WHITBY"FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25-..1981. PAGE 19 Whitby Free Press SPORTS OWEEK Henry Hawks to represent Whitby m tournam ent PETERBOROUGH - The '81 Kawartha Classic basketball tour- nament, sponsored by Coca-Cola Ltd. in Peter- borough, will be held November 27 and 28. Representing Whitby at this event will be the Henry Street 'Hawks', last year's Central On- tario AAA champions. Dave Goulding, basketball coach at Peterborough Colle- giate and Vocational School (P.C.V.S.), is tournament convenor. "«This high achool invi- tational includes 16 of the best teams in On- tario. It's really an ex- clting event," said Gouldlng. ý The tournament was first played i 1975 with eight teams, and was known as the P.C.V.S. Raiders International. "In 1979, under the sponsorship of Coca- Cola Ltd., the tourney expanded to 16 teams," said Dave McLeod, sales manager for Coca- Cola Ltd. in Peter- borough. "We've got a group of tough, competitive teams in the challenge this year," Goulding noted, "including the 1980 Kawartha Classic Champs, the Eastern HigliSchool of Com- merce 'Saints' from Toronto."' Also preparing for the tournament are four teams from Peter- borough: St. Peter 'Saints', Thomas A. Stewart 'Griffins', P.C.V.S. 'Raiders' and the Kenner Collegiate 'Rams'. From Scar- oorough are the Sir John A. MacDonald 'Black Scots' and the Stephen Leacock 'Lions'. Com- peting from Toronto, in addition to the 'Saints', are the George Harvey 'Hawks'. Also competing are the Moira 'Trojans' from Belleville, the Bell High Sehool 'Brtuns' from Ottawa, the Sud- bury Secondary School 'Northstars', the Win- dsor Forster 'Spartans', the Bowmanville 'Red- men', the Smith's Faits 'Runnin Redmen' and the Kingston Regiopolis 'Regi-Running Red Skins'. "A number of top coaches have named this the best tournament in Ontario high school competition," said Goulding. Games will be contested at Trent University, Kenner Collegiate and P.C.V.S. on Friday night and Saturday, with the championship game to be played on Saturday, 9 p.m. at Trent Univer- sity. "IAil the teams are in top form, and we're looking forward to two days of excellent com- petitive basketball," said Goulding. Sandrellitakes trophy honors Whitby Curling Club's Agnes Sandrelli lead lier squad to the trophy i the Nurse Chevrolet Oldamobile Bonspiel last week i Whitby. With Sandrelli were vice Shirley Purdy, second Shelly Gresham and lead Elaine For- Saw. Second prize went to Betty Holinger's three player squad of Darlene Wlliams and Jo Amne Pr-out. Skip Evelyn Bonnetta, vice Rosemary Spear, second Andrea Lawes and lead Barbar-a Jervis took the third place rit>- bon. One game higli win- ners were skip Marlon OMDonnll, vice Bernice Waldeck, second Jean Harland and lemd Carol Far-ell. Jean Biggs, vice Hazel Best, second Joan McHugh and lead Pat Henderson were con- solation winners. Skip Doug Wilson and team mates . Wayne Coughlin and Ted Birchand in action Firat Whitby rink in ftve years.. Carroil dvances to finals The man wio makes the ice for the Whitby Curling Club, Gord Carroll, became the fir- st home town rink to ad- vance to the final eight games for the, main event in the Sun Uife In- vitational Bonspiel in five years. In the first round of the main event Carrol and his rink of vice Pave Miller, sec'ond Ross Troop and lead Rob Mor-ton defeated Gay Rusconi's Humber Highland rink 7 to 5. Carroll handled Rick Dybvig 9 to 5 in the second round before capping off the day's playing by soundly defeating Bayview's Andy Rafelman 7 to 1. Carroll said that his making the ice in Whit- by had no real bearing in the competition, giving hlm neither an advantage nor a dis- advantage. .. "Most of the guys in a bonspiel of this calibre don't have any problems with the ice. They can read it as quickly as I do," he said. The only problem Car-oll said he faces wlien playing at the Whitby Curling Çlub is the fact that he worries about the other five sheets. Immediately after his first victory of the day he passed up the usual post game cele- bration in order to dlean the debris from the ice and re-pebble the sur- WHITBY IR -OQUOIS SOCCER CLUB INDOOR SOCCER Resuits as of November 21, 1981 SQUIRT DIVISION Kim Crouch Coilar 4 Family Kartway Jason Avotte 1 Paul Francis Jared Stevens1 Gavin Dowsei Scottish Bake Shop 5 Whîtby Rotary Micael Wolff 3 Kelvin Gumbs Wayne Antony 2 Franik Real Estate 3 Farnily Trust Kevin Voyde 1 Craig MeConneil Joe Kitchen 2 Richard Gorden James Davidson face. The 44 year-old New- foundlander came to Whitby to make the ice for the W.C.C. tliree years ago. With the tripple vic- tory this past weekend Carroll and his rink ad- vance to the finals of the main event to be held Saturday, December 5. Top purse for the event totals $7,000 of the $21,300 in prizes to be awarded, making it the second largest bonspiel in Southern Ontario. The last time a Whit- by rink advanced to the finals in the Sun Life In- vitational Bonspiel was in 1976 when Clayton MacKay took the honor. A second Whitby rink ini competition this past weekend achieved a major victory of sorts. While they did flot ad- vance in the main event Whitby's Doug Wilson knocked the defending Ontario champion Ed Werenich of Avonlee from the bonspiel 10Oto 7. "lIt was no masterful game," said Wilson. "I don't think their hearts were really in, Werenich is in the top ten money winners in Ontario this year, thus far having pocketed $11'000. Wilson started the day defeating, Royals' Steve Matliews 6 to 3 before being knocked out of competition for the main event by Jim Shai-ples of Leaside 4 to 2. STANDINGS: Scottish Bake Shop Family Trust Kim Crouch Collai- Whitby Rotary Family Kartway Frank Real Estate ATOM DIVISION: MacCauley Furniture Michael Darnianie Dean Mizen Mike Kosurko Dairy Queen Patrick Mlksa Neil Henehan Shoppers Drug Mart Toby Martin Mark Bateman Warren Milburn Sharples was the other rink who advan- ced into the finals defeating John O'Neill 4 to 2, Wilson and Barry Gorrlng 6 to 3. Sharples last won the bonspiel in 1976 and he wiUl attempt to break an old Whitby jinx. In the bonspiel's 14 year history no one lias ever taken top spot twice. Other past champions who will attempt to tackle the jinx include last year's champion Ken Buchan of London and Doug Palmer of St. Catharines. The Bonspiel con- tinues Saturday, N'ovember 28, Sunday, November 29 and Friday, December 4, with the finals tobe held Saturday, December 5. GFil 9X GA 2 8 6 6 6 10 Kiwanhs Luigi Pepe Oshawa Meats Pruducts 2 David Flook Francis Lazzaro1 Whitby Mail Restaurant 2 Donna Mitchell 1 Tim atcheil 1 Continued on page 20