Whitby Free Press, 30 Sep 1981, p. 5

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WHITBY FkEE lPRESS,- WEDNESDIAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 198 1, PAGE 5 Sepa rate board to recognize DO'C students' achievements Square dancing at SAC Bow to your corner. Do-see-do your partner. Swing to the right. These are ail phrases that are weli known to square dancing buffs. At the Whitby Senior Citizens' Ac- tivity Centre, members are beginning to take up square dancing in their later years. The lessons, which are held once a week, are taught by Chuck Cooper, 76, who has been square dancing for 50 years and donates his time to teach senior citizens in the art. Seen here enjoying their first square dancing lesson are, from lef t to right, Alice Hutchinson, Edna Bradley, Ivy Bramma (in front), Bert Blair, Mary Wilson, Walter Lothien, Stella Reid and Greg Robertson. -Free Press Staff Photo $4,365 needed to fix proble m under the town 's sand dome, Students ini grades il, 12, and 13 attending Whitby Denis O'Connor High Sehool will have their achievements recogn.îzed by the Durham Regon Roman Catholie Separate School Board. According to trustee Larry O'Leary (Pickering) the action wil be taken because "student.s who have gone through the Catholie education sys- tem shouid be recog- mized by the board that gave them their early education." O'Leary pointed out that students in these grades'in the Catholic education system are essentially students in private sehools but ad- ded that this should not prevent the board from recognizing them. Trustee Sally Longo (Ajax) said that the recognition shouid not be fmnancial because te board can only give money to its own students. However, O'Leary said that he dld flot men- tion that the recognition should be financial ad- ding that it would be ap- propriate to give a book or some other prize. A-CIty Drlvlng- Shool bicore Ta«, Deductabe SMALL.COMPACT CARS 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE PICK-UP 812-00 PER FULL HOURI 686&2224 If you are Interested cal and effective ask me about our street mnaps, please. DON BOWERi ln economi- advertlsing, advertlsing. The Town of Whitby is going to have to spend $4365 to correct problems under the sand dome at the town's operations yard on Taunton Road East. According to Dlck Kuwahara, the town's director of public works, the Ontario Minlstry of Transportation and Communications dis- covered probiems with their own sand storage domes and subfequently notified the municipali- ties of them. "Tlhe Mlnistry of Transportation and Communications has notified ail the munici- palities regarding cer- tain deficiencies they have noticed in their sand storage domes and have made recommen- dations to reinforce them," Kuwahara said in bis report to Whltby Town Counci's opera- tions committee. The* director added that the M.T.C. struc- tures flave neen diam- aged in high winds and other related causes and- are recommending that certain bracings be- in- stalled to protect the- structures. "'bulk Store Struc- tures Uimited was called in to inspect our structure and to give us an estimate to instal the necessary bracing,'" Kuwahara said. "During their investi- gation, it was also noted that there were other damages and repairs necessary, such as sec- tions of rotting wood, missing shingles and broken panels. " He also recommended that the work be done immediately, prior to the purchase and stock- ing of additionai sand and sait in the dome. Kuwahara aiso told the committee that $3,WOO had been allotted for the repairs in this year's capital budget. The work will cost $1,365 more than this. The department "will No w OPENV WHJTBY FALCON T.V. SALES - REPAI RS TO ALL MAKES BLAIR PARK PLAZA 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY 66"-060 AUTHORIZED DEALER SPECIAL ALL TV SERVICE CALLS-WITH THISAD 0NLY 1250 FALCON T.V. BLAIR PARK PLAZA 100 LUPIN DRIVE. WHITBV 426 SI MCO E ST. S. 6684060 723-0011 try to make up the saving in somne other purchases, " Kuwahara said. Whitby Town Couneil was expected to.endorse the expenditure at its meeting Monday night. MONET MANAGMENT SEMINR Fu TODAT'S WOMAN featuring #M EUS and lIM PAU (Merrli Lynch Royal Securîties, Toronto) AND YVOhbM, M.MIA. C.A. (Price Watrhouso, Toronto) Informatlon-packod and Invaluablo ... a muet for smart womon ...lnvesl In your futlure ...Ioearn how to...sstabllsh Investment objectives, prosot cash f rom shrlnkage, ovaluate and select beat Invesi- monte, determino afier- tax Investment Income, use tax-savlng strate- glas, and much, much mors. DATE: Saturday. Nov- ember 7,1081l TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. PLACE: Holiday Inn, Oshawa FEE: $40/person (before Oct. 23) <Group rates availîblo upon roquest) ACT NOWIII Spac.e la limitod. Cali or write for Info& registratlon: Putrîcla Leone, SemîInar Coordinator The INVESTMENT CONNECTION 55 Joyce Crescont Belleville, Ontario U8N 1 Y6(613) 968-9341 * The INVESTMENT * CONNECTION 55 SJoyce Cmmnt * BolvIllo, Ontaro U8N lYO 0 D ES, 1 want Io rogistor * for the Mçr,.y S Management Seminer. * Oshawa. Novmoi 7. * 1981. 'va *nclosed S My choque or * money order for $40> * (before Oct. 23). 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