PAG E 10. ENSD .J N 10 >I lII3 FREF PRESS 11,707 unemployed 0i Durham Région for May Thie number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Em- ployment Centrýs in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of May totalled 11,707, consisting of 5,721 female and 5,986 male clients. This figure in- cludes 1,702 students. Placements in the three offices totalled 624 for the month, which compares to a total of 653 placements during April. The majority of clients were registered in clerical and related IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENTI 1. CAli the Police. (Don't admit iability; let the police decide). 2. 'Cail your Insurance agent. <Expiain the problemn.) 3. CaUl Home. (Youli1 be at ieast one hour late.) 4. CCIUl OSHAWA CAR CARE LTD. (Ifs your choice where your car is repaired.) We have the most Up to date equipment ta repair any car on the road today. We guarantee satisfaction. NEW CAR RENTAIS oaly $5 .<> per day - no mileage. 660 Drake St. Ohawa occupations; material handling and related; product fabricating, assembling and repairing. During May, the greatest employment opportunities existed in manufacturing in primary metals and transportation equip- ment, construction, and accommodation and f ood services. In May, there were 64 agreements signed un- der the Canada Man- power Industrial Training Prograrna. As a resuit, 79 people will benefit f rom both training and em- ployment in the Region of Durham. 0f this number, 19 were women enrolled in non- traditional occupations. At the end of May, there were 109 stuadents in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 33 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. __ il I~-t Poo,; -f Whitby meets Bloemendlaal Mayor Weekhout of Bloemendaal, the Netherlands, is seen here presenting a copy of " Holland in Close-up" m INVITATIONS to the Town of Whitby's Victor Veninga during the latter's, recent visit there. Veninga went to Bloemendaal to present that community with somne momentos from Whitby after the Dutch town sent some 1,000 tulip bulbs here. The bulbs were sent as an expression of thanks for the World War Two liberation of Holland by Canadian troops in 1945. This photograph was taken by the local newspaper and ap- propriate credit would be given if we knew that publication's naine. Veninga accepted the daal's council and then presented it to Whitby Town Council at its meeting last week. Councillor Joe Bugelli (West Ward), chairman of the parks and recreation departinent, told council that the tulips are now blooming beautifully. Conunity directory iworks This faîl should bring about the release of a sperial Community Service Directory for Whitby, Ajax Pickering and su rrou ndin g areas. their rural voneer on solldi wood bedroom suite, solld Dresser, chesi, 2 night tables, headboard, The Whitby Jaycees, in co-operation with the three municipalities will produce a directory con- tiiginformation conicerning service clubs, health, organizations and spor- ts associations in the area. The directory is due to be released October 1, 1981. Any groups wishing to be included in the direc- tory should contact the Ajax Public Library ,(683-6911), the Pickering Public Library (284-0623) or the Ajax-Pickering Social Planning Council (683- 2351). Whitby groups should contact Dawn Hambling at the Whitby Public Library at 668-6531. Jim Bradfield, the project chairman, requests that any in- terested groups should contact the above num- bers by July 31 and allowý at least two mon- ths to design, print and collate the information. Festival Singers Oshaw a concert On Sunday, June 14, the Oshawa Festival Singers will present a musical hour on the grounds of Parkwood, commencing at 2 p.m. Pianist Kimn Cornelius wiIl be performing from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. on that day. Ail are welcome. Limited seating' only, bring your own lawn chair. 1