WHITBY FEE PRESS. TUESDAY, JUNE 30,198 1, PAGE 15 Whitby Free Press X OUR DINING PLEASURE with Barry Murka r..... Y ou can, indeed, get a good meal for a good price Some people think that you must pay a high prîce for a good meal and this is at all in Diners in not the case this area. the area of Readler upset with reviews CONT'D FROM PG. 4 Gate, etc. (oh, Hat- ch House too). 1 thlnk that fair- ness Is ln order. All eating establish- ments ln our great town should be vlslted and ex- plored. That remîn- ds me, ever trled the "Explorer"? Great for lunch. I hope you are flot blased to your usually three men- tloned restaurants. I will be looking forward wlth great anticipation and anxlety to your next "'Yo ur Di1nl1n g Pleasure" column, hoplng to spot a new name, and for you to give the readers an honest write-up of such place. Oh! That means you wIllI have to visit It and sample their ware. Do you follow this procedure wlth your three favourîte spots? Feel f ree to print thîs lament. A thorough reader, R. Stlmmlng, 126 Raglan St., Whltby. w Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Oshawa have a wide choice of restaurants and fortunately, off fine quality food. We have restaurants that by their decor and food, lend themselves to elegance and sophistication. At these establishments the diners get the royal treatment with regard to service. 11e has a choice from a large wine list, various prime cuts of beef from which he can select his favour- ite. The larger and bet- ter eating places also have an interesting sea food list as well as a wide choice of the so- called exotic desserts. Naturally you exppect to pay well for all this, and probably because of the pocket book, inany reserve such dining spots for special oc- casions. There are many steak houses and restaurants that do not necessarily specialize, but carry some of alI the regular eating fares. Here you can get a good steak, ~1 ~ - w~; \ Ji* i mp *1 i New T. presented Linnette Richardson, Head Nurse of the children's ward of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital in Whitby, took tirne out from her duties last week to supervise the installation of a colour T.V. set donated by the Durham Regional Police Force Ladies Auxiliary to the children's ward. Diane Allen and Marlene Hall were on hand to present the television on behaîf of the Association, who have donated items to different children's wards in hospitals throughout the region. Ken Quan of Quan T.V. and Appliances was there to help make sure everything was in working order. prime ribs of roast beef or a sea food plate and the prices will be in line. When times get a little hard, and you have. .to take the family out on a very rnodest budget, you can find any num- ber of eating places that specialize in quick ser- vice, nothing too fancy in the way of decor, but Special exec meet ing called Councillor Joe Drumm, chairman of the mayor's task force on the disabled has called a special meeting of the force's executive cornmittee on Thursday. The meeting will be held at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, at 7:30 p. m. The executive comrnittee is composed of the chairmen of the task force's various committees and their advisors. The purpose of meeting, Drumm said is "to sort out some of the problems that we've been having." Dining Guide Le CHALET DINING ROOM, 100 Dundas Street, Whitby 668-4377 Long a favourite eating spot for people in Durham Region, Le Chalet specializes in Seafood, Steaks and Roast Beef. They feature a businessmen's luncheon from $3.00 and up. Dinner for two is from $15.00 and up. A salad bar is included with full course meals. AlI major credit cards are accepted. THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby, 668-7021. A favourite eating spot- for Chinese food loyers. A large selec- tion of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.50 and up for lunch, and $3.45 and up for dinner. Open from il arn. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open till 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. ADVERTISEMENT offered at prices that won't make you wince. Occasionally some people get an appetite for one of the special- dishes from another country. It may be Chinese, Italian, Greek, Indian or some other dish, not considered to corne under the meat and potatoes list. There are a few who think that to get the best in a meal, you have to visit a large city, but during the past few years, a numnber of very fine restaurants ranging from the classy to the regular, have sprung up in Durham Region. We are lucky in that there is something for every taste and at every price level. Il 21 g.. O AE S, JX HOPNGP. Z STEAK HOUSE& TAVERN 110ODUNDAS STREET WEST 668-4377 SUN DAY AND MON DAY SPECIALS PRIME RIB AU JUS or ROCK CORNISH HEN Incudes salad bar, choice of potato and vegetable of the day. $7n95 Wednesday is Ladies Night SURF & TURF 113w95 or PEPPER STEAK PRESIDENT Incudes salad bar and choice of potato. $9Z95 Dinn.er selections for two! SVEAL CUTLET TOSSED SA LAD GAR LIC BREAD FAZIO'S ANTIPASTO COFFEE EACH SPUMONI I0E CREAM I2. BREADED FILET 0F SOLE ROAN SA LAD GARLIC BREAD$95 C/ ORDER 0F LASAGNA $9 COFF E E EACH TARTUFO ICE CREAM 3.- CH ICK EN A LLA CACCIATOR E GARLIC BREAD PROSCIUTTO EMELONE$85 CHOICE OF PASTR lES JAC LARGE PIZZA (12 SI 1ce) YOUR CHOICE 0F 7 ITEMS $7.29 LUNCHEON SPECIALS! Sundoy to Friday PIFA * 4slice 4 items *22 LASANGA . a a " @ " 325 33 Simcoe South Reservations 5713042