PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 3, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS Medications Awareness Program launched in Durham Mental HealLh/Dur- ham has received fun- ding from National Health and Welfare to develop educational materials on psychotropic medica- ions. The project, called Medications Awareness Plan, will develop an audio/visual package. The package will be used to educate mental health service ABOVE GROUND & N G ROUND POOLS (ai l sizes & shapes) spas available Also * Sales & Service * Chemicals COLUCC <10- & SON POOLS 221 Kendalwood Road, Whitby 723-2062 «E - . . KingngSt.W. ccc Kirng SWà users and service providers about medications used to control symptoms of emotional problems. Three students hired to complete the project will be compiling questions that people have about their medications. A slide/tape show will be developed to provide rAiable and consistent answers about psychotropic medica- tions. A pamphlet will be designed to assist consumers in asking their physicians or psychiatrist the proper questions about the medication being prescribed. In Septem- ber, a seminar will be held to promote dialogue among physicians, mental health service users and staff of various agencies serving persons with emnotional problems. The need for the project has been ap- parent for some time. Clients of community- based mental health services often have misconceptions about the medications they are taking. A common misunderstanding is, "I feel better now, 50 I can stop taking My medication. " If a client does stop taking medication abruptly, and without medical supervision, iL often leads to a re- occurrence of sym- ptoms and a returri Lo psychiatric hospital. Another misunderstan- ding that some people have about their * ANNOUNCEMENTS 7-A I/ ihtl* RECEPTION AD *INVITATIONS *THANK YOU CARDS 500,000 people will visit Whitby attractions this year CONT'D FROM PG. 6 is this development that holds the key to getting sanitary sewers to Elizabeth Cres. and I intend to continUe to work toward that end. It's called, keeping the promise. On June 3 Mayor Bob Attersley and counicil will be hosting an industrial seminar to promote Whitby and we are hopefu.l that from this serninar we will achieve positive resuits. This year we will establish a tourist information centre. When one considers that over haîf a million people will corne to just two of our attractions, one begins to realize that if only 10 per cent of these people shop in Whitby it would be a real boost to our downtown. I give full credit to Mayor Attersley for his leadership and hard work on these two endeavours. The C.B.C. plan of subdivision has been given the green light by counicil. The minimum frontage of 42' is a far cry from the 25' lot frontage first proposed by the developer. The planning committee and counicil will have learned it pays to hang tough. Councillor Bugelli's motion to give protection to new home buyers is presently being reviewed by staff. If you should have any input to offer, I suggest you contact your Councillors. That ail of us may benefit. 15erCONES PRICES 'I WMDUCE A NEW-FASHIONED TRET! This weelrond Swonsen's Or at this price, why flot try wmil ofler single cones for both? only 15. Choose bel ween flavors of our deliclous ice cream. Offer good only et Sweans' Ice Crsamn Partour I.G.A. Plaza, Pickering, Ont. mecucatiofl is mt Lthey have to take a pill for the rest of their life and will neyer be well again. The project will help people to understand under which conditions they may expect to remnain on a psychotropic medica- ion for an extended period. The executive direc- tor, Ron Coristine, and the program committee of Mental Health/Durhan1, deve- loped the concept for the project over the last three years. The project received support from the district health council, the national and provin- cial offices of, the Canadian Mental Health Association and the federal member of parliament for Oshawa, Ed Broadbent. "We are very ap- preciative of the in- terest shown in the project," says Ron Coristine, "Psychia- trists at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital and at the Oshawa General Hospital have offered to help us in the development of the idea for the projeet." It is hoped that the project will contribute to informed and proper use of psychotropic medications by con- sumners and help to prevent re-admission to a psychiatric hospital where mis-use of medication is a major factor in re-admission. The students hired to complete the project are Linda Juodvalkis and Mary Kikic who are studying Food and Drug Technology at Durham College and Norman Wagenaar, a student in Journalism at Humber College. The project runs from May Il to August 20. Any physicians, psychiatrists or mental health service users seeking more infor- mation, or wishing to assist ini some way, are invited to contact Ron Coristine at 728-9931. Classified ads THETOWN OFWHITBY PROUDLY PRESENTS THE 11lth AN NUAL "RECOGNITION 0F ACHIEVEMENT NIG HT"5 on June 26,1981 - 7:30 p.m. at Heydenshore Pavillon Anyone knowlng an individual or group who -may be worthy of recognition by the Town is cordiaily asked to forward any such names to the Parks & Recreation Department of the Town of Whltby on or bof ore June 5th. Our telephone number is 668-5803, ext. 32. 575 Rosstand Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8. AIRDC CLAN FOR A DUS T-FREE ENVIRONMENT A typical forced air systen Ail the areas shown in greyREDNTA are dust collection areas E I N IA AND COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM CLEANINO REDUCES CAfE DECORATING catil The Pro fessionals 360 KING STREET WEST. OSHAWA, ONT. LIJ MK 576m242 1 -1