bac k at the press Scott Fenneli, the MP for Ontario Riding is seen here throwing the bail at an unfortunate newspaper reporter (not from this publication) sitting in the Whit- by Jaycees'dunking booth at last Saturday's Choo Chili Cook-off . The cook-off - held at the Iroquois Park - did not get the expected audience due to the poor weather but officiais from the radio station were confident that they would raise a good deal of money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Canada. Oh, by the way, Fennell did not hit the target. - Free Press Staff Photo. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1981, PAGE 7 Then you may attend the fashion show at no ad- ditional cost. Summer fashions fromn the Brooklin Village Shoppe will be featured. Ail proceeds fromn this event go to Cystic Fibrosis. Please corne and bring a friend. L 8Susan Smnith 655-4737 IS Brown's Foodmaster -1'S (before noon Saturday) NEWS ON TIIE FAIR This Tht.' jday marks the beginning of the Brooklin Spring Fair with the Miss Brooklin Pageant as the first event. The festivities to be held June 4 at 7:30 p.m., wil feature the contestants in modelling, speaking and talent portions. Tickets which are $2 are available at the door. (Children under 12 accompanied by an aduit will be admitted free of charge.) 1ST BROOKLIN BOY SCOUTS A pancake breakfast will be held again at the Spring Fair on Sunday from 8 to 1: 30 a. m. There wili be pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice. MEADOWCREST ADVISORY COMMITTEE The playground fund draw was a resounding suc- cess grossing $675! Our sincere thanks are exten- ded to ail those who worked to make it happen and to those who supported their efforts by purchasing tickets. Congratulations to the first prize winner E. Petroff of Milton, Ontario, the second prize winner Mrs. A. Migus of Oshawa, Ontario, and the third prize winner John Carnochan of Brooklin, Ontario. We would aiso like to thank Mrs. B. Koch and Mr. R. Neale for their timely presentations which those parents in attendance found most interesting. FASHION AMONG THE FLOWERS On Wednesday, June 10 at 2 p.m. the Brooklin and District Kinette Club is hosting a fashion show at Culien Gardens. Regular admission to the grounds entitles you to wander the gardens and miniature village at your leisure. Ambulance During the week that ended at midnight fast Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service respon- ded to 91 calis for service. According to co-owner Derek Pearce, the service responded to 38 routine calîs and to 38 standby calîs for other ambulance services in Ajax and Oshawa. The service also responded to 15 emnergency cails, ineluding one motor vehicle accident. DAY CAMP DAY CAMP CAMP TRAFALGAR Asummer day camp experience for boys and girls of grade school age. The camp wilI be heid et: Trafalgar Castie School (formerly Ontario Ladies'Coliege) 401 Reynolds Street. Whltby. Ontario LUN 3W9 M SUMNER DAY CAMP 1981 The Camp wlll operate for the month of JuIy ln two - ton day sessions, Mondays ta Frldays tram 8:30 ta 3:30. Our Camp wIi make use of the excellent facililties and spaclous grounds of Trafalgar Castie Schooi. An exciting fun f iied programme has been planned ta keep every chlld ln- terested, active and happy. There is a varlety of actîvities ln whlch your child wili be lnvolved. Ail actIvities are fuily super. vised by quallfiled and competent staff. PROGIRAMME: - swimming in an indoor pool - gymnasium - floor hockey - library programme with Public Library - trampoline - arts & craîts - music and camp songs - nature hikes - cook.outs - individuai interest centres - organised outdoor sports - trips to centres of interest - badminton and tennis - clay modeliing - theme days - croquet - movies LUNCH: Each camper is to bring his own picnlc lunch. A mld-morning snack and milk at lunch are pro- vlded for ail children by the camp. CLOTHING: Campers should wear comfortable play clothes and running shoes. Also, a bathing suit and towel will be needed each day. It is suggested that aIl personal beiongings have a name tag, and that each camper have a tote bag or knap sack for aIl belongings. FEES: The fees cover each two week period of atten- dance. - one child: $60.00 - two or more children in the same famnily: $55.00 each (fees are tax deductible as child care for working parents). A deposit of ten dollars shouid accompany the application form. This amount is not relundable in case of canceilation. Ail cheques are to be made out to CAMP TRAFALGAR. The balance of aIl fees owing shouid be paid in fuît hy June 30, 1981. For additionai information or forms cali the number listed evening hours. extra application below during the 668-0367 - Mr. J. Shelson 1I U M 1- ---1 -I Detach and mail to: CAMP TRAFALGAR 401 Reynolds Street Whltby, Ontario LUN 3W9 Camper's name:______________ Address: City:. Code: -____ Camper's age on July 1:__________ Birthdate: __________Sex: ____ OHIP No. Family Name:______________ Home phone no.: ____________ ln emergency cati:_____________ Family doctor.______________ Fias camper had tetanus shot in past 2 yrs?- Does camper: flot swim___ float only swim over 25'-__ over 50' ___ What else should we know about your child? Indicate periods of attendance s,-' and'fee: Period A - July 6 - July 17 -___$_____ Period B - July 20 - JuIy 31 -___S_____ 1 hereby authorize CAMP TRAFALGAR to give such instruction on my behaif as you (CAMP TRAFALGAR) in your best judgment feel is ad- visabie for providing medical treatment and aid including admission to hospital, on behaîf of my child who is herein registered in CAMP TRA. FALGAR. My authorization shall aiso permit any person or hospital to provide such treatment to my child as may be advisable in the circum. stances, and this shall be sufficient authority for so doing. i declare that 1 have provided CAMP TRAFAL. GAR with ail the information concerning my child's health as might be required to provide for adequate care and medical treatment. Signature: Date: 218 HARWOOD AVE.S.AJXSOPN LZ 1 Fenneligets [OMMERIIIIL. P R 1 Il T 1 lini G