WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 198 1, PGE21 i CALL A PROFESSIONAL tCASH e CASH * CASHS $ TURN VOUR UNWANTED MIERCHANDISE tW hade INTO CASH. W adeestates, bankruptcies and liquidations.8 5Antiques our speciaityl 21 years experiences Sdeaiing in fine antiques, furniture, glass and$ $china. Free appraisals. Let us soli your merchan-8 $dise to the highest bidder. 66-331 1614 Chares St., Whitby . 6633 Days 5794250 Evgs.5 *AUCTIONEER: BILWANNAMAKER [SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRSi 688-2252 Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRI BUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.) WHITBY, ONT. 6861853 1 * RICHARD'S FURNITURE REINISHING 600 EucIdSt.,Whîtby FREE GIVE YOUR FURNITU]RE ESTIMATES _A _AC lIF *ORESTALL 666-2992< REACH MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS ADVERTISE TOUR SERVICE UNDER ""CALI A PROFESSIONAL" N.ed Facts?... " The Whitby Free Press Is the most wideiy read publication ln the Town of Whitty. " The Whitby Free Press is also circuiated ln Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin, Myrtie, Ashburn and Port Perry. " Your advertisemnent wiIi be read by over 68,000 potential customners. " Our advertising rates are highiy competitive in both price and audience. For more Information on placing your ad under "Caîl a Professional" cali the Classified Adver. tising Manager now at: 668-6111 -QRVIES. DANKRUPTCIES are kIIIIng ornait bucîneses. If your printer hie gone oui 0f business we have a bonus for you. Caii Lau Dlckcon ei 683.1968for dulalia. WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers a Drapes F'EÂLSO DOALTERATIONS 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPPFiaolt offlie 668-4821 ALL TILINO JOBS DONE. WALLS oit nomE. FOR FREE ES TIMA TES CALL LEIGH HALL 666-3981 CARPENTRY I MPRO VEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tlling, Drywaii, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks :and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4896 A TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Ciass A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 OutMie hdâ.f a Cd l et 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Set. cours HIGHEST PRICES Pald for Goid and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oll pain. ,tings and seaiers. FRI EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SERICES IN THE MOOD Dise Jockey Service Music for ail ages and occasions. CALL 668-9380l ~.~DSHROLI £EDUCATIDNALî SCHOOLSSERVICES LEARN TO DRIVE CRTV ciil TRACTOR TRAILERS Il rnmms il or Straîght Trucks Cali Tit Ciuudam luettuti of TractrTrillerTrmlnlng LM. 410-247-74« 124 Wfflo o Roid Toronto, Ontario MMU 4R1 Etâd 171 ATTENTION4 DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS PIeM echcck your ad for errons on the liraI day of pubication. Thé Whitby Fmie PrisaewMil ot be lubie for telure 10 pubiiîh an ad. or for typogriphic or other errore ln pubication beyond the cso0f the epic. occupied by the error up 10 i maximum coul ai théeMotIranserion. The. Whitby Frise Prose recerves the rght to cliisify or refeci iii idvertieente. Box numbera are avIia t an ddtlonat charge of $Z2.0 PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your Ciassitied Advesiement 10 your Chargex or Via Account end receive a discount on the price of the ad. Please hava your Visa surd rsidy when cailing. DEADLINES: Diadline forErportum AdaiteFrldaynoon prbor to publication. Dcidiinc for Ciassid Adi le Mondiy noon prfo< 10 publication. U 6 6 8-611il E IT'S TIME TO START MUSIC LESSONS AGAIN. Publicize your service underthis section ln the Whitby Free Press. Both word and dispIay ads accepted. Specl rates avaîlabie for Iong-term ads. CALL NOWTO RESERVEVOUR SPACE: 668-611'1 ARTICLES FOR SALE BOAT TRAILER, light-welght, 1961. bail66.025. FIREWOOD - Dellvered. $45 per face cord. Cali 9n35938 citer 5 p.m. or weekends. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT Ail 1981 stock wIl be sold at a fraction of the regular seiling price. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms avaliable. Free delivery. Cali tol f ree: 1 -800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 MOFFATTSToVEscii cieanlng, 30", white, 6 months. oid, ctli un. der warranty. Excellent condition. Muai ocii - movlng. $475 or boat ofier. Cai Oi 6.55. Lilian Marshall, Cordon Bleu Chef from Louisville, Ken- tucky, September lst to 4th. Two speciai partici- pation serles - Yeast Baking (3 fessons) and Candy Making (4 fessons). Limited space availabie. 668-9860) OSHAWA ANTIQUJE GLJN COLLECTORS SHO1W AND SALE. Kinamen Communlty Centre, 109 Coibome St. W., Oshawa. Sundîy, Auguet 23, 1981, g9i&m. ta 1 p.m. Lîdie Silver Dolar drawî. Ad- mission $1.00. Ladies Fred RUMMAGE à SAKE SALE. Genuini bargaine galoe. Muet bi sien t0 be beiiîved. Sunday, Auguit 23 from 10 &m. 106ô p.m. UJA.W. i-ati, Local 1090, 140 Hunt SIt. Nu- saea ARTICLES FOR SALE] FOR SALE - Patio Umbreiic Set, new thie yecr. Bcby Swing-O- Matis $10. Barbeque $10. Every- thlng In excellent condition. Ccii 655-8042. SOLID FiNE COFFEE TABLE& two cupbocrd-Ilke end tables. Per- fect condition. New $750 - cîking $425. Ciii 668-2572 or 72548834 ~AUTOMOBILESj FOR SALE 1968 DM0 STEP-VAN, certIfled, 6 cylinder. Aîklng $1,500. Excellent for convertlng 10 camper or chlp truck. Ccli 666-3244. 1974 MONTE CARLO, good condi- lion, most options. Acklng $1,300. Ccii ~663995. 1975 DODGE VAN, neede c$orne body work. Bcat 011cr. Ciii 668- 1628. 1977 CAPRICE CLASSIC, iuiiy Iocded, 30,000 original miles. Asking $5,500. Caii 668-4830. WATED DESIGN DRAFT PERSON REOUIREDI1MMEDIATELY. Excellent benef Its. Appiy ln person: BOOTH DISPENSIERS LTD., CLAREMONT, ONT. For posit Ion ln Ajax. 649-2103 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST WITH EXPERIENCE Position open for part-time empioyment 5 rdays a week. PIe&se subm It resume to: ATTN: DR. 0. JACIW WHITBY MEDICAL CENTRE 619 BROOK STREET SOUTH WHITBY, ONTARIO RELIAILE, MATURE PERSON to PART.TiME NOUSEKERPER wan. look ater 3 boys mnd ight house ltei for West Lynde home. Cali OCa- ke.ping. Monday bo FrIday, 9 to 5. 1145 (Whitby) or cave m«esaie Cali 855-366. 66»1251. Custom fabrlcatlng shop has openlngs for: e MECHANIOS e FITTERS *JUNIOR LATHE OPERATOR. We offer interestingi, chalienging work, excellent benefilts and a profilt sharing plan. Apply at: SWING STAGE LTD. 60 HOWDEN ROAD SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO DUST CONTR OL SALESMAN To. work in OshawalWhitby area. Hlghest commissions paid.. Must have own car or van. Fuil- or part- time. PHONE: TORONTO 231-4560 MOYOREWLE 1978 850 KAWASAKI BiKE for cale. 7,000 km. In excellent con- dition. Aiking $2,000. Ciii 5M9 FRSALE 1978 DODGE PICK-UP, 30,000 mliii, short box, 318, 2 BOL, 5 wlth overdrive, bucket ceais, tinted wlndowc, FM sterco & 8 trcck, chrome apoke wheeiî, citerlng ftria, rucîproot & poiyehlne. Acking $4,800. Caii 668-3813. ISUPPLYI IHighest prics paldî for scrap truc ks, Imotors, transiissionsI L an red. 831-1531 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE - WE'RE MOVINGi1 Inciuding pic-nic table, large motel cabinet, iiiorted househoid ar- licle, custom draperies, ecuba diving equipment. Saturday. Auguci 22 froni 9 a.m. t0 4 p.m. il 24 Guthrie Crus. (Otter Crcck),, Whitby. GARAGE SALE <MOVINO) - Many aisorted Items. Crtb. tbye. fumi- turc, records, etc. 72 Tercia Drive, Whitby. Saturdiy, Auguet 22 irom 9 &.m. t103 p.M. OANTîC YARD SALE. Iterni ironi 3 familles. Siturday, Auguet 22 from 10 f0 7 el 20 Queens Striet. Brookltn. ILD CAREI CHILD CARE - Hlyand Si., Coilege Downm aria. Witt babycit chIldren before & muter echool In- ctuding parental accompanimeni 10 end from Forence M. Heard Sohool. If Iniereited pleuta.coit WILL DO DAYCARE. Any cge. Within 5 minutai from Huichison Schooi, Ccii 668-9596. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE In my home. Hot lunches. Close ta Kathleen Rowa School. Ccii 668- 0973 anytime. LOST - Glaie In brown Ieither eau. Annes & Dundis SInus. FInder pliai. ciii 839-5281 ESTATE AUCTION WED., AUG. 26 - 6:30 P.M. BrookIin CommunIty Centre Another nice selection of antique and modern fur- nlshings, paintlngs, diamnond rings, gc'ld JewelIery, dlocks, tools and unusualIitems. DAVIS AUCTION 'SERVICES 728-4455 PETS & SUPPLIES DOG KENN4ELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE 576-560 or _r_-am_ 6y