PAtE 24, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 1981, WIIITBY FREE PRESS AL à IOiE3IAL 1 TRACTOR TRAILER NTERESTEDIU TRAINING OLD TUME For Glass A & D License FIDDLING? CaliProf essional lnstruc- PARTICIPATION tion by1 1955 Canadian 4163634031 flddle champion. Other ~cuaouIdrs. styles offered. Phono: VC 668-3741 Il INGRAM CT. CLUB & ORGANIZATIONAL & EMPLOYEE BADGES GLASS HEPAIRS WINDOWS & 00013 WHITB Y AL UMINUM HOME IMPROWEMENT CENTRE 900 HOPKINS STBU WHITBY 666m2252 hmnlDENY'S Muster RENOVATIONS nAnne Rec rooms, bathrooms, Colorotors drywall, fencing, Profeoaîollîy for ai l your home -sles- improvements. RePairaWhere quaiity pays, [À 5765606 it cdoosn't cost. ower Systema IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Cerami c Tiling, Drywalî, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES LCALL 668-4686- HIGHEST PRICES Paid'for Gold and Silver coins, old g uns, dlocks, jewelery. dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oul paint- ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA WE'LL DELI VER FLYERS. Qulckly and Economlcally. Phone 668-6111 for def ails. ATTENTION, Please check your advertîsement for errors on the f lrst I DISPLAY AND day 0f publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be lable for failure to publish an ad, or for typograph- ic or other errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press roser- ves the right to ciassîfy or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day bef are they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20) words if billed; 12e each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50. additional words lile each. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and recoive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each additional word. à 1 à m w Àlk ý CLASSIFIEI) ADVERTISERS IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the additional word. AUCTION SALES - 29c per line. (No word ads allowod.) PASTE-UP PERSON WANTED Local newspaper requires meticulous person for ad paste-up and fillng. Must be able to accept cer- 7tain responsibi ltiles. High school year book paste-up or any paste-up experience an asset. Some delivery required, but transportation flot tunity to learn about the newspaper business. INTERESTED PARTIES CALL 6368-6111 between 9 arn. and 5 p.rn. SMNIRUPTCIE8 vaekiIIIngamnai buatnessea. If your printer ha gone out of business we have a bonus for you. Cail Lou Dickaon ai 6«3.1968 for detatta. WHITBY FA13RICS Custom Sheers à Drapes WE ALSO DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundee St. E., Whltby OPP Pool Office 68-4821 WE SERVICE ail makes and modela of iypewriters. Dickson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683-1968. PIANO LESSONS Privaie. Theory on requosi. Beginnors 'to advanced. West Lynde area. Phone 668.-1938. A HANDY REFEÃENCE 800K, "Grammar for people who haie Grammar". Ideal gifi for siudenis or off Ice workers. $3.95 a copy ai Diczkson Printtng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. COMIG WATCH FOR the Dtckson Prlnting Monthly Malter. Fuit of humour and information. Cai 683-1968 for cosia on adveriislng space. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELGPMVENT BANK Our representative ANNE BAKER will be ln the Whitby/Brooklin area on TUESDAY, DECEMBER lSth to discuss FBDB Services: 1 . Financial assistance for business. 2. Counselling to im- prove business or solve problemrs. 3. Management train- ing & information on gov't programrs. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL ANNE BAKER (416) 576-6800 Federal Business -Development Bank 22 King St. W., Oshawa f irst 50 words; 12c each BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiil make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accopt no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box numbor replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication t0 insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. (:ALL 668-6111l SOCIAL NOTICES] JORDAN The children of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jordan, in honor of their parents 25th Wedding Anniver- sary, wil be holding an open house on Sunday, December 6 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the home of Bryce and Joann Jordan, 204 Byron Street North, Whitby.. Best wishes oniy. FOR SALE 2" STORM D)OORS Triple sealed 5 colors a 4 styles *nsat$d169.50 Isald& Guarantoed. Aiso economîcat and onorgy off 1- cleni siorm and replacement thermal Windows and on- closures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 666-3355 aftor hours 666-1847 PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursday nlghi buy or soit ai 1614 Charles Stroet, Whiby. Furnituro, glass, china, totls, jowotry, coins and 80 on. Ait conslgnmonis wotcome. Bill Wannamakor, Auctionoor, 666- 3731 days, 668-8403 ovonlngs. MUSHROOMS $7.00 for 5 lb. box. Darîingion Mushcoom Farm, R. 4. Bowmanvillto, 983-9304. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT AIl 1981 stock will be sold at a fraction of the regular selling price. Most sizes in stock. Easy terms availabie. Free delivery. Cali toil f ree: 1 -800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 NEW à USED Office Furnturo ai big savlngs. We have a warehouso fuit ln Ajax. Dlckson Prlntlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Aax, 683-1968. MUSI~AL ISTIRU E N TS LANDSDOWN UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. In good condition. Asklng S85 or besi of fer. Phone 683-1519. SUUPPLESIESI OFFICE IN OMEt combination desk and fillng cabinet, new but scratch and dentiln manufacture. Loss ihan $100. Dlckson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S, Aax, 683- .....I.-.............. PETS & SUPPLIES] 10-WEEK OLD PUPPY, part Huaky and Lab. Free ta good home. Phoneo 668-979. f3ON PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursday ntght buy or a»Il ai 1614 Chartes Street. Whltby. Furnîture, glss, china, toola, jewelry, coins and Sa an. Att ~onagnmntsweîcome. Bill Wannamaker, Auctoneer, 66&- 3731 daya, 668-8403 eveninga. ESTATE AUCTION SAT., DEC. 12 -11 A.M. (In case of bad storm, sale on Wed., Dec. 16). Clearlng auction of real estato (102 acre' farm), farm machinery, antique furniture, appliances, hay, straw, grain, tools, etc. for the lato jHarold P%,rcy, located 1 mile west (off Hwy. 12), on the Scugog-Whitby townline, approx. 6 miles north of Brooklin, Ont. FARM MACHINERY: J-D '1830" tractor wloader (Ilke new), M-H "33" tractor, N- H balor, J-D 3 furrow plow, J-D manure spread- er, N-H elevator, seed drill, cultivator, hay mower & rake, separator, 3 chain saws, snow fonce, baled hay & s1traw, grain, etc. FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES: Antique dressers, washstands, sets 0f old kitchen chairs, oak china cabinet, side- board, old kitchen table, jam.cupboard, good Fin- diay wood stove, trunks, beds, rocker, Gingerbread dlock, sofa set, ward- robes, glass, china, silver, pots & pans, fridge, stove, 2 freezers, washer, dryer, color T.V. etc. MISC.: 1976 Dodge Dart, rifles, many tools, etc. REAL ESTATE: Approx. 102 acres of good farmland complote with nico house & barn. Terms & condi- tions of proporty: Subject to minimum reserve prico, approved by Exocutor at time of bidding, with $20,000 deposit by way of cash or certified choque day of sale, with balance upon closing Jan. 29, 1982. Proporty may be viewed Fri. & Sat., Dec. 4th & 5th & Fr!., Dec. llth betweon 10 a.m. & 4 p.m. Terms cash or good choque on chattels. No reservo. Seliing in 2 rings. Ref reshrnents available. HENRY & GAVIE KAHN ~3~OS AUCTI N SAL DEC. 3 - 6:30 P.M. 1614 Charles St., WhItby Partial list. Consign- monts of antique & modern furniture such as: round pedestal table & buffet; vanity with beveiled mirror; oak dresser; mahogany bed- roomn suite; Franklin f Ire- place;-ôak dresser & mat- ching bed; tea server; color T.V.; coffee & end tables; many fine pieces of glass & china. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER' Plan to attend our beauti- fui antique auction on Sun., Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. Ail consignments welcome. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> <EVGS.) SLARGE* ANTIQUE AUCTION 1614 Charles St., South WhItby SUN., DEC. 6 -1 P.M. Dealing Sat. tili 6 p.rn. Sun. 10 a.m. tili sale time. Partial list of primitive & collectables. Original pine blanket box wlth roped handies; mustache oak dîner; oak Housier cupboard, refinished; marble-top wash stand; pump organ; pine blanket box; round oak table, buf- fet & china cupboard; bedroom furniture; smaîl tables; chairs; walI dlock; stacking oak bookcases; fine glass & china; Cran- berry biscuit barrel & vase; old Satin glass con- diment; Cranberry pitcher & 3 glasses; Tiffany-type lamps; oul lamps; etc. Many fine pieces to chooso from. AIl con- signments welcome. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS> (EVGS.) (PARTMTS71 Cà CONDOS FOR RENT 1 ORRN WHITBY - Furnlshed accommoda- lion for working gentleman. Non- smoker. Sharo bath and kitchon. Phono 668-2685. ONLY2 3 BAYS LEFTI- 'TILL HRISTMAS EXTRA INCOME AT HOME Prpr o.For Information, aend name and siamp ta. OPPORTUNiTYI DRAYTON, ONT. NOO Ià LADY TO MIND 15-monih-old ginl one woekday per week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cheik Lake area. Trans- portation avoulable. Referencos. Tolephone 649-5276 Claremont, Uxbrldgo; 1-849-5276 aiher. PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Clean-up etc., sandlng, masklng. Inside wark. No oxportence necossary. Phono 683"787. PHONE SOLICITING, part-urne, hourty psy plus commission. Cati 723-1833 beiwoen 10 a.m. and 12 noon. INSIDE SALES, persan with know- Iedgeo f printIng and forma, large ares f lrm, satary. P.O. Box 581, Whltby, Ontarlo. FULL-TIME KITCHEN HELP and bartonders. Casey'a Roadhouse, 1100 Dundaa Si. E., Whiby. cati 668-3300. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES required for expanding company. For interview cal1 Cali between 10-11 am. or 4-5 p.m. RETIRED P ERSON NEEDS WORK. Have wagon, willt move small arti- cles anywiero. Also do amati lobs. Reasonable. Phono 576- 6722 or 725-7814. SIRVIES RESPÃ"NSIBLE MOTrHER la bake ln day care fuît or part-tilme. cai 728-6581. FORAIERENTALE/RENT ESTATE AUCTION 0F REAL ESTATE SAT. DEC. 12 - 2P.M. The farm of the late HAROLD PERCY, con- sisting of approx. 102 acres of good farmland, complote with houso & barn. Location: On the property, 1 mile west oh the Scugog-Whitby town- lino, west off Hwy. 12, ap- prox. 6 miles north of Brooklin, Ont. Terms & conditions: Subject to a minimum reserve price, approved by Exocutor at timeof fbidding. $20,000 deposit by way of cash or certif led choque to Estate of Harold Percy. balance upon closing Jan. 29, 1982. Viewing: Fni., Dec. 4 - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Sat.. - & i