PIAGE- 1'2, WW-'NESDAY. NI,\Y --', 1981 Wi 'îîVîiy 111:PRESS INVITATIONS Available from ComingEvets REUNION The Ajax High School will be holding its 25th Anniver- sary Reunion on June 6. The day program will be held at the school from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. and a dinner and dance will be held from 5:30 p.ni. to 1 a.m. For more information call the Ajax High School at 683-1610. DANCE The Whitby Ambulance Service will hold a dance at the Masonic Temple on May 30 beginning at 9 p.m. Tickets are $15 a couple and include a buffet. Tickets are limited and can be ob- tained by calling 668-3146. All proceeds will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Whitby County Town Carnival Parade To be held Saturday July 25, 1981 Parade Entry Form Name of Organization Address Name of Person to Contact Telephone Number Type of Entry (description) For further information call the Electricentre at 666- 2350. Return to: Jim Bradfield (Chairman) County Town Carnival Parade (Whitby Jaycees) 25 Goldring Dr. Whitby, Ontario SOAP BOX DERBY The Whitby Jaycees will be holding a soap-box derby on July 18 for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 16. The event will be held un- der the auspices of the Canadian Soap-Box Derby Association. Anyone interested in more details about the event is in- vited to call Ray Fox at 666- 1867 or write to the Jaycees in care of Box 62, Whitby, Ontario. HELP WANTED The Whitby Parks and Recreation Department is currently accepting ap- plications for student help to work in the canteens at Iroquois Park and Brooklin Memorial Arenas. Hours will vary Monday through Sunday. Ap- plication forms are available at either arena, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Iroquois Park Pool are also accepting applications for qualified Red Cross and Royal Life Saving Instruc- tors. Application forms are available at the pool, Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. TEA AND FASHION SHOW On Sunday, May 24, St. John's the Evangelist Catholic Women's League is holding a tea and fashion show in the Denis O'Connor High School Gymnasium. It will be from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m., all members with friends and guests are welcome. There will be adult and children's fashions. Clothes will be from Whit- by Mall Fashions, Elsa's Children's Things, shoes from Kameka, hair styles from Career School of Hair- dressing, make-up from Eaton's cosmeticians and BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 many other kind help and donations from merchants. There will be no tickets sold for this event, just a silent contribution. FUND RAISING The Brooklin-Whitby Branch of the Canadian Bible Society will hold a walk-a-thon, cyclathon and bowlathon on Saturday, May 30. The society hopes to raise $3,750 to purchase Bibles. For more information on participating call 668-6227, 668-8378 or 655-3606. DURHAM REGION FIELD NATURALISTS The Durham Region Field Naturalists would like to in- vite anyone who is in- terested in nature to join us on our "Ferns and Whip- poor-wills" walk on Satur- day, May 23 at 7 p.m. Meet at Miracle Mart on Hwy. 2 in Bowmanville. The leader will be Ester Allen, bring cameras and binoculars if you have them. For more information call Sheila Ruch at 668-2690. DURHAM REGION FIELD NATURALISTS On Thursday, May 28 at 6 p.m. Dave Ruch will lead a walk at Scott's Marsh to point out and identify the Birds of Scott's Marsh. Cameras, binoculars and boots would be helpful. Meet at the C.L.O.C.A. office (Cherney's Furniture) Dun- das St. E., Whitby. For further information call Dave Ruch 668-2690. FLEA MARKET The Ajax-Pickering- Whitby Association for the Mentally Retarded will be holding a flea market in the parking lot of the Harwood Secondary School, Ajax, on Saturday, June 13 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. In the event of rain, the event will be held in the gym. Rental space is available to local clubs, homeowners and non-profit organizations for a fee of $10. For more information call Monica Church at 668-9992. UCW LUNCHEON The United Church Women of St. Mark's United Church will hold their an- nual luncheon on Thursday, May 21 at 1 p.m. The guest speaker will be Len Cullen of Cullen Gar- IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENTI 1. Cali the Police. (Don't admit liability. let the police decide) 2. Cali your Insurance agent. (E xplain the problem 3. Call Home. t You'Il be at least one hour late ) 4. Call OSHAWA CAR CARE LTD. (It's your choice where jour car is repaired.) We have the most up to date equipment to repair any car on the road today. We guarantee satisfaction NEW CAR RENTALS ehw per day - no mileage 660 Drake St. Oshawa 576-1019 dens and Miniature Village. Tickets are $3.75 per per- son and available by calling Earlien McCracken at 668- 3961 or Carol Murkar at 668- 3057. Everyone welcome. OSTOMY MEETING The next meeting of the Oshawa and District Ostomy Association will be held on Wednesday, May 20 in Room 1002F of the Oshawa General Hospital at 7:45 p.m. For more information call 576-9516 or 728-1869. ART IN THE LIBRARY There will be a display of art works by Whitby artist Marlene Hilton in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library throughout the month of May. DANCE The Whitby Senior Citizen's Activity Centre will hold their monthly dance on May 23. For more information call the centre at 668-1424. COFFEE BREAK Coffee Break, "talks and entertainment for adults" will be held every Tuesday and Thursday morning in the Whitby Public Library's auditorium beginning at 10 a.m. May 19 and 21, a videotape and discussion on Portugal will be the program. Marguerite Kulik and Lee Hewitt of the Whitby Toast- mistress Club will be the guest speakers on May 26 and 28. For more information on the program call the library at 668-6541. OPEN HOUSE In honor of their 50th wed- ding anniversary on May 23, Lewis and Lillion Sherlock will be holding an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. that day at their home at 924 Mc- Cullogh Drive, Whitby. The family requests best wishes only. UCW BAZAAR The Audley United Church* Women will hold a bazaar, bake and white elephant sale on May 23 beginning at il a.m. at the church which is located on Taunton Road West, west of Durham Road 23. i 11