By TUE REV. KEITH ELFORD Pastor Whitby Free Methodist Church The Shepherd's Psalm is a clipping 0f Biblical literature that almost everyone is acquainted with. If nowhere else, there's at least a section of it said at gravesides in the movies. But have you ever spent some timne thinking about it? The phrase, "He makes me lie down in green pastures" immediately elicits pastoral scenes of lush green grass and cool shade trees. Not a bad meditating focus point for the hectic days that corne at many of us. But there's a wealth 0f richer understanding behind this simple phrase. It has a message for the rushing executive, or Oie harried housewife or the frustrated factory worker. When we feel like falling over in exhaustion, the Good Shepherd is saying, "Lie Down. 1 want you to lie down." Sometimes though we try to rest, our sleep isoften fitful and we rise feeling none the btter for our respose. Philip Kellar in his little book A Shepherd Looks at Psalni 23, illuminates this phrase with artistic ability. There are four conditions, he writes, that met before sheep can be made to lie and rest. They must be free from fear. They must be free from friction with other sheep. They must be free from flies or parasites., They must be well-fed. Self-fServi-*ee to vi'Osit here OTTAWA - The Cana- dian Umity Information Office announced last week that an exposition entitled "Self-Service" will be travelling throughout the Province of Ontario during the coming months. The aim of the exposition is to provlde Oie residents of Ontario wiOi informa- tion of Oie programs and services offered to Oiem by Oie Government of Canada. BoOi young and old will flnd something of interest, whether it be information on Oie economy, agriculture, social services or culture. The exposition is housed in a 45 by eight food tractor-trailer that creates a supermarket atmosphere. Visitors are offered a wide range of information on the many actîvities of federal departments and agencies. Admission is free and a variety of material and brochures is avail' able. This exposition is one of the programs of the Canadian Unity Infor- mation Office designed to help Canadians become btter informed on activities of the Government of Canada throughout Oie various regions of Oie country. The exhibit will be at the Whitby Mail during Oie week of October 12 to 17 and wii be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day, except Thanksgiving Day (Oc- tober 12), wben it will be open from 12 noon to 6 P.m. 9 TAUNTON RD. E. OSHAWA 725-4343 WHITBY FREE PREýS, WEIJNEýDÀY, OCTOBER 7, 1981, PAGE 9ý "Who i*s the Shepherd of yo ur life?09" What a beautiful diagnosis of the hurnan situation. Many people go to bed with conscious fear that hounds them. More people go to bed with uncon- scious tensions. In fact sleep therapists maintain that Sunday night, most people of the nation have their worst night's sleep. Here cornes rush hour. Here cornes decisions. Here cornes the forernan. Here cornes the bill collector. The muscles get tighter and the sleep gets lighter. Then there's the matter of friction. St. Paul wrote with insight into emotional health. He said, "Be angry, but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath." Like the sheep, many of us are the victims of friction, at home, with our neighbours or on the job. Oftan we are either "bunting" or being "bunted". No matter which you are, there is no contentment. We "bunt" to get ahead. We "bunt" to get back. We "bunt" to duxnp our tensions on some one else. Soon everyone around us is in a stir. How about the pesky parasites of life? You know, those thiigs that aren't that big in themselves, but like a pebble in your shoe, they irritate and dis- gruntie. How do you deal with a day when you have a flat tire in rush hour and arrive to find the store's door locked? It hardly has a calming effect. Skin- ned knuckles, spilled Kool-Aid, slamming doors, these are the flies that tease away your serenity. Finally, there's the inner hunger for something more. St. Augustine put it this way. "Thou hast made us for Thyseif, 0 Lord, and we are restless 'tii we rest in Thee. " The point is that the flock doesn't lie down until the shepherd's presence assures thèm that there is no reason to fear, that the bunting will stop or else, that the shade trees will relieve them of the flies and there is plenty of pasture. The presence of the shepherd makes the difference. David said, "The Lord is my Shepherd". Who is your shepherd for the demands of your life? g ionglui i'&nin sg only Wintaiio disappointing the Grand Prt two numbers- WÎntario is do. about it. -I Wintario. Now, beine Intm has changed.. Now, every ticket has 1,000 more chances to wn Because knows how it isto ms ze by one or -and only ing something lose counts. YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD DRUG STORE Your I.D. A. pharmacist offers you good selection, friendly personalized service and values aI ail limes. Thal's why hes the ..:..r.:: "I1* n IDA. COURTICE-ALLIN PHARMACY 117 Brock St. N. WHITBY 668-2394 BAI LEY IDA PHARMACYI 362 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-2100 SHORT'S l.O.A. PHARMACY 65 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN 655-3301 'ASTROuVAC ' F IT'S QUALITY OR PRICE YOU'RE AFTER WE HAVE BOTH. 5YR. WARRANTY. NSTALLATION AVAIL. COMPLETE 4 INLET VACUUM SYSTEM $479 LI2~2 FREE ESTIMATES SUPER DIGITAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER s25900 % V HP MOTOR POWER FAILURE *INSTANT SAFETY REVERSE 1 YR. WARRANTY *MANUAL RELEASE IN CASE 0F PROFESSIONAL INSTALLERS AVAILABLE a' i 1 .......... mm 1 - -