PAGER8,WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1981 .wHinBY FREE PRESS CIo tSified 4ds Seli OPP wili be out h force titis weekend - - - - - - - . Dj~I~n ...~11 na£1>oe~flhi1r~A A- CIty Drlvlng, Schoolf Income TmxM ýSMLL-OMPCTCARS 25 YARS XPERENCE FREEPICK-UIP 812»00 PER FULL HOUR 686&2224 SHERIDAN CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMVENT 0F NORM WILLOUGHBY TO THEIR SALES STAFF. NORM BRINGS IS MANY YEARS 0F EXPER- IENCE AND KNOWLEDGE 0F THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS TO THE DURHAM AREA, AND WOULD LIKE ALL IS FRIENOS AND CUSTOMERS TO GIVE HlM A CALL, OR BETTER STILL DROP IN AND FIND OUT HOW EASY DEALING IS MADE ON NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT SHERIDAN. SHERIDAN CHEV-OLDS 1800 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING 683-9333 . zr/Y Lai 9LU5AJl£ eWAAA be using every available patrol unit this Labor Day weekend, says OPP Commissioner H.H. Graham. The patrol units will be marked and unmarked cars and motorcycles. Many of the. cars wil be equip- ped with radar and operate in areas which have a high accident rate. During the Labor Day weekend last year, 9 persons were killed in accidents investigated by the OPP and 636 per- According to Com- missioner Graham, the OPP is committed to reducing the number of people killed and in- jured through effective enforcement patrols. Some of the causes of serious accidents in On- tario are excessive speed, unsafe lane changes and foîlowing too close. Instructions have gone out to the 190 OPP detachments to en- sure ail members of the Force operating during this period do their ut- *UP To30%c'SAVENGs* SPECIALIZING IN A COM- PLETE LUNE 0F BAKING GOODS, SPICES,) &PAR- TY SNACK MIXES. ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS CAKE INGREDIENTS AT A'SUB- STANTIAL SAVING. SAYE2WAYS :r BUY O#LY AS KURUAS MJREQUURE *EiNTsi.aT L NAY 1155 PER POUND CD ci3T DUNOASSI W. Closd Mofidmys. Open Tues., Wed., Thlur., Set 0:30-5:30, Fridoa u9'3048:30 1 Under New Management As of Septem ber1 ie The Eldorado Cheese: and Dairy Bar will be managed by Marion Bedore. They would also like to announce their New Hours Mon. thru Thurs. & Sat. 10Oa.m. - 6 p.m. FriLO0a.m. -9 p.m. CIosed Sunday & Holidays 102 Coiborne E. 668-1621' most to check these con- traventions of the law. Motorists are remin- ded that the law in On- tario requires them to "buckle up" their seat belts. It is a proven fact that the use of seat belts reduces deaths and serious injuries. "We will have every radar unit out in our cars,"y says Com- missioner Graham. "The public should know that they'l1 be used in unmarked cars as well as the familiar black and white cruisers." the OPP urge drivers to be patient in the .heavy traffic expected 'during this summer 's last long weekend. With a little more caution and courtesy, the number of traffic deaths and acci- dents wiil be reduced. YMCA crafts Beginning September the Durham Region Family YMCA will offer a variety of popular and new crafts, -classes in- cîuding Japanese Bunka, Embroidery, Bargello, Needlepoint, Crochet Flower Arrangement, Smock- ing and Stain Glass. For details on enrol- ment cali the Whitby Y office at 668-6868 and also get a copy of the Faîl '81 Brochure.. Whitby Parks & -Recreation Department RODEO PARKING LOT MARKET COMING ~ BOOK EARLY - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE Groups, individuals & organizations book space garage sale items, crafts, tools, sports equipment, etc. 13.00 per space (2 parking spaces) Table rentai aiso available Cali 668m7765 for Free parking Free admission Satu rday, Septem ber 12 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Rain date Sunday, September 13 IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX - north parking lot Victoria & Henry St. Be sure to get your rodeo tickets tool 1 m > - - -7 7- ""0" ý- 7-7'7= ým --- - , 777-7 --w- 7. ., TERRY FOX Terry Fox, a young man determined to help others so they would flot have to go through the pain and frustrations he went through. On September 13 organizations will be continuing the Marathon of Hope Terry Fox began. These marathons are to raise money for research so maybe one day we can say "Terry, your marathon has been completed. " If you would like to organize or participate in one of the marathons cal1-416-895-5159 for information and formai pledge forms. Let's make Terry proud of us. FALL EXTENSION COURSES Stili thinking about going back to school? Well, s0 is Durham College. They are holding Faîl Exten- sion Courses. Registration times are September 15-, 17 and 23 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Durham College. COME TO THE CABARET Once again Town Hall 1873 will be holding a Cabaret Show. It will take place on September 12 at 8 p.m. So come on out and share the fun. HIGHLAND DANCING For those of you who enjoy Highland dancing there will be lessons given at the Uxbridge Legion. You can sign up for lessons on September 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Sb if you are 6 years of age or over this is for you. HOCKEY ANYONE!!! Minor hockey teams will be registering at the. Scugog Arena on Friday, September il from 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, September 12 fromn 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, September 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. Fees will be $70 for one boy, $120 for two boys and $160 for a family of three or more boys. AND FOR THE GIRLS... Guides first meeting will be on September 16 at 7:15. It will be held in the Manchester Hall. Girls ages 9 to 15 are welcome. For more information cali 985-8301. THANKS I'd like to thank those who have dropped off ideas and informnation for this column. I welcome any- thing that interests the readers. Just drop off any- thing you have at Port Perry Pet Shop or phone 985- 3447. I'd also like to thank Port Perry Pet Shop for al their help. BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074