Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1982, p. 17

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'7 WHITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1982, PAGE 17 SALL air vffl ACCOUnIà I IGGKEEFIlOs El VICES IBOOKKEEP'ING, ACCOUNTING, TAX RETURNS I PROFESSIONAL SERVICE T RACTrOArTRAILÈ-R TRAINING For Cass A & D Lîcense Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 -g ia lsdmbtsCd TonFrn Day, Evo. & at. courfee HIGHifEST. PRICES Paid for Gold and SilIver coins, oid guns, dlocks,] Jeweiery, dishes, furni-, ture, crocks, o011 paint- ings and seaiers. .' FRIEN DLY FLEA MARKET, 725-9783 23 KING ST. W.,i OSHAWAý CARPENTRYI HOME REPAIRS MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 1Kitchens, Ceramic Tling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES REPAIRS RENOVATIONS REASON ABLE 668-8826 DENY'S RENOVATIONS. Rec rooms, bathrooms, drywall, fencing, for'ail your home i mprovements. Where quality pays, it doesn't cost. [668-6667 GUITAR LESSON& AVAILABLE BY PROFESSIONALI I.NSTIRUCTOR. PHONE,668-3741 6 PAINTINGI DE2MTING PAINNOTAPING TEXTRE SPRAY ~"EDUCATIONALu ERVICS a&,STUCCO wsERIE, E Cellinas & WaIIa A HANDY REFERENCE BO0K, "ýGrammar for people Who haie Grammar». Ideal gift for studento or office woers. $395 a copy ai Diokeon Printing, 218 Harwaod Ave. S., Ajax, 683-I06. FUU.Y IXPMNCID Ns.è stuoco celtinga pein ted. Frs s.tlmotes mnd Iow winter 57f)-2401. I I I music, UIhLESSO~SNS PIANO Privata. Thaory on raquast. Begînners «ta advanced. West Lynda ara. Phono 68.1936., 000-1080 I ARTICLES FORMSAE HANO KNITTING FOR SALE. ChIldren's and adulte'ý hats, scar- vas,. nitlallod mitie, novoliles, oic. -Aia, knIttlng taught. For further Information cmli Joyce at 668-7191. 2", STORM DOORS Triple seaied 5 colors *4-styles $1 69.5 instmiied & Gusranteed. Aiea oconomicai and energy effi- cient starrn and replacement thermml windows and on- ciasures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 66 6-3355, aýfter'hours 666-1847 PUBLIC AUCTION *Every Monday and Thureday night buy or sali at 1614 'Charles Street, Whitby. Furnîture, glass, china, toals, jewelry, coins and soaon. Alil conalgnments weicome. 6Bill Wannsmaker, AuctIaneer, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 evonIngs. SWIMIMING POOL' CLOSE-OUT1 Alil 1981 stock wili be, sold at a fraction of the regular seiiing price. Most sizes ln stock.' Easy terms availabie..- Free deiivery. Caîl tol f ree:. 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1.418-746-334U L51.q IIA8LEY DRIVE AUTMOMLES FORRSASLE 1978 TRANS AM, 400, 6.6 litre angine, Power windows, powor stearing, power brakes, AMIFM,, radio, piush beige'Intaniar, rtijt- praafed, 20,000 miles, nover wIn-; tor drîvan. 'Aeklng $6500 or bosi affer, Phona 666-1171. AUCINS -PUJBLICAUCTION Evary Monday and Thursday nlght' buy or saili t 1614 Charles Streot Whitby. FurnIturo, glass, china, toals, jawelry, coins and 80 on. Al conslgnmonte weicome. Bill Wannamakar, Auctianeor, ' 6W6 3731 days, 6688403 eveninge. AUCtION SALE TH URS., JAN. 7 SAT 6:30 P.M. 1614 Charles St., Whitby Househoid furnishIngs, antiques & coliectables such as pine f lat back re- finished Hoosier kitchen cupboard, refinished wlth butcher block top, beauti- fui antique Vîctorian high back bed & dresser, drop- f ront secretary ýdesk, large butternut chest of drawers, 4 ýsectionai bookcases, 2 refinis 'hed hump back trunks, gate leg table ln walnut, GE automnatic washer, 30" electric range, 'violin, Depression glass, China, large crystai tray, antique 'French doîl,, 011 lamps, many fine pieces not mentioned. Ail conslgn-' ments welcomne. WANNAMAKER. AUCTIONSERVICES 666-3731 6U8-8403 <DAYS) (EVOS.> SERVICES BANIKRUPTCIE8 are kllinga mali blnss.If your printer has gane out of business we have a bonus, for you. Cali Lau Dickson at 63-1968 for detalîs. Sae. Tue u Fre o meservic orpe.. o ls 215oDnd- S.E WE SERVICE ail makes n modeaeof typowriters. Dickson Printlng, 218 Harwoad Ave, S., Ajax, 683-1968. HADASS»AH SALE Jeans, fabrica and gaod selection of used clothIng. Bth Zion Syna- gogue, 144 KlngStreet East,. Oshawa. Tuesday, January 12 and Wednesday, Janumry -13 from 9 a.m. toi 'p.M. WATCH FOR the Diokean PrIntlng Monthly Mailer. FullIo <f humour and Information. OCal683-1968 for coats on advertlsing space. NOTICES DURHAM REGION LUÛNÃ" ASSO- CIATION nebe your help ta flght emphysemm, athma and lung can-, cer., Bequesta or memnorlal gifts grmiofuily, received through. mny funeral dîractor. ARTICLES' FOR SALE. CEDAR OSiT-r»AVAILABLE ln large or smmii quantilles. 8' iength. $3 emch. Phone 839-2655. NEW à USED Office Fumiture at big savings. -We havesa wrehause fulli n Ajax. .Dickson PrIntlng, 218 Harwaad Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. PAIR 0F SNOW TIRES, E78-14 size. AIma hardwood lumber. Phono 655-4200. DRY FIREWOOD. Beach, maple, white blrch. Deliver nywhere. $40 face cord. Phone (705) 454-8260. 1978 011EV BELAIR, 6 cylinder, $3,200. Admirai console sterea $450.' Phone 668-093. NEWSPAPER -THE 'WAAt TDED ARE YOU BRIGHT? AMBITIOUS? ENERGETIC? Fast-growing local newspaper requires ADVERTIlSIN4G SALESPEOPLE SmaIi, friendîy off Ice. Experléne not, necessary. Ail Interested partie sappiy ln person Wednesday, to Friday at:- WHITBYF RE E PRESS 131 BROCKST. N., WHITBY WE'RELOOKING FOR YOU!01 The Whitby Free Press needs good, rel jable carriers like youto deliver our paper ln the foil owîng areas: OTTERCREEK- AJ To earn extra moi 668- CHESTERFIELD à CHAIR In ex- cellant condition. For further in- formation cmii 668-3387. *EDROOM, LIVINGROON 10- pc. eolld wminut antique dining- room. Ail-ln goad condition. Phoneaftor 4 p.m. 683-1217, MOFFATT STOVE à Frigidaire Refrigarator, goad working arder. $200 forrplr. Phone 668-6711 after .5 p.m. OFFICE E Cobstn desk and filing cabin et, naw but scratch and'dont In manufacture. Laes than $100. Dlcksan Printing, 218 Hsrwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683- 1968: PETS 8f SUPPLIES CANARIES FOR SALE. $25 aach. Caii 668-2108. f FOR RMNT TYPEW RITErrRSfor 'rent, manuai and aiectric, by the weokond,' manth or woek. DIckmon PrIntIng, 218 Harwaad Ave. S., Ajax, 683- ADVERTISE yaur -srvice ln the nawspap.r rmmd by mare Whitby rasidants than any athar papor. Calil 668-6111 Whtby Free Proe). .EUROPEAN ANTIQUE PIANO, 4Z key grand, needa some wark. Free ta anyona Intaremted. Phono 668- 1404. PAX KENDALWOOD ney cati1 Circulation u6l111 $sus8 MATU'RE, RELIABLÉ PERSON ta babymit In my home. 1 chlId, 5 monthe aid. Shift work. Muet have references. Phono 666-065. INSIDJE SLES,»persan with knaw- ledge of prlntlng and farmne, large >ares f inn, smlary. P.O. Box 561, Whltby, Ontario. 13ROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. requires three retired persoas Mochsnic ta r epsir air tools, jacks jand, campresars. Bric k layer mnd cre tta ssist ln construceting -office. PhoneOn83-753. flAVCAtIE REQUIRED for achool-* mgo girl, 5 days par week, refor- ences requlred. Phone 655-3286. HELP WANTED 3 full time 2 part time, No experience necess- ary. Car requIred. For Interview only: 433-1471J HILD CRE SERVICES HOME CAftE AVAILABLE. Any mgo waîcame, lunches pravidad, tlmuilating activities planned. Reasanabla. Phona Yvonne at 579-5088.» OFFIE PAC1 WR REN CLEAN MODEAN COFICE on* ground -floor ln downtown Whit-* by. 400 sq. ft. Contact AI KlIrby 7FORRET COMMERCIAL STORE for-renît. Remeonabla. 106 Byron Street South, Whitby, 6684278. -ATTENTION DISPLAY à CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER Please check .your advertlsâement for errors on the f irst da;ý-0- vi- aAccount fàd receive the 'disc ount ontîhe rc fyu evu ofradrple obxnmes oeew publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for a.Pes aeyu iacr ed hnciig cept no- iiability regarding loss or damage aIleged, to a rise faîlure to publish an ad, or for typographlc'errors ln publica- through failure or deiay in forwarding such'repiies.> We will tion beyond the cosi of the space occupied by the error up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each not'be responsibie for box number replies flot cailed for a maximum cosi of the f irst.>insertion. The Whitby Free Press additionai word. withln 30 days. reserves the right to ciassify or relect ail advertlsemnents. Ads NMMRAS AD FTAK 80 o h rt5 must appear ln the paper one day before they can-be changed. words; 12Ç each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or or canceiied. cancel ciasslfied Ads.-Friday noon prior to publicationto In- AUCTION SALES - 29ç per Une. (No word adgaiiowed). sert or can'cel Emporium Ads. RATES: $406 for 20 words If biiled; 12s each additional word. CALL Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additionai words 1-1; BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avallable at an add ltional each. You may chargeyour Ciassified Ad to your chargex or charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press- will make. every en- 668-611.1 ~AUTOMOBILESI ~FOR SA LE 1975 HORNET, ase le, $225 uncerti- fied. Phono 668-714. S'ELLlNG YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES~ US AS EASY l AA,Bl C WINDOWS & BOOMS WHITBY ALUM INUM HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE 800 HOPKINSS 31.,WHITBY 800m2252 WHITBY: FREE PRESS. aL668U611il WITH AN AD IN YOUR LOCAL F

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