P>AGE 0. Wl lI)NI ýSI) \' J ItN Il' I. 1)81 \VIIl T13Y [Rit PRI SS Sewers needed residenttelc rel "We need sewers." That was the battle-cry of residents of Brooklin as they came out to sup- port a proposai to develop their village. The residents, who filled the public gallery at iast week's meeting of Durham Regional Council, spoke ini favor of a proposai by First 0-1 of VUSA Ne Spanlsh Onlons..9 City Developments Cor- poration Ltd. to tuirn the hamiet of 1,600 people into a town of 10,500 people over a ten year period. They came to support the proposal because the developer has promnised to pay the $8 million bill to extend trunk water supply and sewer services not only to the development en- velope surrounding the village but to the lot lines of existing homes and businesses. Brookhin resident Jim Whitting told regional council that "there has been no development in Brooklin for 2 years. " "The reason is that there are no water and sewer services," he ad- ded. Whitting, a resident of the village since 1959, said that an offer like First City's may neyer be made again if the proposal was turned down. He added that the water and sewer ser- vices promised by the developer are needed to eliminate many of the problems that residents are experiencing with the present well water and septic tank system. "Brooklin will neyer again get the oppor- tunity to get these problems solved at no cost to the Region of Durham or the Town of Whitby," Whitting said. He called on regional council to "put an end to this dilemma once and for al. " Under questioning fromn councillors, Whit- ting said that the majority of people, he f eit, were in favor of First City's proposal. I e KraftCanadian Kraftéheese food 612500gp Miracle WKrapt pro4aC of USA No 1 Lettuce ......... 59. p. Freezer Beef Canada Grade A Steer Beef store cut & wraODed HIND QUARTERS . a 2.05 lb. SIDES ........... .751lb. CHUCK......... 1.59 lb. cut from Canada grade "A" beef filf sice 2 3 round steak****#***#* lb.2 3 cut from Canada grade "A" beef bone in rump roastoo..o.......Ib. 2.58 500 mnL cont. Quikki iwhen ar bar wap 95 g size3 garbae bausi' t.59 iliSpring 3 b.throom tîsue Kkeera 1 plv .4.te 1 à paper towels r' toe 4:clýÃfer 4' cotam.r & conitioner r 150mL cent. Bayer 1. 29 At j- NLof48 1.49 1.99 1.89 .89 DeliverN at Nomuinal Charge Maple Lea chIkeffl, PCk 175g pkg. _ Poâssauage b 1.58 porknlets Schnridrn 250 g pkt. f r.h dkrde meat pies 1.10 pork liver cottagetous [b.. MapleLcaf 5M0S0 g &. golden (Tv asuae 1.68 1.58 -f lb. .38 binrhms ro.2.38 Le ersr16 1.5 skinless wîeners 15 cooked ham' 18 _______________________ i I Values cdfectiî.-Li tl onI,.mf .,g j,, .Js.ic op IPeople IPop 20, 1981 . V sr. s. r\s. îht!rîiît t. 11111 quantitÃŽw%. '.upg..îcJ d s~s 1I~>.î,nî Irsktvr% (-'o. I id CASE 0F 1230 oz BOTTLES $499 & dep. CASE 0F 24-10 oz. BOUTLES $4.49 & dep. ASSORTED FLAVORS cheez whiz 500 mL bdl. Kraft burger sauce Veveta ese 2.39 Kraftgralrd i5otc,...Lb parmesan cheese Id.J-7 mabcarona & chreese22 Kraft dinner z t.43 500 mi. bouleI Kra .wrtd Cai.W' 'e salad dressing 13 1French's im asaorted 375 Rose relisli McLarensi We..îon Weine hamburgei 750 mL bd. Mazola corn oit e8 fi. oz.fi Del Monte pineapplejuice...... Vaat24 oz. tin 21 iced tea 21 4 m. packate moried .asry C- kIler 1-09....Ad Sunpac lernonade *.49 F-1). Sid. aPPie Ofr r.. pie filling 11 2.19 -1.29 miUstard mL jar .59 .69 ýrrois~ 1.49 *99 MI'mmoieord imna1.59 drink syrup 15~ Cornflakes p1.1 cee-c"k'O '4.39 Savarin T.V. dinners 1.29 BROWN' S F OODMA STER BROOKLIN 655m4521 8:30 arn to 6 pm Except Thurs. & Fi. Nights til 9 pm Other residents making deputations to council mostly echoed the concerns raised by Whitting. Bill Manning, another village resident and former chief ad- ministrative officer of the former County of Ontario, said that there was flot enough water in the hamilet to provide adequate fire protec- tion. "It is the only system that has not been upgraded since the in- ception of the region," he said. Manning also claimed that the effluent from the present septic tank system has reached the point where the soul is saturated. This ef fluent is making its way into the Lynde Creek causing many pollution problemns. The present size of residentiai lots in the harnlet is not adequate to support the septic tank system, he added. If the present situation continues, Manning said that there is "no hope to satisfac- torily correct these problems."1 Not only is the development needed for the water and sewer services that will be provided but because the village needs a bost in its economic arm. "Every time you have no growth, you have stagnation," Manning said. The long-time resident also warned council that if First City did not instail the water and sewer services, then Durham will have to do it and then pay for it themselves. "You're going to have to put the services in at some point in the future."1 Mike Kalynko, president to the Brooklin Business Association, told council that many businesses have Ieft the village because there has been no growth to support them. " The idea of free en- terprise has been sup- pressed in Brooklin," he said because the lack of water and sewer facilities has either Ploseqd exist i ng 9 recorded vote. Fitness: Whot it does for your body if does for your j11 mind. aaPJ @Mbaw IV*. produce of U.S.A. K(eg "iJ"Y Canada nlo. i He*n tomaioesWketchupL bo1319 1