home e. ae~uto and farm Convenient local service is available acroas Canad throtigh 250 officeswiAth more than 4,000 staff ta pro- vide youwith toqUSlt personal attention. Ait e Co-aperatorswe care. You 're Invited.., -1 to drop ini and see OURNEW SPRING LUNE OF DRAP ER.IES,, Jan. l3th ý- 2Oth ½/ O FF ALL DRAPES IN STOCK (first corne- firsi served) 10% OFF ALLNEWORDERS A RY'S GALLERY, CUSTOM DRAPERIES S159 Brook St. N',a à à WhitbYw 'I >1