Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1981, p. 19

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'l ýRLhhPRLýSS,WL-DNt:SL)AYýJLLl N I Ib. V/WJ1.. Iv Pensions will go Up this month OTTAWA - Increases in the Oid Age Security pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, whlch are to take effeet in July 1981, were an- nounced asat week by the Minster of National Health and Welfare, Manique Begin. The basic Old Age Securlty pension wW4llbe increased to $214.86 monthiy from the present $20820. The maximum guaranteed incarne supplement for an in- dividual or a married person whose spouse is receiving neither a pen- sion nor a Spouse' s Allowance, will increase to $215.72 from its current $209.03. Added to the basic pension, this will give a person receivlng bath the OAS and the maximum GIS a monthly total of $430.58. [The Churcli Speaks '-jý ý Maybe we' re exp ecting too muceh By THE REV. ARNOLD R. MAIN Pastor Whitby Pentacastal Church Today, a person does nat usuaiiy get too far along in a conversation before the topic of world concerns cornes up. Interest rates, food costs, gas costs, war and assasinations seem ta, make'up the majority of our news reports. As a result most people are very uncertain concerning the future. They do not know whom or what to trust. .Politicai scandals like Watergate have left many people with a bad taste in their mouth when it cames ta gavernment. The people are getting a littie suspicious of people in high places which certainly does flot make their jobs any easier. We really do expect a lot of aur leaders. Maybe that's the problem we expect toa much. I personally feel that most, if not all, the problems we face in Canada are "dawn home". They stem back ta the individual with his or her attitude, philosophy and standards. We have millions of peaple who expect our gover- nments ta salve inflation and unemployment without any effort an their part to* change their 111e style. Canadians and Amnericans as a rule want toa much, toa quickly and abave ail too easy. It is reaily up ta you and I to exercise a littie more moderation and consideration before we lash out at anyone else. We need to get down ta an appreciatian of the basies befare we emphasis the extras. Shouldn't we be cansidering ourselves fartunate to live in Canada? It is highly unfortunate that in the attempt to gather the extra money and possessions people in- variably neglert the weightier matters of 11e. That is why we have so many families breaking up across Canada in epidemic proportion. People naturaily neyer seem to be satisfied. They are chasing some elusive butterfly and they do not know what it is. Perhaps it would be different if people were more concerned with keeping f ood on the table then engineering an affair. Perhaps it would be different if people were more concerned with having enough to buy clothes then bigger and better homes and recreational equipment. Ail this is at the expense of their family. Perhaps it would be different if they were in a hospital bed, one leg amputated, lungs full of cancer and a limited amount of 111e left to live. >I say ail this tu bring you to the point of focusing your attention on the core of the probiem, selfishness. It is a popular myth that hatred is the opposite of love when in ail truth selishness is. Now selfishness may or may flot cause cancer. In Terry Fox's case selfishness definitely had nothing to do with it. But there is a cancer that runs deeper then any physîcai growth and it is called sin. That basic, common denominator among ail human beings that separates ail from God (Romans 3:23). Self ishness is its prime symptom. I am happy to tell you today that there is a cure and it is the only cure. Jesus Christ came to earth, died and rose again so that you and I would be set free fromn the power of sin and its horrible symptom selfishness. Like any naturai medication He can be accepted or rejected with given consequences. The consequences for rejecting Christ are eternal. The A-CItyDrvnf2 School Licore Tax Deductabmis STANDARD - AUTOMATIC 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE PICK-UP S12,00 PER FULLJ HOUR ý686-2224. THE WEED MAN WEED SPRAYING .FERTILIZING 1b CRAB GRASS SPRAYING PROVINCIALLY LICENSED INSEOT CONTROL THE WEED MAN .n emu n n Whltby 666-3187 . aaa....Ajax 683-9589 lbenefits start today. Second Peter 3:9 says "The Lord is flot slack con- cerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that ail should corne to repentan- ce."t IWE'RE AUTO BODY EXPERTSI " Complete Collision " Repairs & Painting " Frame Repairs *Free Estlmates *Cars done by Appointment Only "Net Y..r A veI.Bdy Shep" 324 Ash St.., Whitby 668-8522 Agatha Christie, F.W. mîon, Isaac Asimov, 5BOOKS BY YOUR FAVOURITE AUTHORS AT ½/PRICE!c TAE EVENMORE: * Tad yurpaperbacks *Free parking * Shop downtown - save gas t The Book Between 120 Dundas St. W. 1> Whltby, 666-2442 Robert Ludlum, Farley Mowat, Taylor Caldwell, JHE * )mr" "Mgik

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