Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1981, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMI3ER 30, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS Six drunk driving charges ... ALERT program helps over holidaYs Durbam Regional Police reported that only six impaired driv- ing charges were issued over tbe Cbristmas boli- day' something Deputy Chief Ken Young attri- butes to the stepped up spot cbeck program. The ALERT (Alcohol Level Evaluator Road Test) program and regular patrols bave been on tbe road since December 1. Four arrests were made December 24 (tbree in Oshawa, one in Uxbridge); one on Cbristmas Day in Wbit- Black Diamond medium or extra 340 g ËM aid pkg. snack-crackers McVitie's Tuc . 250 g .9 k.le9 mayonnaise Helimann's i6 750 mL 69 jar I com 'Frito's bbq r or eua 275 - 300 g pkg. chp Maple Leaf or Burnsae h m fully cooked 5 short shank U b «kiniessa5 8 but portion lb. fuliy cooked asty ham steaks ............b. 18 fo r roasing tenderloin portion 3 to ) I112Ib.a %%* loin t"o" )pork ......... lb.12 Sckneider chicken, pickle & pimento, mac & cheewe dutch, keadcheese, luncheon or bo)logna lunch meats...175 g pkg. *9 rwg. 7,u44s a P. .dinner chopa........l. 1.48 hams.........b. 2.78 York S Ssliced sausagekf Na.....l.2.9 meat roll% ... r.2.18 skiniess î16 .x. ii roastiflg wienetrs . p'. - 138 chickens ...b h.1.18 Mp1useIfa(.OiI a sausage ......b. l1.88rst......bt,1*68 Schne.icn NtapieLeds m.krj coam d 75 a sauàage - Freezer Orders A Specia,3lty With Us! Ail A-1 Red Brand Cut & Wrappcd To Your Requlremenfts. Open Wed., DeC. 30 -8:30- 9 p.m. OpenTh us,.De. 31-8:30- 6p. M. Ciosed Fr1.. Jan. 1sf Open Sal.. Jan. 2 -8:30 -6 p.m. by; and one on Boxing Day in Bowmanville over the tbree-day period. "We'd like the figure to he zero but it appears that tbe publicity in tbe media about the spot cbecks had an effect on motorists, because with Rirown's1 pure sau, a population of nearly 300,000 in the region, having only six arrests is quite low," said Young. The ALERT program allows police to stop cars for safety tests, tben drivers can be asked to take a roadside pineapiple jiuce Dole I 48 l m fin* homemade ->.pork I? sagelb POP PEOPLE POP ONLY 3.99 ACASE U FOR EITHERPe 12 X 30 OZ. BOTTLES OR 24 X 10 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT. t Product of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Slicing Tomatoos ........ Nescafe m1stnt coffee Tauîr. choke frvtzc dncJ instant M ,,m cofféee......... 56 inttant tm :h chfric.mbek.w Nesde.# .. 59 lb. Product of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 o Fresh drispCelOry Size 24.......... 98. Produot of U.S.A. Tasty MiId Green Onlons 3bunches .R98 instant tebcte acJcini. .rur Nestie 0 1~ . f Quik ............. . 1.497 breathahyzer test if offi- cers bave reason to believe tbey bave been drinking. Sbould tbey fail the roadside test or if they refuse the test drivers are then taken to tbe nearest police head- quarters for tests on a clamato 31. Monts bde. Happy New Year The management & stiaff of Bi Foodmaster would like to thai for your kind patronage in loi look forward to being able to you in 1982. 1eluxe p !Totino's frozen 5" crisy crust pepperoni or 360 -370 g pkg. s.m Meular or thin sliced sandwich 24 ~ WVeston bread .......if lemon or ra.pbrry Weston v. butterhorna...a .9 brown 'n 1 serve rmils ..... moeoe ry * se manzanilla ;75 mL olives............i.31,5 MicNair biancbed 5Uc, peanuts ......h.25 Uncle Ben$ stuff 'n . 'M Such .........rks z:.9 pate de fois ,' spread ........t./ corn ............ fin'.55 fan., MarchcviI sauce ........fn*5 Mapie Leaf 1I1 2139 ham .......... t.39 maraschine, 170 i mL 'f cherres ..... j. *2 ch..culafc grabam tic nu. t :cr or ttmwWrffT RtÀin H... cake mix ..... g .,wi...Misb insiani hot24 chocolate.. 24 rcadv i' .êr' Kraft . 1 9 dipN ........... Blue Waer f..ocn ocei sh imp snacks ..... p DELIVERY NOMINALCHI flavs.ur miikbone snacks ..... p auttbmatileJi.hwa,her Alil .4 kg dettergent...F, plabtic 9 aoz. eaekiaîl Dixie p glasses ........ white or ZM4Ifif J colt White Swan V serviettes ... Whigc Swan bathroam 4r tissue . r......p Dial 41 soap .......... r cough mi r s% rUp........... %%I'Ifi. 4 L ' more reliable and exact machine. Charges can also be issued sbould the driver refuse the test. While the ALERT pro- gram seems to be effect- ive police in Durbam Region bave yet to start enforcing the law wbicb 25ce 2 ,rown's (nk you ,81 and Iserve izza 89 .79 pkg. '7 of Il 67 ,:- 1.59 ýAT. ARGE ~1.39 2.99 pkg.5 rzx' 1.29 fb.1 1.89 1.39 BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN 655-4521 Happ yNe wY earI Complex. Register for swim lessons in Whitney Hall and general aduit and cbildren's pro- grams in tbe front lob- by. For more information cail 668-7765. would enable officers to suspend a drivers lic- ence for 12 hours should the driver's blood alco- bol level be between .05 and .08. A police officiai said Iast week that the delay was due to the fact that tbey had yet to receive the proper forms. Police on ALERT and regular patrols have stopped 2,755 drivers as of last week, charged il with impaired driving, and a furtber 827 with safety violations. They have also issued 322 cautionary warn- ings, mostly for minor repairs such as burnt out headlights. The ALERT program shall continue in Dur- ham Region until after New Year's Day. No room i ho'uses Co-ordinator and founder of Community Care in Whitby, Marie Brooks said that people are "4packed like sar- dines" in Whitby's boarding houses. Brooks made this statement in response to councillor Tom Ed- wards' recent charge* that 18 people were sbaring toilet facilities in one Wbitby boarding bouse.- She said tbat while the situation was appalling it could not be controlled because Wbitby bas no regulations for rooming bouses. "That is a typical situation," said Brooks. " In a lot of places you 've got numerous people sbaring one toilet and one sink. " Brooks, wbo founded Community Care in 1978, frequently goes ini to rooming houses to see bow ber group can belp them cope. "I've been in and out of places you wouldn't even believe. A lot of people in this town need help." The solution accord- ing to her is low cost housing wbich would af- ford unwed mothers, seniors and people on pensions the opportuni- ty to get a bouse of their n. m r dce- s OS * s - 1 esl peil f-. 1 %L ý ---IFWUM-A

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