PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1981, WUITBY FREE PRESS_ Heres your chanc. to cool down the Inflation trends with outstanding savinge hi a super sielton of Wlnter and Gpring suite a&l bearlng our famoms labels. Suite wlth the look of today, soften.d shoulders, »asd Unes, narrowed lapsUs and contre vent. Un lux-* ury fabrcs of NIl Wool,, Polyester and WooI T.xtured Polyester. Un your cholce of $1 stripes, plaids, herringbones and solids. We haven't Iowered our hlgh standards of per- sonai service and custom tailoring, so get here early for the best selections and the gratest values. Vest.d suit sizes; requiars 36 to 52, shorts36i to 46, talUs 40 to 50. (Not aUl sizes ln ail pdce ranges.> _ ~ iivrfOR À[(lBO EEY A 1, -,