WHITBY'FREE PRESSe WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1982, PAGE 21 im% ">;m." [ IGEST PRICES Paid for Goid and SIlIver c'oins,*old guns, pldocks, Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oil paint- ings and sealers. FLEA MARKET 725-9783 - 23KING ST. W., OSHAWA DE NY'S RENOVATIONS Rec rooms, bathrooms, drywaîl, fencing, for ail your home Improvements. Where quality pays, It doesn't cost. 668-6667'_ GLASS BPAR WINDOWS & DOORS. WHITU Y AL UM INUM HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE 900 HOPKINS 3TMÇ WHITIY' 666m2252 SIS~IERV~ICES S AD ERECE50, Gramma.idaftor studnta orof Io kers. $395nacpf AveS Aax 683196.95 Cso-Shees ,Dee. eal dUaltratios. 21 DnasSt s V ib Oppos: e P o 668-4821 SERVES BANKRUPTCIES are kiling amal busines ses. If your prînter has gone ouf of business we have a bonus for you. Cali Lou Dicksoni at 683-1988 for dofails. GET RESU LTS Get your business moving wif h an ad In ftho Whtby Free Press. Se the resuts immediateiy - cati now: 6638-6311 WE SERVICE ail makos and modela of typewritors. Dickson PrInting, 218 Herwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. W DEOTING PAINTING TAPING TEXTURE SPRAT &STUCCO CelIIngs & WaIIs MULLY EXPERIENCED Aiso stucco celîngs paînfsd. Fre* estîmates and 10w wlnter rat -20s.ý 576-2401 ACCOOIMTIIO B EC mSER VICES BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, TAX RETURNS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE I I I ~JUALLA PROFESSIONAL os 1ls WANi1ED ARE YOU BRIGHT? AMBITIOUS? ENERGETIC? Fast-growi ng local newspaper requ ires ADVERTISING SALESPEOPLE Smail, friendly office. Experience flot necessary. Ai linterested parties appiy ln person Wednesday to Frlday at:- WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 BROCK ST. N.,1 WHITBY 510 BRADLEY DRIVE INTERESTEDIN OLD TIME FIDDLING? Professional - Instruc- tion by 1955 Canadian fiddle champion. Other styles of fered. Phone: LVIC 668-3741' CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramic TiIing, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-466 REPAIRS RENOVATIONS REASONABLE' 668-8826 > TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING ForiCass A & D License Cali PARTICI PATIO N 416-363-8031 Ontorio Re8ideutsCou 7Tou fret 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat, courses music LEULS2NS PIANO LESSONS Private. Theory cin request. Beginnors to advanced. West Lyndo aroa. Phone 668-1936. WATCH FOR tho Dickson Prlnting Monthly Mailter. Full of humour and Information. Cali 683-1968 for coes on adverticing space. FOUND - Man's blue Raeigh 10- speed bike. Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2 ares. Phono 728-4739. FOUND - Watch. Corner of Pool, and Gilbert Stroota. Ownor can' dlaim by cailing 668-641 alttor5 p.m. and glvlng descrriptinof IL. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f Irat day of Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, werac- publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIi not be hiable for ad. Please have yourVisa card ready when calling. cept no liability regarding loss or damage alîeged to arise failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will' tion beyond the cost.of the space occupied by the error Up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words-, 12o each not be responsibie for box number replies not calîed for amaximum 0ot f the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press additional word. thn3das reserves the right to classify or reject aIl advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 EDiE:Mna onpir opbiaint neto must appear ln the paper one day bef ore they can be changed words; 12s each additional word. cEaDLncellssiieM sFrday noon prior to publication to in-o or canceîled. aclCasfe d.Fia onportpulcint n- AUCTION SALES - 29c per Uine. (No word ads alîowed). sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If billed; 12c each additional word. CALL Pre-pald Insertion of 20 Words $3.50; additionai words lie BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional each. You rnay charge your lassified Ad to your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- 668-6111I GOWANS, William S.K. Member of Branch'112, Royal Canadian Legion, WhItby. Served ln the 1939-45 war with the 48th Highlanders of Canada, at the Toronto General Hos- pital on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1982. William S.K. Gowans (of Whitby), belQved husband of Mar- Jorie Curtis. Dear father of Bruce, Eric, WlIma and Keller of British Column- bia. Loved stepfather of Pat Keiz and Mrs. Mike Burns (Sharon) of Lind- say, Marilyn Endicott ýof Whitby, Craig Scott of British Columbia and Mrs. Mike Johnson (Gloria) of Cameron. Loved by seven grand- chIldren, ln his 63rd year. Rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service ln the chapel on Friday, Jan. 8 at 2 p.m., Interment Groveside Cemnetary, Whitby. Minister the Rev. W.B. Gee. If desired, contribu- tions to Canadian Cancer Society would be appre- ciated. MACLEOD, Margaret (Peg) At the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital, Whitby on Thursday, January 7, 1982 MargaretMcKil!op (of Whitby). Beioved wife of the late P.R-. MacLeod. Dear mot her of Sandy and the late Merne'Cook. Loy- ing grandmother of Eliza- beth Forster, Cynthia and Katie Cook; Cheryl, Sue and Karen MacLeod, In her 83rd year. Rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for sei- vice in the chapel on Saturday, January 9 at 2 p.m. Interment later, Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. Minister the Rev. J.A. Roney. If desired contributions to Cana- dian Cancer Society would be appreciated. DURHAM REG ION LUNG ASSO- CIATION nooda your help f0 flght omphysomna, asthma and Iung can- cer. Bequosta or memorlal glfts gratofully roclvodthrough any funeral diroctor. *, ARTICLES FOR SALE 2" STORM DOORS Triple sealed 5 colors e 4 styles 9-8 69.sa RTCES FR SA L E CEDAR POSTS AVAILABLE In largo or amali quantities. 8' lengt h. $3 each. Phono 839-2655. DRY FIREWOOD. Boech, maple, whlte blrch. Deliver anywhere. $40 face cord. Phono (705) 454-8260. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursday night buy or se11 at 1614 Chartes Street, Whitby. Furniture, glass, chinae, foots, jowolry, coins and 50On. Ail .consignments woicome. Biii , Wannamaker, Auctioneer, 666- 3731 days, 688-8403 ovoninga. SANYO RECEIVER, 85 watts, Jcx 2600X, $O25Ibest of fer. Fisher Rocoivor, 100 watts, turnitabio, wif h four 4-way speakers, $1.SOOibost of fer. Phono 985-9245. NEW à USED Office Fumiture et big savinga. We havesa warohouse full In Ajax. Dickson Printing, 218 H~arwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. SNOW TIRES. 2 .General beited, H78-14, aimost new, $50. Phono 688-1578. SWIMMING POO L 1CLOSE-OUT Ail 1981 stock wlll be sold at a fraction of the regular seiiing price. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms- avallable. Free delivery. Cali toil f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 7 PC. PINE BEDROOM SUITE, new n Sept.181. VaIued et $2,950, asking $2.000 or beat of fer. New box apringa & 1 yr. old mattress lnciuÃded. Phono 579-6108. OLO WALNUT DINING SET. Large table with 2leaves. 6 chairs wlth captains chair, China cabinet & long buffet. $1,000. Cali 668-7870 af ter 5 p.m. ATOOBLES 1978 OLOSMOBILE Custom Cruiser Station Wagon. Power equlpped lnciuding air condition- ing and woodgrain slding.,In juat beautîful shape. Low mileage. Lic. JOK 333. Original owner's namne availabie. On sale now at Enter- prise Ford for only $5,975 ln- cluding tax and license transfer. Phone Rlck, Brad or Jack at 578- 1800. We finance. 19840 TRANS-AM FIREBIRO. A gor- geous cari AMIFM, 4 wheel disc brakos, tilt wheoi. air condltioning, power windows and more. Under 30,000 miles. Lic. RHL 641. On sale today et Enterprise Ford for $8,600. Phono Brad, Jack or Rick at 576-1800. 1978 THUNDERDIRD, Luxury car, low mleage, extra nico condition, power equipped. See'if et Enter- prise Ford. Sale price $4.555. Phono 576-1800 and taik to Jack, Brad or Rick. The good guys et Enterpriso wiii help you 10 get the niceat car and the best value for your money. Lic. NCN 451. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. roquires throo retirod persons. Mechenic to ropair air foots, jacks and comprossors. Brick layer and carpenter to assiat In construdfIng office. Phono 683-1753. WANTED: Reilabie part-time hoip to work ln Pickering srea, ail day Mondays & Tuesday evoninga. Muet be able oftf furniture. Ideel for heatthy, rot ired or semni-retired porson. For Information phono INSIDE SALES, porson with know- ledge of prntlng and forma, large' ares f irm, saiary. P.O. Box 561, Whifby, Ontario. SUPPLIES OFFICE IN ONEI Combination dosk and fMing cabinet, new but scratch and dont'in manufacture. Leas than $100. Olckson Printing, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Aax, 683- 1968. 00 FOR RENT TYPEWRITE-RS for reènt, -manuel1 and etectrlc, by the weekend, month or week. Ockson Prlntlng,' 218 Harwood Ave.' S., Ajax, 683- 1968. WAANEW1 CD-TO BUY WAIÃŽTED - Used portable color TV sets f0 prîce paid. Phono 579- 2133. FORRSASLE 1976 VAîLIANT, 4 door, automatic, power eteering, vinyl roof. Enter- prise Ford wiii givo you a great deai at oniy $1,995 ssfoty checked. Lic. PZA 252. Phone Jack, Brad or Rick at 576-1800. 1979 FORD TRUCK, bright red, ý6 cylinder, standard. Lic. DT 4117. A super buy with high resale value for oniy $4,800. Como on In, we're on your aide. We wlitigot you good value for your money with no pressure., Enterprise Ford 576- 1800. Brad Bell, Jack Cook, Rick Sawyer. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday snd Thuraday night~ buy or soit et 1614 Charles Street, .Whltby. Furniture, glass, china, tools, jeweiry, coins and so on. Ail consignments woicomo. Biii Wannameaker, Auctioneor, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 evoninga. HAIRDRESSER, WANTED with cliontolo for Whitby hatrstyiist. Fuit or part timo avaleable. Cati 688-7000. LADY NEEDED for lght'houso- koeping once e weo 'k. Dundas & Thickson In WhItby, near K-Mail Plaza. Roferencos requirod. Phono 725-9413 evoninga. SPiano & Organ Centre EXPERIENCEDI ORGANTEACHERI Call 686-2771 CHIiCARE SERVICES MOTHER 0F 1 WILL BABYSIT ln my homo Monday to Frldey. Any age welcome. Good hot l unches. Very fair-rates. Only 'h block from Florence M. Heard School, If In- torested please cati Mrs.'Bingley at 668-868. AU3TINS AUCTION SALE SAT., JAN. 16 -1 P.M. PEARCE AUCTI0N, CEN- TRE on Sýirley Rd., 4 miles sýouth of Port Perry. Antiques, appliances, fur- niture, tools, etc. '68 Chev- 1/2 Ton, Duncan Phyfe table, small freezer, Whirl- pool fridge, 24". range, steel shelving, new acorn fireplace with 21' of Insu- lated chimney, Moffat dishwasher, Franklin fire- place, colorTV, 3 h.p. lawnmower, 13' x 13' good ceiling tule, queen size electric bIanket,'-ý single ýbeds, day beds, Coleman camping equip- ment, 9 x 12 tent, good lamps, humidifier, guitar, Shop vac,' van antenna, downhill skis, 7'6" x 6' window, good exercise bike, sledge hammers, pipe wrenches, vises, 50 ton Jack, splitting axes, body repair kits, various hammers, hatchets V~ many more good Items. Sale heid next Saturday ln case of severe weather. PEARCE AUCTIONS 985-7492 CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 200OF THIS EDITION.