Vol. 11, No. 32 Wednesday, August 12, 1981 20 Pages r Members of the Durham Regional Police Force are seen here making a pathway so that office employees of Whitby's ITT Canon Electrie plant could leave work last Friday afternoon. The non-union office employees were jeered by the then striking picketers but the demnon- stration was a peaceful one. Since this photograph was taken, the six- week old strike by the 120 members of the United Auto Workers, Local 1090 have ratified a new agreement with the company. See story on page 6. -Free Press Staff Photo m ---- mmq RýE E twins with F eldki*rch Benny LaHaye (right), Whitby's Peter Perry Award winner for 1981, is seen here chatting with Margit Gromer of the Lieder- hort Tosters at a special,ççiremony that was held last week to re-affirm the twinning vows of the Town of VWhitby and the City of Feld- kirch, Austria. The Liederhort Tosters, Feldkirch's coun- terpart to Whitby's County Town Singers, are a renowned choir who visited Whitby as part of a Canadian tour. Story and photo on page 2. -Free Press Staff Photo ITT Canon strikelis finll0oe