PAGE 20,WEDNESDAY,J UNE 3, 1981,WIIITBY FREE PRESS Free Press EmpIorium EmpoiumAds wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. ,y ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER, 5,000 BTUs, $150. Cmli i 6-36. Apr.1.81(B) TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER, $35. Cmii 985-3542. Apr.1 .81(H) CB. RADIO, Citizan 40 channel basa with preammp, SWR mter, 120 If. of basa co-ax and 58 wve antanna, $160. Cmi 668-7123. Apr.1 ,81 (M) 23 CHANNEL DIGITAL C.B. RADIO, $35. Cmii 579-2073. Apr.1 .81(T) CHESS COMPUTER $300. Pimys ai "110 Lvais' plus postal games. Cli 668-4670. Mar,2581(M) SHOPMATE ELECTRIC SABRE SAW, $12. Cmli 728-1348. Apr.29,81(R) ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNîCA, 25 volumes 0f 1904 edtion, asklng $65. Phone 655-4456. Mar.4,81(S) LIKE NEW - Scandia hydrolic rowing axerciser, $60. Cmii 688- 0748. Apr.15,81(M) CEILINO FAN $75. Large ELEC- TRIC GRILL $25. Cmli 723-0855. May 20,81 (M) ACORN OLYMPIC 2,000 FIREPLACE, heatiiator, glass doorsand flire grate, asking $450. For more Information cmli 728- 6892. Apr.22,81 (B) Swedish Steel ARCHED FIREPLACE SCREEN, 41½h" x 31' high, $70. Swadiah Steel REC- TANGULAR FIREPLACE SOREEN. 38" wide x 26" hlgh, $30. Cali 571-3471. Apr.22,81 (W) One OIL FURNACE, 2 molors. Asking $15. Cii 668-5448. Jun.3,81(F) BELL & HOWELL MOVIE -CAMERA, 1 yr. oid. Coat $379 - oi for $100. Mius acreen $20. Cmii 606-3995. Mar.18,81(R) BASS GUITAR, $125. Cmii 985- 3542. Apr.1 ,81(H) 55 Watts Par Channel TECHNICS RECEIVER, 5 mo. oid, $450 flrm. CalIi 66-3995. May 6,81 (R) OLO 78 RECORDS & Wind-Up Record Playar, $100. Cmii 683- 86M3. Apr.8,81 (S) DAVID BROWN 990 SELECT-A- MATîC, front end motor, diesel, 3 pt. hitch. $6,000 or beat of fer. Cii 985-9066alter 6 p.m. May ,81 (T) INDUSTRIAL STEEL SHELVINO. Cmii 985-3542. 14. Apr.1,81(H) NEW CLOSET SLIDING DOOR, film 82" x ô@9*. $15 Inciuding har- dware. Room-sizad CARPET $65. Cmii 668-7281 after 6:30 p.m. May 20,81 (Y) STEREO with stand, $100. Cli Sà TEROsli aiutcbie May 881 1 ___________i1IPLEASE READ I1flI1Ufl*nIà HOUSEHOLDI) 1 Q à FORESLE CASSETTE DECK, top iomd, taiefunken, coat $510, sali $275. Cmii 86663995. May 6.81(R) 21" BLACK à WHITE TV, fioor modal, $25. Cmii 666-3995. Mar.18,81(R) 24" BLACK & WHITE CONSOLE TV, $50. Cmal 576-2366. Apr.29,81(L) 2011 AGS COLOR PORTABLE, ex- cellent condition, $250 or beat of- fer. Cmlii666-3995. May 6,81(R) 18 Aasorted TV AND RADIO TUBES, $1 each. Cmii 579-2073. Apr. 181(T) TRACTOR, Ford 8N, good con- dition, 3 pt. htch, new paint. Aaking $1,695. Cmii 655-4995. Apr.29 81 (K) BEATTY AUTOMATIC IRONER When the dverised item Is sold, dlsposed of, or unavaliable for whatevar reason, the item wiii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be chrgad based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrmied beiow, regardiesa If prîce la stated wlth 'beat offer". If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the md will be run for 3 NONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiii apply. Al dvetsements must be piced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aI leasi one month If not sold. 5% ai advertîued price up tf0S$400 RATES (if article lu uold): 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertîmed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00*(InInlmum charge ls $3.00) Privale dvertlsing onlyf Please noflfy the Whltby Free Press immediateiy when item ls sold s50f hai wa may delefe if from the ioliowlng issues. Ail ads nof fltfing fthe Emporium guldelines wiii be treated and chargad par week as regular cisslfled ads on a pra-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothlng, reami state, and personai message type ds, or ds nof quoiing pnîca or quantlty. Prîvate cissified ds mmy appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headîngs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whltby, LiN SS1 If ln doubt clli: 668-611il OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whifby, Ont. i $75. WHITE FRIGIDAIRE hemvy _______________________ duty 4 burnar stova $60. HAND f.~ U 0 D IE ~ ~ U O 0 IE MOWER $10. BLACK & DECKER 'N.1REPAIRIPARTS > REPAIRPARTSI 7%"' SKîLL SAW $25. Two L ALUMINUM COMBINATION CAP FOR A HALF TON FORD FACTORY CAR RADIOS. DOORS, $15 aach. Al n good PICK-UP TRUCK. 2 yaars oid with 1965/1966 Valiant & Dmrt, $30. condit ion. Cmlii668-2800. front & sida aiiding windows and 19681969 Dodge Pymouth, $35. May 13,81(P) roof vent. WiiI fit ny Ford pick- Calii 655-3266. ______up. Paid $1,350, aeil $850. Cmii Apr.1,81(A) A UTOMOBILES 78670 May 1381(S) SET 0F 4 SUPERIOR RIMS, neyer FORRSA SALE TUKCP(xlrr.sllg used, aitichrome, 15". $250 flrm. 1967 CADILLAC, 4 door. naw windows, roof vent, Iuggaga rack, Apr.8,81(S) - - -11-.:-- -. -6- - . insuiated. Asking $375. Cmii 655- paint, radial tires, power steerung. 85 power brakes, power windows, 8052.8(C power semis, certifled. Asking Jn,îC $1,800 orbost offer. Caii 655-8052. LCRN I ITO fo'7 Jun.3,81(C) VELECTdÀ*ROIC ".;IGNITONfor 75M 1973 MAVERICK, 6 cyl., utomatic, 62,000 mi., needs some body work. Asking $700 as la. Cmii 668-8675 aftar 6:30 p.m. Apr.29,81 (V) 1973 MAZDA 808 STATION WAGON, 4 door, standard tran- smission, needu work. As se, $300. Cmii 6 68-0483. Apr.8,81 (S) 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK, body la ln fair condition and angine neada some work, red wif h tan Interior, 47,000 mi. (original). Serlous cailers - $450 - 723-2487. Apr.1 ,81 (W) GOOD SECOND CAR - 1975 Ford LTD, body and angine ara In good shape, mmny new parts on If, brmnd new radiai tires, $1,400 certif lad or cioseat offer. Caîl batween 9 & 2 weekdays or anytime on waekan- da 576-5447. Apr.15,81(N) 1975 MONTE CARLO, 350 auto., power steering, power brakes, air, original paint, radiais & snowa, certlfied. Asking $2,500. Cail 797- 2702. May 27,81(T) 1976 DATSUN 710, 4 spead, 75,000 mi., two new tires and snows, car- f ified, $2,300. Cii 668-6471 miter 5 p.m. Apr.22,81 (M) 1976 GRAN FURY BROUGHAM, excellent condition, PIS, PIB, PNW and trunk. Cruisa control, air cond., tilt sfening wheei, AM/FM atareo, vinyl roof and Mchelins. Body wms reconditioned and pain- ted Iaf yemr, no ruof, color siivorlred. Engina was overhauied 2 yru. &go, Inferior rad broquaf. Luxury package. Serlous caliers, $2.700 or basf ocifer, 723-2487. Apr.1,81(W) 1976 MERCURY STATION WAGON, naw tires, AMIFM, 8 trmck, power door locks, air con- difioned, fralier hifch, air shocks, roof rack, certif ied. Asking $2995. Calil 655-8052. J un. 3,81(C) Mar.18,81(R) AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY SER- VICE MANUALS. Chevroiet 1955, 1961,1978, $10 aach. Buick 1957, 1958, $10 each. Pontiso 1949 thru 1954, $15. Toyota Saucea 1971 thru 1974 $12. Dodge Colt & Plymouth Cricket, 1971 thru 1973, $10. Dodge, ail 1970, $10. Dodge/PLY- MOUTHChrysîer 1977, 1978, $12. Cmii 655-3266. Apr.1,81(A) 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS SEDAN PARTS. Wlndshiaids, front end, grill, fenders, rad, air condltloning unit, etc. $200. Cmli 655-3006. Jun.3,81(R) 351 CLEVELAND- NOTOR, com- plaie, from 1974 Ford. $150. Auiomatic transmission for same $80. Caii 655-3006. Jun.3,81(R) FORD 390 MOTOR & rebulit tran- smission. Motor neada 011 pump. $30. Cail 686-2708. Apr.29,8 1(C) 1974 GRAND TORINO PARTS, air conditionlng rad & unit, rad, rear end windows, etc. Asking $125. Cali l855-3006. May 13,81(R) Two SNOW TIRES, E-78-14, on Ford rima,e5tl. Cmii 666-3958. Apr.8,81 (C) Ifs a Mlov World! ling U* RPAIR/P TI And we are here ta serve its 1 moving population. If yau have 350 CHEV iSMii BLOCK. 4 boit main, just moved finc a new home, 11.5-1 TRW pistons, cam, 202, oeil the Welcome Wagon hast. heads. more. Bis to prove. Brand ess. naw. $1.000 or bast aller.Cmili 683-6487. PHO0N E 68988 or 579-7521 Mar 18,81(J) USED TRUCK CAP. fils regular 8' box, any make truck. Very good condition, Cmii Ted mi 683-5358. ~ ~ j'n Jun.3,81(V) 0ENE E!BS BABY ITEMS FOR SALE - CrIb & Mattreas $25, Mash Pimypen $20, Swing-O-Mmtic $12, Car Seat $15, High Chair $5, Bath Change Table $40, two Bottie Starilizers $7 each, Gandron Stroiler with detachabie boot & windbreaker $40. Cmii 666l- 1419. Mar.25,81(T) CHANGE TABLE $30. Wmiker $15. Two ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW Car Bed $10. Frea-standing JoIiy TIRES mounted on two AMC raiiy Jumper $15. Carniage $40. Swing wheeis, $110 or best offer. Two and Silde $40. Caii after 5 p.m. DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raised - 60127. white letters) Firestone 721 steel Apr.22,81(D» beited tires mountad on AMC raiiy wheeîs, $160 or basf offer. Two HIGH CHAIR. $10. Cati 666-3428. GROO-14 FIRESTONE 88 RADIAL Mar.4,81 (S) TIRES (raised white letters) steel beited mounted on two Keystona Two sets of SWINGS for chlidren, Ciassic Mags, $225 or best offer. excellent condition. One cost Witt fit mail Chrysiers. Alil six $129 - seii for $50. Other cosi $39 - tires wiii seil for $450 or basf offer. sael for $17. Cali 666-3995. Please catii6-61888 between 2 Mar.18,81(R) p.m. and 10 p.m. Al tires Ilke new. _____________ Apr.22,81(D) £BOATS & CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE ~ -5 SUPPLIES 16 naw TRW Lifters for big block, $70. New Ciutch Drive Unit Wth ALUMINUM 12' BOAT $400. Calii Fan $70. One New Exhaust Pipe 723-0855. (replaces convartar) for V8 May 20,81(M) LaBaron, Cordoba, Dipiomat, $45. One new Gas Tank Fiiier Neck 15' SKI BOAT and Evinruda motor, (raguier gas) for 2-door LeBaron, radio, ski tripod, ciean and sharp. Cordoba, Dipiomat $18. One New $2,195. Phone 668-3653. Door SkIn for 67-69 Baracuda, May 6,81(C) passenger aide, $45. One new 7 Biada Steel Fan $18. Two new 5 H.P. CHRYSLER OUTBOARD Uniroyati ce Radiais, size MOTOR with 5 gai. gas tank. In P205/75R15, $140 for pair. Four good condition. Asking $275. Calii naw Michelin ZX Radiais, siza 655-4245. 165170SR13, $240 for set. Four May 20,81(L) new Raiiy Whaais for Omni & Horizon, $80. Four usad Aungar 1948 MERCURY OUTBOARD Hot WIre Aiuminum Mag Whaais, MOTOR. 71h, $100. 327 MOTOR 15" x 7", $150. One usad 340 AVS $200. Cati 723-085. Iniaka Manifold $60. Two usad May 20,81(M) 3401383 AVS Carburators, $30 aach. One usad69 Baracuda Nosa One 4 H.P. EVINRUDE, Yacht Place $20. One naw set of RAC Twin, outboard motor, like new, Guagas (oil, water, amp) $25. One $375. Cali 668-0808. usad Radio for Honda wlth Jun.3,81(S) speaker and antenne $30. Cmlii ______________ 655-3266. N E BABY EEDS BOYS' 3 PC. POWDER BLUE SUIT, wom once, siza 14. AskIng $60. Assortad girls'BABY CLOTHES & May 6,81(G) HAND KNITS, nawborn f0 2 yrs., _____________ Change Table $40 for ail or willi sait BOYS' 3-PC. SUIT, $10. Wîîî go saparmie. Caii 668-2184. iess. BOYS' SHIRTS (approx. 6) Apr.22,81(B3) îrom 754 tb $1. BOYS' SWEATERS BABY AFGHAN, crib aiza, soft greenlwhita/yeiiow mixture, hand crochetted, $20. Caii 668-6563. Apr.22,81(M) BABY CARRIAGE, Gendron, con- verts to stroiler & car bad. Burgundy fmbrIc with white ln- terior. 11" apoked wheeîs, ex- cellent condition. Asking $65. Cmlii 868-1060. May 27,81(E) BABY CARRIAGE, like new, goas mbt strotier, lîghi blue. Asklng $45. Cmii 668-0277. May 27,81 (A) TODDLER ROCKER, $8. Cmii668 6144. STROLLER. sking SIO. Cmii 68& 6144. Apr.15,81(R) (approx. 8) from $3 to $5. Size 14. Ail remsonmbiy priced. Cmii 728- 2578. Mar.1 8,81(W) Three LADIES' COATS, aize 12, 1 leather $30 2 fuil-iength $25 emch. Cmii 668&3428. Mar.4,81(S) DESIGNER WEDDING DRESS, size 1314, pearis and sequins, iots of face. Asking $20. Cmli anytime 688-3839. May 20,81(S) ~OUEOLD ENGLISH BED-SETTEE, sleeps two, wooden tramnes and armrests, black & gray, two matching ar- mchal rs, $280.Cal 66&-1896. Mar.18,81(8) GOODS -66DSJ WATER BED, new, quean mat. OAS DRYtR $55. Good condition. treas, lier, heatar & ftrama, $170. Caii 579-9371. Cmii 1-281-0664. Jun.3,81(8) Apr.1 .81(K) Soiid Oak TELEPHONE BENCH, excellent condition, $35. Cmii 728- 1348. Apr.29,81(R) 3 DRAWER DRESSER, 50 yrs. oid, $45. 8 DRAWER DRESSER, llke new, ô DRAWER DRESSER, $85 for both. Cmali666-3995. May 6,81(R) ANTIQUE HUTCH à BUFFET plus 2 mtching aide chairs, excellent condition, refinished, 60 yrs. old, uoild oak, $475. Caii 666-3995. Mar.18,81(R) Apartment aize temk DINING ROOM SUITE (Engiish) $450. Temk veneer BO0K CASE $120. Teak finish AUDIO CABINET (low levai) $80. Or whoie lot for $60. Aitl n excellent condition. Cmii 668-2014. Apr.22,81 (P) Soiid Cherrywood EXTENSION DININQ TABLE to seat up to 12 people, like new. With 4 chairs sking $550. With 5 chairs asking $600. For Information cmii 728- 9732 batween 8 and 10 m.m. or af- ter 6 p.m. Mar.1 1,81(P) Soiid Pina with Oak DINING ROOM SUITE. Hutch buffet, 2 arm chairs, 2 aide chairs, spaclai lacquer finish on top. Tabla 6' long, ovai, two 1' leaves, medium brown stain. Aaking $2.800. Phone 723-9398. Mar.18,81(P) Blue Brocade CHAIR, $50. In good condition. Cali 576-2366. Apr.22,81 (L) Two Kroeier LIVING ROOM CHAIRS, tweed, beige and brown, good condition, $75 for pair. Square-type FLOOR FAN and window fan, $15 aach. Cmii655- 4245. May 20,81(L) CHESTERFIELD & Matching Chair, aimoat new, olive gray, beige & brown, asking $450. Cali 668-2999 or 725-2243. Apr.22,81(N) CHESTERFIELD & Bad, matching chair and rocking chair, $150. Cali 668-9771. May 13,81(Z) SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD wlth bar ln l, reversîbie fomm cushions, chocolate brown with goid, good condition. Asking $100. Cmii 668- 4208. Jun.3,81(K) Medium aized COUCH $35. Lîke new 54" MATTRESS $30 or basf off er. Cmli86663995. May 6,81(R) KITCHEN TABLE & 4 chairs. Asking $50. Cali 579-8608 affer 5 FREEZER (hot point),' stilI under warrmnty,r dition, 6 mo. oId, belge Cali 666-1368. 12 cubic In., perfect con- Scolor, $225. Mar.25,81 (B) STOVE $75. In good condition. Cmii 576-2366. Apr.22,81(L) GAS STOVE With Rotiasarie, 59" high x 30" wide, $20 or beut of fer. Cmii l723-2005. Mar.1 1,81(K) 30" VIKING STOVE, $75. Cmii 579- 7658 mter 6 p.m. Jun.3,81(P) Moifiaf t STOVE à FRIDGE (1 door), harveat goid, $400 for pair. Cmlii 668-0828. May 13,81(M) Slmpiicify RINGER WASHERâ, good condition, $90. Cmii668-3885 eveni ngs. May 6,81 (M) Apartment slzed SPIN WASHER & SEPARATE DRYER. excellant condition, $125 aach. Cmli 666- 1368. Mar.25,81(B) Kenmore WASHER, apmrtmenf size, asking $100. Lady Kenmore DRYER, apartment siza, heavy duty, aaking $125. Cmli 868-0420. May 27,81(F) Viking AUTOMATIC WASHER à DRYER, working condition, $50 each or $75 for the pair. Cmii 655- 8062. 1975 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE, TM125. Asklng $325 or basf 0f fer. Cmii 655-4732. Jun.3,81(G) 1976 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT. immacuima condition, 10,000 hwy. mi., original owner, engines per- fect and reguîariy serviced, orange mataiiic and blmck, crash bar mnd back restlcarriar mnd cruise con- trot, new chain and Michelin rear tira, '80 plates. Serlous omiiers, $1650. Caii 723-2487. Apr.1 .81(W)l 1978 VAMAHA, 125, OTE, low mileaga, A-i condition. Asking $1,000. Caii 668-3523 after 6 p.m. Apr.1,81(U.) 1980 GRANDE MOPED, hmrdiy used, $700. Phono 655-3470 before noon or m ter 6 p.m. May 8,81(G) MOTORCRO-4SS BIKE, haavy duty rima, knobby tiras, front shock ab- sorbera. Asking $55. Cmiimter 4 p.m. 668-5603 Jun.3.81(W) Large siim-iine OLIVETTI OFFICE ELECTRONîC CALCULATOR with tape. ln excellent condition. Coul $299, mail $45. Cmii 723-6731. Apr.8,81(B) Sears Ci.ebrity Power 12 ELEC- TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. oid. Pid $26, asking $200. Cail 7.3U 0855. May 27.81(M) IRý - -- 1 %- - -- - - - -- --- - - - qwqqlý THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.I JL 1 1 May 6,81(P) May 6,81(D) MINI-BIKE, 98 cc, automatic, no gears, $175. Caii 668-4934. Mar.25,81(L) SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10,000 original mi., $750. Caii 668-6972. Apr.15,81(M) SUZUKI 250 TRAIL BIKE $400. KAWASAKI 90 TRAIL BIKE $20. Caii l723-085. May 20,81 (M) 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380, A-1, extras, 9,000 mi. Asking $650. Cmii 688- 2776 afiar 5 p.m. May 27,81(L) 1975 5U0 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, Inciudes oils & heimets, $950 or nearasi 0f fer. Phone mter 6 p.m. 855-4431. Apr.8,81(G) p.m. May 13,81(S) Two Smaii TABLES, $35. Cmii 683 6M3. Apr.8,81 (S) Horizon blua with baby blue qulited BEDSPREAD for 54" bed with matchlng drapas, 110" wida x 84", $75. Champagne colon SHEERS, 6 mo. old, 4 panais, $65 or basf offar. Cali 666-3995. May 8,81(R) 20"1 FLOOR FAN, good condition, $17. Westbend Tafion Coted CORN POPPER end cord, new condition, $15. Caii 728-1348. Apr.29,81 (R) Four TABLE LAMPB, $5 each. Thrae-cushion CHESTERFIELD, $99, goid color. BED SOFA, $110. Two iivingroom square END TABLES, one lu $25,.0f hor la $45. Cali 68-900. May 27.81(K) Baycreat ELECTRIC DRYER, 5 yrs. old, $100. Culigan WATER SOF- TENER, iuiiy ufomatic. 5 yrs. oid, $200. Bof h in ;ood condit ion.Cmii 68-6710 &fier 7 p.m. May 13,81(S) ona Ganerai Ei.ctric DAYER, In good condition. Asking $100. Cmii 888-2800.