WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYt DECEMBER 2, 198 1, PAGE 23 CALL 668-6l11 Emporlum Ads wiII only be accepted subjeci to the, following conditions. ARTLES1 FORMESAI1E , NEW RADIO CONTROLLED Cars and trucks, retaiiing M$9896 f 8M296, now et spécil pricea. B.M.W. $25; B.M.W. wlth sound M.0 Ferrari G.T. $41, 18 Wheeler 840; Mazda RX7 375; Monza G.T. $100. Cai afer 5 p.m. 66>25110. Nov.4,81(H) LADIES FUR COAT, Muskrat trimmed wth Blue Fox, size 10, asklng $50. Cill ai fer 6 p.m. 668- 6780. Sop.23.81(B) CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' high, 30- long, complote top rails and end post. Asking $40. Cali 666-3995. SOp.16,81(R) SWEDISH steel arched flroplace acrean, 411b" x 31" high, $70. SWEDISH steel rectangular fire- place screen, 36"' wide x 26" high, $30. Cali 571-3471. Sap.30,81(W) PORTABLE FIELD GENERATOR, McCuiioch, 1200 watts, useol 3 houra oniy. Asking $350. Phono 683-0388. Dec.2,81<V) LAIES MINK PAWS JACKET sîzo 12114, top condition. Firm prIce 3$M. CaIl055-4627. Nov.4,81(R) NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Ship Clinton, $250. Seven 5-galion gas containers, ermy type, $15 eech. OrIental rug, 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- roei tape $200. Eiectric fan $20. Cill 579-4:19. Oct.21,81(A) PINBALI MACHINE, Travel Tima, excellent worklng condition, oldar modal, single playar. Asking $30. Ciii 576-2091 affar 6 p.m. Nov.4,81(R) PING PONO TABLE, 'ioavy duty ;4", liko now, $70. Phono 728-4849. Nov.25,81 (K) 1972 OLYMPIC SKIDOO $100. Olivetti Eiectrlc Office Typewriter $125. Dayco Crossbow $225. Phone 649-5812. Dec.2.81(H) SNOWBLOWER, Model 100, ex- cellent condition, $250. Steol shower cabinet, brend new, with ail fixtures and curtein, $60. Phono 668-3165. Nov.18,81<M) AIR-TIGHT WOOD BURNINO STOVE, Farmer, Rancher, double door, hats 2,000 sq. fIt., 2 yra. oid, excellent condition, $38. Cili 668-8189. Sep.23,81 (9 26" FRANKLIN STOVE wlth screen, $100 as la, Cill 725-5624. Nov.11,81(M) BLACK à WHITE RCA 26" tale' vision, walnuf cabinet, $75. Cali 655-4917. Oct .28,81(R) ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 60 gallon, ln good condition. Asking $50. Phione 668-4686. Sep.2ZB1(F) CHAIN SAW, Clinfon 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked alumlnum etorm door (trlilta), $25. Reogular alum. sform door, 34 x 80, $20. Modem white bethtub $50. White baslin $7.50. Pink basin $7.50. GoId fibreglasa vanlty basin 37.50. Eiecfric snowbiowar $M. Electnic %A h.p. motor $15. Wooden head- ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER, Viking, $25. Small 5 buib black wroughf iron chan delier, $20. Mensa smalimedium navy skidoo suit, Ilke new, $15. 10 coder rails, $12. 3 place white bedroom set, large dresser with mirror, secretary wlh drawers, Captain-styla 4 post single bad, new mattreas, $175. Swodish exorciser, $10. 39V long antique Mennonite church bonch, $125. 3 boff les Easy Off carpet dlaner, 2 botties Defoamer and 2 boff las Pre-Cleaner, $15 for lot. Phono 668-6294. Nov.18,81(O> GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, convorta f0 car bed & strolior, brushed burgundy mafarlai, $80. Bar sf0018 (3), orange swivei, high back, $18 aach. Maternity ciothes, size 10, $100 for lot. Boy's Bauer skates, sizo 10, $12. Boy's 16" bicycle, needa repaira, $15. Cati 668-7007. Sap.3O,81 (S) L-SHAPED ARBORITE kitchen counter-top, $25. Steel kitchen sink, $10. Antique wainuf dresser, needa reflnishing, $50. Colonial sofa b.d $35. Colonial polo lamp, Ilk. new, $45. Matchlng swag lamp $35. Griiîwork for alum. storm door, full sîza, very ornementai, $10. Foam mattrees block, double, brand new, $20. Recliner chair wit h bulît-In heater-vibrator, green fabric upholstery, Ilke new condition, $99. Modemn polo lamp $10. Westinghouse portable dish- washer, Coppertone, needa mînor rapair, $50. Hoover cannister vacuum $15. Two sets of long green drapes for 45" wido win- dows, $5. Caîll668-7404. Nov.4,81(T) 1,08 FORD T-BIRD, 4 door, ioadad, ."W% restorad, $2,500 Invasted, a«king $2,000 or boat offer. e2 SPE!D BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tique, one of a kind, neade restorlng, $4,500 f irm. 19«6 JEEP C-J-2, naw engine, radlator, front end, dlut ch, pressura plate, master cylinder wheel cylindars, snow piough equipped, $1,800 f lrm. Witt trade for batf tractor with front end loader. 4.4 CHRYBLER OUTBOARD MOTOR, excellent condition, $263 f irm. To viaw at 131 Queen St., Brookiin or Phone 655-3887. Oct.7,81(D. 45 RECORDS, Rock & roli rom the '50s to the late '70s. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporary style, black & white, $65. OIL PAINTING, Reynolds, harbor scone, suif contemporary or modemn living roomn grouplng, original oit & canvass, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Telefunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with sarvlng counter and praparaf Ion countar, worth over $80, asklng $485. Open CURIO CABINET, walnut, storage com- part ment ai bottom, $50. DRAPES, Royal blua, goid and white design, llned, 96" langth x 12' width, $95 for pair, 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, goid and white design f0 match curtains $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and planters, 'h wine barrais, f rom $10 f0 $25. Hastings RINGS à BEARINOS for 302 Ford angine, new, $80 for lot. Cali 668-4725. Sept .9,81(D) NEW FOLDING0 FLIGHT SUIT- PLEASE READ When the sdvartised Item la soîd, disposed 0f, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wiiI ba doemndd f0 have been soid andi a commission wiil ba charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiusfrated balow, regardiesa If prIco la sfated wi h basf of for". Itho Item la fdOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wIil b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6,00.wili appiy payable ln advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $7.k0 charge wiii ap- piy If bIled which muet b. paid upon recoipt. The above minimum charges wlul beaeppiied f0 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount cull b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission:* 3100.00. Ail advertisemants must bo pleced on an exclusive basts with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleest one month If not soid. RATES (if Intle sla aold): 6% oI advertlsed pric* Up to $00.00 2% of balance over $400 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advsrtisd for $120.00. Commisaion due 36.00 (minimum charge sa 6.00) Private advertisIng onlyl Ploase notify the WhItby Free Press Immedlefoiy chen Item la solo 8go that we may delete If from the foliowIng Issues. Ait ada not fitting the Emporium guidelinos clii be fretod and chargod per weok as regular ciessif lad ads on a pre-peid besis such as- services, heip wantod, cîofhing, roal estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting prIce or quantity. Private ciassified ada may eppear In the Emporium section under appropnriate hoadinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE INGLIS DRYER, approx. 10 years oid, electric, good condititon, $100. Cal 66&816 affer 5 p.m. Nov.4,81(C) 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAI FREEZER, 2 yrs. olid. Asking $350. Cali (Ash- burn) 655-4045 affer 6 p.m. Oct .21,81(B) VIKING SEWING MACHINE with 3 drawar cabinet, excellent condi- tion. Assortment of accassories, 36 bobbîns. Asking $350. Cal Susaui after 6:30 p.m. at 723-5892. Nov.4,81(12) UTM BIE FRSIOR LEI 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, reslorod, over $5.000 invesfed, B.F. Good- rich TA's, 350 LT1, 4 spoed, hasn'f seen wintor ln 7 yoars. Asking $4,200 or beat offer. Phone 668- 6424. Nov.18,81(H) 1972 IMPALA, 4 door, good run- ning condif ion, nof certifiod. Asking $395. Cali 571-3968 (Oshawa). Sep.1 6,81(P) 1972 PINTO, automatic wif h radiais, 25,000 miles on a rebuilt motor, body good, needs valves and seais, u-joints. Asking $400. Phono 668-8227. Oct .28,81 (T 1973 GRAN TORINO SPORT, 351, 4 barrai, gauges, automnatlc trans- mission, floor shIft, raiiy tires, buckots, nowiy painted. Asking 52,000. Cali 655-3006. Sep.23,81(S) I I UTO~7MOBILES IFORSAISALI 1974 DODGE CORONET, good running condition, cen be certi- f led. Asklng $400 or best offer. Cali 668-1564. Sep.9,81(T) 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON' (4 door), excellenf condition, fuiiy ioaded, whiteobat hem seats, 54,000 miles of highway driving. Asking. $3.500 f im. Serlous buyere oniy. Call 668-5220. Sep.16,81 (H) 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE. new brakes, 51,000 original miles, A-1 condition. Asking 31,705. CaiI 668-7107. Nov.4,81 (B) 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 cu. ln., 2. barrel with t-roof, swivel bucket seats, puise cipers, cruise con- fro1, white oxtorior, tan Interior and G60 Fireafone SS radiais ail eround. ln excellent shape. Asking $4.200 or beat offor. Cali 668-01 30 and ask for Steve. Oct.28,81(G) AUVOOTIW1 U EP IPARîPARTS] RADIAL'SNOW TIRES (GR78-15) on G.M. rims, used ono season. Asking $150 for tco. Phono 668- 6404. Dec.2,81(O) THE BEST BARGAIN AROUND. Place your ad ln the Free Press Emporium and gef Immediae rosuits. Cati 668-6111. MOTOR à TRANSMISSION - 1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or beat offer. Phone Glenn 668-0384. Nov. 18,81 (K) AUVOOTIVE ~JEAR PARlRPARTS TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounted on two AMC raîiy wheels, $110 or best offer. Two DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raised white lettors> Firestone 721 steel beited ftires mounted on AMC raliy wheeis, $160 or basf offer. Alil four tires wiii sait for $325 or basf offer. Please call 686-1886 botween 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Alil tires like new. Sep.23,81(D) SNOW TIRES - Two E78-14 Super Winter Ride nylon snow tires, brand new, $50 for pair. Two G78- 15 snow tires, mounted & balan- ced for a Chrysler product, $45 for pair. Phono 668-3885 avenings. Dec. 2,81(M) N~EEDS BABY FURNISMINOS à IrEMS. Crib , mattress and dresln orange & white, $125. Pisypan $35. Two walkers, $10 and $15. Two pottie chairs, $7 and $8. Baby back pack $10. Hlgh chair $15. Swlng-O-Matic $15. Joliy Jumper on a sfand $20. Calil6682702. Sep.2,81 (L) MOVINO, MUST SELL - Blue white Gendron baby cardage, like new, $30. Colonial pins rocklng crib, amail, $25. Four-In-one snow suit (buntlng bag>, peach color, like new, $12. Coîlapsibie high chair, 2 way, yeiiow mouided plastic seat & tray, fuliy adjust. able, chrome legs, very sturdy, exc. cond., $25. Children's ouf- door swing sot, 5 plece, exc. cond., $50. Strolier, blue vInyl seat &back, $10. Phono 668-294. Nov.18,81(0) SELL VOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy f orm to mal ln your Emporium ad. i have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the foilowing ad- vertisement piaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. _______________________________________(don't forget f0 inciude your phono numnbar) Cl i enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. CI Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. CI Bill me for $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Naà me (please print> Addreesa City Posticode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREEPRESS. P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby LUN 5S1 'BIG WH EEL' $13. Baby Carrier for aduit bike $7. Cail 668-2301. Sop.16,81(D) Ut4 BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent condition, original glue, not usod, ail borders Intact. Asking $700. Cali 668-6424. Oct.21,81(H) PINE BED, twin, 4 poster, with fancy head and foot board. Newly consfructed from top quality white pIne. WlII finish f0 suit. AskIng $195. Cali 985-2795. Nov.25,81(M) TWO EXTRA LONG Continental Twin Beds, $75 each. Cali 655-4793 alter 4 p.m. <Oct.28,81(W) COUCH, 1 yaar old, mocha brown, modern styling, 8 fi. long, $300 Cali 68-0277. Sep.30.81(A) DîNETTE SET, round smoked glass top with chrome pedestai base, 4 matching chairs, ln good condiftion. Asking $275. Polo iamp with trI-Ilght, $25. Cai 579-9860. Nov.11,81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smoked glass top, 4 chrome green cushion chairs, In excellent con- dition. Asking $475. Phono alter 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. Dec.2,81(S) AN EXCELLENT antique hutch ln pins and oak. Upper cabinet doors ln ieaded glass, matching wood moulding motif; two adjustable shaives. Lower cabinet doors have Insot panel and raised relief carvIng. Refinished Insidoeand ouf, brass hardware and cabinet locks. A beautiful place, $68 firm. Phono 666-3096. Nov.25,81(C) RUG, 9 x 12, burnt orange, good condition. Asking $40. Cali 686- 3995. Sep.16,81(R) TURN YOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad under ftho Whitby Free Press Emporium Section wii soul aimosf enything for you.. cars, boats, TV's, furnituro, pianos and pets ... the iist la endiess. Cali 668-61 11 now for further details. ADMIRAL 30"1 RANGE $200 and Admirai 27" Drier $150. Both white', approx. 6 yrs. oid. Wooi broadioom rug with underpad, brown, 9' x 15', $100. Calil668-7267. Oct .21,81(B) DINING ROOM CORNER CABINET, tee wagon & hope chesf, ail ln maple wood, $60. Royal Albert china set, 9 place Sot- ting plus accessories, "*Lavendar Rose", exc. cond., aaking $650. Cali 666-2071. Oct .21,81(M) ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCH & matching swivaî rocker, green& gold plaid, 010fln fabric. Ba<J ecotch-guarded. Asking $325. An- tique wrought Iron & bras DOUBLE BED with box sprIng, $210. Antiqua LOVE SEAT & mat- ching chair, bluo & gold upholsfary, $200. Set of dark pin. 5* COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES, $130. Cil 68-189. Sep.23,81(F) TWO 30" ECRU paddod h.od-, boards, $7 sech. SmaI Ouldoor pool pump $30. Bon Temnpi 196 organ, duai ksyboord, 13 boss8 pedae, 10 rhtythm*. 2-TV," speakershgodphona Jack, auto chord. stool, »W0. Cali 0668943. Sep.30;61(C) CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54" wîde, 3275. Bronza gold chestarfield & chair $175. Odd modem chair $35. Two tabla lamps & mafching tri-ight S75. Beautifully refinishad antique oak dreser & mirror $350. Office desk with wood top.60" x 3M", $100. Alil items ln excellent condition. Phione 579-815. DocZ281(W) I Il. Mli EQUIENT TECHNiCS AMIFMA STEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts par chînnal. 6 montha oId, nec $69, sal $375. Telalunkan Topload CASSETTE DECK. Doiby, new $475. sali 5150 or beat offar Cali 666-399. Oct.7,81(R) I ___________________________________ I - I . 1 1 m -MW-y- - 1 1 ý I. MOPED FOR SALE] MOPED, Solex, In excellent con. dition. Great Christmas glfti Asklng $175 or beat olfer. Phono 688.3720 affer 5 p.m. Nov.25,81<P) SALES/RENTA S 1975 HONDA 3W0 CBT, needa bat- leryand horn, low mileage. $60 as la, $700 wlth battorY & horn. Fîve 165 BRIS MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, 15". $200 for fIlve or $50 each. Phono 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. Sep.16,81<G) 1967 FENDER JAZZ base gultar, very good condition, wllh hard case, beautîful Instrument. Asklng $85. Cali 668-1438 alter 5 p.m. Oct.28,81<K) SUPPLIES] COCKIN SPANIEL, 14 weeks oid, maie, white with tan markInge, regIsfored. Asking $350. Phono 688-1626. Nov.11,81(U>) TH REE KITTENS, variety of colore, $2 each. Cali 668.3545. Oct.28,81(H> TWO PUG PUPPIES, female, born August 18, black-faced fawn. AskIng $225 each. Cati 655-4487. Oct.7,81<W) FOR SALE - Two pairs of Diamond Doves, $25 par pair. One pair of -White Zabra FInches and one pair of Grey Zabra Fînches, $14 par pair. Phono 668-2461. Nov.4,81(D) FLORIUA MOBILE HOME, 85' x 12', fuiiy furnished on lagoon, ren- ted loi, 3 bedrooms, 2 bat hrooms, centrai air condifioning. Oniy $12,000 Canadien. Calil 728-5338. Nov.4,81 (G> 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, puah-ouf dining area. Pald $13803 -asking $12.500 or basf offer. To b. sean at 410 Rossiand Road West, WhIfby and 10 Inquire cali 68-1880. . Sap.16,81(J) 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL- ER, alectric - gas fridga, sieeps 8. follet, aiecfric brakes, complota wif h hifch. Asking $2,500 or basf ofar. Phono 668-8344. Sep.16,81(V) PORTIG HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-i condi- tion. Cooper heimat, Bowar skates, pont s, albow pads, knea pads, shouidar pads, socka,, gioves and hockey bag. For 12-14 yaar oids. Asking $80. Wilisoli seParately. Cali 576-710. Oct.7,81(D> SKIS,.poia* and boon#ats$7. 1