WlIlTB'Y FREE PRE SSXXI DNISDAN Xl MAY 27l')81, I P'\15 Bug problem reaching epidemiec pro]portion in town 4, - - i -'I '/ Gord Shan non searches for scales By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Whitby's newer sub- divisions are facing an alarming and costly epidemic. According to Gord Shan- non, the owner of The Weed Man, lawns in these areas are infested with small ini- seets called scales that are Iiterally eating away the grass. Scales are pinky-beige colored and are slightly larger than the head of a pin and in Whitby they are reaching "epidemic propor- ions. " Shannon .said that there "really isn't that much known about them." This lack of knowledge in- cludes the breeding habits of the insect as well as their mode of transportation. "IWe don't know how they get on people's lawns. " The local merchant said that while research into the problem could be done a t the University of Guelph's agricultural college there is not enough money allocated to it. Shannon said that adding fertilizer to the lawn will only add to the problem because the more grass that is grown, the more the inseet will grow. The best method of getting rid of the insect is the insec- ticide diazinon, a chemical that is laid down and washed into the soil with water. However, Shannon is quick to point out that the in- secticide should be handled with care because "anything that will kill insects is poten- tialIly harmful to people." The problem is more prominent in the West Lyn- de, Pringle Creek and Otter Creek communites. The bugs have yet to be found in any of the older areas of town. Shannon said that this time of year is the best time to combat scales and that the treatrnent process takes about seven to 14 davs He also advises those people who may have the insects to have them treated by a professional. Shannon believes that there is not much difference in cost bet- ween doing it yourself of having a professional do it. Announcement The Ford Motor Company 0f Canada Limited and Les Mac Donald, President of MacDonald Ford Sales, are proud to announce the sale of the Oshawa Ford franchise to Mr. Duane Sawyer and his family... Duane Amy David Daniel Becky Sharon The New Name of the Company is.. ENTERPRISE FORD SALES LIMITED 815 King Street West Oshawa, Ontarlo 516-1800 mor- Wb,, 815 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 576-1800